what kinda stuff does everyone have in their st config.h? i want some inspiration
Jace Clark
If you are going to put Gentoo add Source Mage.
>OS SMGL, Devuan >DE/WM Ratpoison >Video/Music player MPlayer, MOC >File Manager Ranger >Text Editor Vim >Shell Bash >Web Browser Firefox (NetRunner when!?) >Terminal Xterm
Isaac Jackson
i'd like to see their dwm config desu
Landon Williams
>HardenedBSD >Xfce with Icewm >feh >bash >firefox >(u)xterm
John Moore
In the interest of minimalism: Trash distress except gentoo trash wms trash music player >using anything except coreutls to manage files Fucking Firefox linux is cool/10
>OS Gentoo >DE/WM i3 >Video/Music player mpv mpv --no-video >Image viewer sxiv (less bloated then feh) >File Manager ranger / cd ls >Text Editor vim/nano/ >Shell zsh terminal and bash for scripting >Web Browser Firefox Beta, still waiting for new Qutebrowser version >Terminal rxvt-unicode
Not in the Template:
>RSS/Mail/Calendar/Todo Thunderbird Maybe i will switch to calcurse mutt newsbeuter >Backup borgbackup >Password safe keepassxc >Mindmapping / Brainstorming xmind
Ian Wood
>mpv --no-video
Colton Ward
Dominic Gomez
You can check mine out if you want, nothing fancy though, just added dcat's Xresources patch and made it work with current st-git version, and the scrolling patches
Would be very interested in seeing what other people's st forks or just config.h's look like also
William Murphy
i could have got dem digits fug
Robert Walker
>OS Debian >DE xfce4 >WM xfwm4 >Video player VLC >Music player sox >Image viewer Ristretto >Text editor Usually neovim, but I'll occasionally use gedit >shell Bourne Again >Web browser Firefox >Terminal The one that comes with xfce
William Cruz
All i see is Bloat. Gtfo
David Myers
>a couple of gigabytes in total is now bloat Ayy lmao
Cooper Long
Do systemd-analyze.
Colton Lopez
>systemd bloat
Nathaniel Gonzalez
Also I use mpv because I'm a fucking idiot who forgets to put a field in
Joseph Campbell
I would add that zathura is nice for a minimal pdf reader.
>new to linux It's called GNU/Linux. You're probably not using a display manager if you know what startx is.
Blake Myers
>OS Win10 >DE/WM Windows default >Video/Music Player VLC/Foobar2000 >Image Viewer Irfranview >File Manager File Explorer >Text Editor Notepad++ >Shell Bash >Web browser Firefox >Terminal CMD/cygwin
want to move to Linux, but im in the VR biz and Win10 is the best for it.
Ryder Turner
>manjaro ewwww
Dominic Cruz
Looked "Linux Display Manager" up and recognized I have LXDE
Alexander Brooks
Post your desktop
Jaxon Martin
Put xfe instead of thunar
Isaiah Ortiz
Ain't at home right now, will later.
William Evans
add this to your commands.py class pwd(Command): def execute(self): cwd = self.fm.thisfile.path self.fm.run("echo " + cwd + " | xclip -sel clip"); [\code] and as a bonus, add this to your shell config if you want to change directory to whichever directory that you were in ranger last alias ranger='ranger --choosedir=$HOME/rangerdir; LASTDIR=`cat $HOME/rangerdir`; cd "$LASTDIR"' [\code]
Matthew Jones
Wrong. Feel free to try again though (you'll still be wrong). Use a better image next time.
wait shit >firefox-nightly/vimb I really like vimb, prefer to use it when it suits my needs(60-75%of the time), but sometimes i need the extra overhead
Carson Wood
Found thw ubuntufag. If it isn't ubuntu. Has to be bsd or some shit
Xavier Sanchez
Lucas Jackson
Kek. You reinstall debian net iso, then add those. Your system is done for
Matthew Fisher
yeah, yeah I know, but really what happened was I put it on my laptop just to try it out and take a look, install was the fastest I've seen, no issues, was pretty comfy to use, but it did have a lot of annoying bloatshit that I've been slowly trying to find and purge as much as possible, getting it down to a pretty clean machine
David Scott
Thanks user. Not sure about that second one just yet but it could be neat. I think I'm going to try throwing ranger in a dedicated i3 desktop - having it open all the time might make automatically choosing that directory make sense
Lincoln Richardson
Yeah fuck that. I'll live with the bloat.
Nathan Torres
If I do reinstall, it'll be a systemd-free distro anyway
Robert Perry
> I've been slowly trying to find and purge as much as possible, getting it down to a pretty clean machine.
There are thousands of gnu/linux distros. Manjaro is just one of them. Don't use shitty distros. Use debian net iso
James Murphy
/autism/ thread
Parker Gutierrez
What does this thread think of the Systemd replacements?
I've tried Runit (Void). It's VERY simple to use, and maybe it's just because it was my first exposure to systemd-free, but it felt very stable. I didn't realize how much Systemd leaked/fluctuated memory
GNU Shepherd looks interesting because you never see it anywhere else other than GuixSD. Don't know much about that one.
Isaiah Lee
>still waiting for new Qutebrowser version
What are you waiting for? Per-domain settings?
A lot changed - a year ago, you were most likely using it with the legacy QtWebKit backend which is quite buggy and unsupported nowadays (newer, maintained versions of QtWebKit are still supported). Now, QtWebEngine (based on Chromium) is the default, and there's also a new config system which makes configuring it much cleaner and more powerful.
Ryder Anderson
Jesus dude, what are you doing with your life...
Joseph Peterson
>OS Arch >DE/WM i3 (not with gaps, gaps are evil!) >Video/Music player mpv mpv --no-video (with some custom scripts) >Image viewer mpv (with some custom scripts, feh doesn't support gifs/webms well enough i find) >File Manager Terminal + Thunar for dynamic volume ease of use >Text Editor Vim/Kakoune >Shell Zsh (oh-my-zsh sucks, zplug plus ~3 plugins) >Web Browser Firefox (w3m just does not cut it. :Terminal urxvt
Noah Gutierrez
Nice trips!
Jace Gray
How the actual fuck is firefox minimal?
On a more autistic note, how the actual fuck is anything based on linux and GNU minimal? The first thing minimalists do is switch to BSD.
Alexander Rivera
There is sane minimal and autistic minimal. Openbsd is the autistic minimal
Ayden Allen
It isn't, unfortunately the web became so complex so you are locked into to using a gigantic blob to use many pages on it :<
I agree the BSDs are more 'pure' in a sense. Still, its not as if you can't create similar enough systems if you treat the kernel and base application layer as a black box (which most users largely can).
>ungoogled chromium If it has the word google in it. It's BLOAT
Chase Wilson
runit and openrc, everything else is shit
Lincoln Reyes
Carter Hernandez
Install Gentoo
Carson Anderson
>What are you waiting for? Per-domain settings? yes but i'm fine with waitiing^TM
Noah Barnes
reminder that urxvt has a daemon option, a client for that, and apparently one that starts the daemon if it's not running, and starts a client if it is.
Evan Roberts
but wait there's more
Dylan Williams
>OS Arch Linux >DM/WM LXDM/i3 >Video/Music player mpv/cmus >Image viewer feh >File manager Thunar but I mostly use the terminal >Text editor nano/mousepad >Shell bash >Web browser Firefox >Terminal Terminator
>OS Windows 10 >DE/WM Windows 10 >Video/Music player VLC >Image viewer Photos >File Manager Windows Explorer/Total Commander >Text Editor Notepad++/VS Code >Shell Bash on Ubuntu running under WSL >Web Browser Firefox >Terminal xterm
Can't get more comfier than running linux distro natively on Windows machine.
Thomas Cook
What are advantages of terminal multiplexers like tmux and screen? Why do you use them?
Jason Long
They're normal usague is sort of obsolete if you're using a tiling wm, but there are some use cases like if you're sshing into a different machine it's usefull. And while working on a different machine you can detach a tmux session and reattach it at any time.
Benjamin Martinez
Don't most people use tmux with st and run it normal?