>not a single non-ultrabook laptop is /fa/
Not a single non-ultrabook laptop is /fa/
>/fa/ atx cases are rarer than cute gamer girls
how thats horrible
fucking kill yourself
>not the X1 Carbon
My X220 is effay as fuck
carbon is an ultrabook lel
Will it make a good shitposting machine?
>implying thinkpads aren't effay
1600x900 lultrabook
>thinkpad x270 is not /fa/
get on with the times grandpa, this isnt goofninja year anymore
stop posting my nipwaifu
She looks like a used up hooker. Is that what you want in laptops? If so, get a used Thinkpad like the rest of Sup Forums.
nah she isn't a hooker, probably a drug abuser tho, and I'd love to try whatever she's on desu.
>not dick buckets
Bye nigger
Why you gotta be so rude
My iPad ™®© doesn't have this problem ™
Stay in Sup Forums
If you were truly patrician, you simply wouldn't care what drooling retards think.
"Ask not the sparrow how the eagle soars "
whoa whoa whoa
i know this is the internet and all, but that is NOT the word we use around here
we never say 'Bye nigger'.
we say 'smell you later, nigger'
>Sup Forums
calm down you fucking fruit
stay in /lgbt/ if you want a hugbox
gross. stop brown knighting
Let me know when your out from your mother's basements.
i'll take this opportunity to say FUCK YOU to asus for making fucking gold laptops. FUCK YOU. i bought one thinking it may not be as yellow as the pics, but fuck me the fucking shit is like an arab king's bathroom
Good call. That's a problem.
>/fa/ instead of effay
I can get my hands on that thing for $345. What would you say, user?
>She looks like a used up hooker
>a bad thing
>gold laptops
>i thought it wouldn't look golden
kill yourself
Yea, if you replace the SSD and add more RAM
i bet 1000s of pajeets bought them they seem to be obsessed with gold
any dick pics?
That looks aesthetic as fuck. Would unironically buy if it just had better specs, was wider horizontally to look more like a keyboard, and had a nicer screen.
and her whilst on it.