What is the easiest and most comfy CS job...

what is the easiest and most comfy CS job? I heard sysadmins and front end developers spend most of their time on the internet watching youtube because there's nothing to do, how true is that?

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depends on how good you are and how shitty/not shitty your upper management is

>sysadmin is CS
>front end development is CS

having nothing to do at an office is even worse than having work since you're just stuck there

but do you not get to work on your own personal projects?

what would you consider a cs job, dipshit?

sysadmin alternates between "eternal boredom" and "earth is on fire". that is not comfy at all.

IT support at a small satellite campus of a college.

Or my job. But let me tell you, its very boring and I am actively looking for something to actually challenge me. There is no perfect job OP.

cant you just play something like runescape or shitpost on Sup Forums when there's nothing to do?


If you enjoy being called on 3am on Sunday because the server exploded and you have to drive 45 minutes to your company then it's the right job for you

Not if you work in an """"open plan"""" office

depends on your management


what about graphic design and front end developing then?

Front end dev here.

It's a great way to not get hired anywhere else.

Front end developer experience is not valued. If you apply to a position which uses the back end, they automatically think you're not smart enough.

Conversely, if you do back end development. They assume you're competent for front end too.

Cancerous fucking industry.

why would i want to apply for back end when im front end dev though

Oh I dunno, maybe any actual fucking field in computer science.

sysadmin and front end dev are trades

Because you want to expand your skill set you Pleb.

There are roles aka fullstack which pay better and involve both front and back end.

Apply to one with front end only? Get rejected.

Apply to one with back-end only?

Get hired because everyone has the notion back end is harder than front end.

oh shit
that's fucked up

i dont want to expand my skill set. I just want a comfy desk job with somewhat decent payment

sysadmins can very comfy, but also very stressful in emergencies.

It's not a CS degree job. Sysadmins are probably more often self-taught than any other higher end position in tech.

Once you start working you'll realize things.

My job is comfy, I barely do shit. I'm shitposting from work right now.

I also don't get paid enough and want to move on, but it's borderline the same as when I had no experience and was applying for the first time because I'm a "front end" dev.

malware analyst

If you're good at what you do then you should be have proper monitoring setup and remediation methods in place before things ever become a real problem.

That actually sounds nice to me. I love "everything is on fire" every now and then at my work. The excitement is life affirming and the learning experiences are great.
