Can you still use Windows 95 as daily OS

Can you still use Windows 95 as daily OS

I consider it the peak of design

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Windows 2000 is the peak of OS design.

Windows 95 looks like a literal turd in comparison.

Fuck yeah you can. Might want to look at a Shell software or something to make your hentai desktop look like win95. Millennial snake person

>hurr durr loog ad me i am special for using a 90s OS
>i am so a e s t h e t i c hurr durr look a pink and blue shapes wallpaper with Arizona cans!
>hurr durr
Vaporwave fags need to be gassed.

For anything non internet related yes.

People still use DOS machines for word processing and spreadsheets FFS.

If modern OS's werent so bloated i would use them.

enjoy your winnuke


>that sick retro design
>put a MacBook-tier chiclet keyboard in it

And it depends what you want to do on it. You've obviously not getting a very modern browser, so many pages won't render correctly. Program selection isn't great because so much requires a more modern OS. RAM is limited too.

Why not use 7, set the start menu style and theme to classic, and adjust the colors to get rid of the gradient across the title bar?

it has nothing to do with vaporwave

7 is unusable

98, XP and 7 are Windows' best pieces of software.
Windows 10 would be fine if it didn't use so many resources to send telemetry and to force updates.

98SE is best.

They fucked up DOS compatibility and incorporating NT

*in xp*

But can it play my vidya

Probably, but I wouldn't just because of security vulnerabilities that can't be patched at this point seeing the software is 20 years old now. You would be better off using Windows 7 in Classic mode with security updates or install Debian or some other Linux distro and make it look like Windows 95 via XFCE or Icewm

Your picture.

Way too tryhard. Poor C64C.

The commodore was already gutted

>DOS compatibility
Into the trash where it belongs.

it's like these people are allergic to tasteful design

I know right?
Muh cyberpunk, but they totally butcher it.


You can make Windows 7 look pretty close to 2000.

Who would these people be?

fossilized old people and the businesses they run

>That tiny fucking screen
Honestly, why would you not get a fucking laptop?

I can picture this with a screen where that black bit is. that would be cool

>he thinks the classic theme actually works
Not even remotely.

if you don't give a fuck about multimedia you can get decently far for what it is, what is supported on 9x/NT will still talk to a lot of vital services and there are a decent share of websites like Wikipedia that run just fine without Javascript, plus you can waste away on here, plus it's easy to find software
it's nowhere near as convenient but depending on your use case it's quite doable
literally fucking nobody is going to waste the CPU cycles, bandwidth and time writing bots to crawl the internet and pop decades-old exploits on a dead operating system running on a handful of systems almost guaranteed to be behind firewalls with no useful data or computing resources on them when there are legions of dipshits with something worth having who will outright install your malware voluntarily, or let you in through an unsecured default configuration
>Program selection isn't great because so much requires a more modern OS.
then use the older versions that don't, it's not that difficult and you won't find much missing beyond conveniences and tools more beneficial to a novice user

an idea

so you're saying windows 9x may just be the most secure thing out there

Fuck does windows 9x play my modern vidya if I have modern hardware fuck ill switch over i swear i will

Windows 9x can't go an afternoon without a blue screen, have fun


I never got a blue screen in all the years i used 95 and 98

That's your error not Windows 98.
The OS reacts to the stupidity of the user.

I find that hard to believe, unless all you did was use Word and nothing else.

9x is a piece of insecure shit and the only reason to use it over NT4 is games and ancient DOS software you should just run on actual DOS instead

it's just not going to get magical hackerman net-AIDS the second you plug in the ethernet cable like the retards (who probably are just regurgitating FUD microshit marketers told them when XP support ended) believe and continuously spout on here

Mostly played around with MIDI and vidya.

Used encarta for school projects and fucked around with MSpaint.

I didnt get internet until we updated to a Win2k machine and got 56k dial up. that actually did get blue screens

I need it for Win32 games that require hardware that has no NT drivers.

>its insecure
Objectively no if the space between your ears is updated

Only reason i use 9x is for older games and Cubase 2.8

there's a reason I mentioned games, NT can run some good ones but it has shit compatibility for most of them
objectively yes, it's an insecure as shit system that makes several sacrifices for compatibility reasons which is part of why it is so unstable, not to mention it lacks basic security features like file permissions


> windows x + 1 is the peak of OS design.
> windows x is a literal turd in comparison

im scratching my head at this. seems misplaced user

you use 9x for which games was a legitimate reason to have as I already stated
and dual-boot it with NT4 and/or gentoo to gain the acceptance of virginal nerds like me on the internet

I wanna play modern games

yeah have fun with that

I'm still using Win XP. I'm thinking eventually I'll get a chromebook for web browsing and continue using the Win XP machine for everything else. For me "everything else" is primarily note taking with WordPad.

NT 4.0 is a literal piece of trash that should never, ever be used by anyone in this day and age for any non-meta purpose.

Mistake Edition is more useful than NT4, really.

are you a gamertard or just someone who can't read simple instructions
it's miles ahead of 9x in pretty much every technical respect and only lacks a few unnecessary conveniences that don't really impact the usability of the system to any degree

>Windows 2000 introduced many of the new features of Windows 98 and Windows 98 SE into the NT line,[40] such as the Windows Desktop Update,[40] Internet Explorer 5 (Internet Explorer 6, which came in 2001, is also available for Windows 2000),[40] Outlook Express, NetMeeting, FAT32 support,[41] Windows Driver Model,[42] Internet Connection Sharing,[40] Windows Media Player, WebDAV support[43] etc. Certain new features are common across all editions of Windows 2000, among them NTFS 3.0,[9] the Microsoft Management Console (MMC),[44] UDF support, the Encrypting File System (EFS),[45] Logical Disk Manager,[46] Image Color Management 2.0,[47] support for PostScript 3-based printers,[47] OpenType (.OTF) and Type 1 PostScript (.PFB) font support[47] (including a new font—Palatino Linotype—to showcase some OpenType features[48]), the Data protection API (DPAPI),[49] an LDAP/Active Directory-enabled Address Book,[50] usability enhancements and multi-language and locale support. Windows 2000 also introduced USB device class drivers for USB printers, Mass storage class devices,[51] and improved FireWire SBP-2 support for printers and scanners, along with a Safe removal applet for storage devices.[52] Windows 2000 is also the first Windows version to support hibernation at the operating system level (OS-controlled ACPI S4 sleep state) unlike Windows 98 which required special drivers from the hardware manufacturer or driver developer.[53]

And that's only a FRACTION of what that piece of shit called NT 4.0 is missing. Unnecessary conveniences, MY ASS.

fuck off young fags

>a bunch of printer shit, preload bloat and system management tools nobody needs or cares about on a small home network with a few actually useful bits smattered in between
it's undeniable that 2K is an improvement over what it was meant to replace (wow no shit) but please, 90% of the actually tangibly useful bits in this long-winded list for day to day usage like the Windows Desktop Update or USB mass storage support can just as easily be installed on its predecessors, but you wouldn't know that because I doubt you bothered to dig too deep if you even used NT for any period of time in the first place

George RR Martin for one. I'm literally not kidding.

>USB mass storage support can just as easily be installed on its predecessors
Yup, we're done here.
Clueless faggot.
literally the first result of a google search for 'nt4 usb mass storage', the IONetworks driver works fucking great and I run it on every NT4 system I own
run along and pretend to be knowledgeable somewhere else

>not playing the best version of Lemmings on a Amiga
>PC Speaker or Sound Blaster
>Not being productive where you can be used in a TV Studio with a video toaster
>EGA Graphics

Do you know what a generic driver is?

Do you know why it's a TERRIBLE FUCKING IDEA to go around installing specific ones instead

wtf is vaporware? isnt that a music genre now?

Install Gentoo if you don't want bloat.

>tfw Amiga and AtariST are expensive as fuck

Someone needs to make perfect clones (not emulators)

>Needing more than 880KB of space
Or if you are a power user and want a hard drive you can store shit on a hard drive. I can have a music player that is less than 2 mega bites of size. Supports many tracker formats. I don't need something filled with bloat.

It's a style, including music and imagery, from 2011/12.

this is the epitome of straw grasping
fuck off already

Get a real Amiga, not a toy like the 500.

Yes. Distraction free novel writing is a thing. Maybe also partly that it's part of a workflow he doesn't want to interrupt.
Same with any other business probably. If it isn't broken and still compatible, why change it?

I bought mine for less than 100 bucks on eBay. The monitor was also 120 bucks, but people are greedy and want to sell old stuff for a lot of money. If you want a common Nintendo game like Super Mario 3, you will find prices online for 20+ bucks even though it is a very common game. People like to sell old shift for lots of money only because it is old. A good place to find stuff for reasonable prices is amibay.

>most popular Amiga ever sold
>can use a accelerator board like a vampire card to use WB 3.1


is this pasta

>he thinks TV studios were using the glorified gaming console his mom bought him for christmas
if a shitty toy like the 500 is just like a 4000 with a video toaster then I guess my 8086 XT clone is a dual-socket microchannel box and amicucks are BTFO once again

Good luck staying secure when new exploits get found and aren't patched by Microsoft?
I have a Chromebook at it is not that great. I can use it to browse the web and play android games, but it is slow, unless you get a more expensive model. It is very limited and if you decide to install Linux without using crouton then good luck. It isn't easy to install any distro you want.

>most popular Amiga ever sold
Is this somehow an argument that it is more useful than, say, an A3000?

>but someone put a fast FPGA in it 20 years after it was EOL'd

If you modify it, it can be more useful than a A3000 with a vampire card. The only problem is that you have to be on a waiting list to get one.

If you are talking about a Stock A500 vs a A3000 then the A3000 obviously has it beat, but you can still do a lot with a A500. It just needs expanded. I upgraded my Amiga with a floppy emulator so I can click and drag floppy images onto a USB flash drive. Much faster than using Amiga Explorer. I also got an additional 512k of ram so I can play games like Superfrog or use Deluxe Paint 4.

what is this plox explain

If you weren't so young yourself, you'd know that Windows 95 was a piece of shit, and I should know because I used it a lot back in the day.
Windows 2000 with service packs was the best OS and on an entirely different level. I mean, even NT4.0 was better than 9x, but hardly anyone had NT outside of schools, institutions and enterprises.

>"""retro"'' computer
>shitty flat modern laptop keyboard
jesus sees your reckless faggotry