Recommend me some decent (
Recommend me some decent (<$200) gaming headphones
>Sup Forums
needs a microphone on an arm
fuck off, eat shit, kys. How about you do the research yourself you lazy fuck?
Then buy one.
Mod mic 4.0
I never understand this. this IS me doing research, and furthermore you've spent as much time as it would have taken to give me a recommendation.
There is a nice subreddit for this kind of things
Fatal1ty® by Monster® FXM 200 Gaming Over-Ear Headphones
They're a hidden gem.
There is a /hpg/ general for headphones. Granted, they're audiophile weeb cancer who post nothing but degenerate animu images in order to titillate their declining libidos but you should fit right in.
Buy 5
Are you fucking retarded? You consider asking other people to do your research for you to be research in itself? Eat shit and die.
the worst part is you asked for 'gaming headphones'. What fucking nonsense
>Are you fucking retarded? You consider asking other people to do your research for you to be research in itself? Eat shit and die.
>the worst part is you asked for 'gaming headphones'. What fucking nonsense
ur fucking retarded duder
>gaming headphones
Fuck off
>please recommend me
>""""""""gaming headphones"""""""""
>shitty 9gag image
underage Sup Forums cancer needs to go
>not getting a gaming chair, gaming desk, gaming monitors, gaming tower, and gaming speakers to go with your gaming headphones and gaming laptop
>not playing from your gaming bed resting on your gaming pillows so you can also havr a gaming nap
I have much to learn, but I bet you don't have gaming gamer fuel food with gaming water to keep your reflexes fast and your kind sharp
I obviously do I keep them in my gaming fridge and drink it exclusively from my razer branded LED gaming mug
Clearly you are a far superior gamer than I. I'll be sure to pick up that gaming bed, pillows, and blanket so I too can be a true gamer. May your k/d ratio be high and your ping low, fellow gamer!
>drink it exclusively from my razer branded LED gaming mug
doesn't exist.
Only the mug HOLDER was RGB. The mug itself has no lights.
>not modifying it to get the ultimate gaming experience for optimal no scopes
>implying you have the skill
nice try kiddo
Says the nongamer
at least I don't have to make up lies about what I own online to impress strangers. Or rather in your case LARP that you're a Sup Forumstard.
But you're lying to yourself right now
Part of being the masterrace is modding your own gaming gear for peak performance.
Ah, I see we have a #gamer here. Well, OP, if you want peak performance when you're in game you need 100% authentic, certified gaming loot from Razer.