Why aren't you using Microsoft™ Windows™ 10 LTSB?


because it sucks
cute lolis though

because it hasn't been updated with the last two major Creators updates. It was my first choice though

But user, that's a good thing.

But user that's literally the point, you get all security and stability updates without fucking your computer up.

I used it but it couldn't run mgsv and other games so I reinstalled the botnet

Damn son I've got MGSV installed and runs fine.
What the fuck are you doing user.

more like wangblows 10 LGBT bacuse it's fucking gay
also any edition of w7 gives you less crap than even the most cleaned-up version of 10

Because I've embraced the botnet.

Because Windows 7 just werks.

MGSV and some other games would attempt to launch but immediately sync on steam instead of launching.

I bet my ass you didn't install all c++ redistributables.

Ubuntu I3 is way more comfier

I did niglet. I did every troubleshooting step I could find. Reinstalled Microsoft runtime whatever the fuck a million times as well as many other fixes.

Well if you'd say it didn't run Rainbow Six Rogue Spear that would be understandable, but you're saying fucking MGSV doesn't run. Something went terribly wrong that has nothing to do with Windows.
What other games didn't run?

Because I'm already using GNU™/Linux™.

Because it's shit.

Long Term Support Baby!

It's been months so I don't remember exactly. I just decided to live with the botnet. Maybe when I upgrade my 2013 hardware I'll try lgtbq+ again

give me wall onii-chan :c


I'm thinking here you installed 2015 instead of 2016, 2015 has incompatibility issues with video card drivers. Or maybe a test version, It's strange since LTSB is literally just Win10 without Metro apps and Cortana.
In any case, you can't escape the botnet anyway, not even with LTSB.

>playing Metal Gear Solid on the PC

Because it's ancient and ancient W10 means trouble. Security updates don't fix an operating system that is still on beta.

There's a pc port of 2 as well

Because I got godtier edu version.

I wonder what autistic discord group could be behind this post

Oh my god even more broken than LTSB.

Because I'm using plain enterprise and as satisfied with it as someone can be with Macroshift Wangblows

your really dumb


from work today, anyone wants it? It's latest Enterprise, Pro, Education iso from MSDN, I always have a usb drive with it in my pocket, always useful, I can make a torrent - you can google check md5 or sha1 and check it yourself, trying to be friendly and helpful as others been to me here.

Yeah nah.

It's good version, for me it's no loss just faster, better because it's enterprise and I can lock it down in 2 clicks and use group policies to disable what I would never use, one group policy disable equals you uninstalling, stopping or removing services and tweaking all the shit on your own which is good.

>it was meant to be expirienced at 720p 12fps

You can't uninstall Cortana user.

I currently have Windows 8.1 on my Thinkpad X220 but I've been thinking about reformatting and trying out Windows 10. Would you recommend Enterprise for a regular user who's trying to avoid all of the spyware shit?

Can be told to fuck off in one click, works fine on any windows 10 version as long as it is LSTB.. I've personally used LTSB for years since w10 release but since like 6 months ago I've moved to latest release of enterprise since I've realized only thing I'm missing is better windows 10 build and features which I could use as needed such as Linux subsystem which is on "release" with 1709.

I'll have you know my PS3 has 30fps, not 12!

embrace the botnet op

You can. I don't have it.

There's no point in that, you can download any ISO from Microsoft for free. What costs money is activation.

Thing is enterprise offers you a lot of control, If you're somewhat good with computers I wouldn't recommend less than enterprise, I've had a w10 pro laptop from work 2 days at home, configuring it was a mess.. and pro audience is computer enthusiasts, sys admins and so on - so it's pretty sad.

What I suggest is run "Windows Restricted Traffic Limited Functionality Baseline" from Microsoft article about how to shut down communication with w10 immediately after you install w10, then you can tweak back exactly what you want like w10 updates if you need them, or automatic driver updates if you need them.

Other tools that shut down privacy for windows 10 will do exactly the same steps except trough registry and other tweaks, what it doesn't do - it doesn't block all known telemetry / pure spying hosts, that you would have to do on your own after applying the patch, also find telemetry servers for office if you want it.

Btw you can easily use 365 installation then "crack" it by adding a VL key for 2016 in your pc. the 365 will work 100% find with all the 365 extra features on the 2016 license.

>you can download any ISO from Microsoft for free.
I used to get the 1709 enterprise VL that way by downloading latest insider preview iso but it got removed and now there is no way to obtain the legit iso for free - unless you have access to MSDN server + I think the version I got also has build .34 or maybe ever newer, doesn't matter as you can get the latest 300mb anytime and apply it which is build .62 or something.

I wouldn't even bother to install anything besides enterprise, made my argument in few posts already.

How is LTSB broken?

>In any case, you can't escape the botnet anyway, not even with LTSB.
>not even with LTSB
Any source for that?

I am, I gave in. Almost comfy with classic shell to fix the start menu. Wallpaper please

shhh It's not.

Go to the settings

Is it hacked though?

What should I see there?

Are there any downsides to using LTSB? I just want my Thinkpad to run as smoothly as possible without a bunch of junk running in the background or taking up disk space.

All i want, is a debloated windows 10 with a FUCKING DARK THEME that's all i want, being able to rice would be nice too but it's not friendly like that q.p

That you can only """reduce""" the amount of telemetry

Just switch to Windows 7
> m-muh DX12 games

Grow up and stop being a manchild.

I don't have telemetry service at all. I removed it from the image before installing the OS. Besides, after filtering out the service traffic like DNS, I don't see anything suspicious when watching the Wireshark (I'm mirroring the traffic to a different machine through my router). That's why I've asked about the source.

Dark theme is already a thing though but due to the simple fact that it's a platform that supports legacy components, it won't be a universal dark theme. Not until cshell and beyond.

LTSB and even Education are pretty bloat free but then again people think that having more than one language is bloat (even if you can uninstall), so to each their own I suppose.

Yes, in that you aren't on the typical upgrade path. So let's say they do add in a feature you absolutely want to use and love, you won't be using it until they release next LTSB. Oversimplified this example. You'll still be getting the important stuff though unless you tinker with that shit.

You could run into driver problems (unlikely), and you won't have landmark win10 features like the store which again is up to you, some devs have already brought their programs to the store (like musicbee) which makes it just so easy to keep shit updated, but others don't give a flying fuck. So I suppose not really a downside but more of a personal-preference situation.

All I use my computer for is:

- surfing the web (Firefox)
- downloading torrents
- watching movies (mpv)
- listening to music (foobar2000)
- music production (Ableton Live)
- image editing (GIMP, Photoshop and Lightroom)
- some video editing (Adobe Premiere)

I don't game and I don't give a shit about garbage like Cortana or whatever. I manage my software and drivers manually.

So I'm guessing LTSB is the version for me?

In that case yeah it'll suit your needs especially if you don't care about the cortana crap.

Linux/GNU, particularly KDE is simply more genius for power users. Windows is not flexible and can only reach a bit far if you tweak it with software until it breaks. Tbh default Windows is lacking, open-source will probably always be more flexible, customizable and suitable for power users. Windows' best expertise would be video games. Of course for end-users, Windows and Mac is very convenient and that's good. Linux/GNU is niche and suitable for some programmers, scientists and computer-interested people.

post wallpaper

>Linux/GNU is niche and suitable for some programmers, scientists and computer-interested people.
Programmers, scientists, and computer interested people just use mac.