Old mac g5

i have a shitty powermac g5 that only runs on a shitty version of mac os. Im currently using it as a nightstand next to my bed, what else can I do with it?

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Paper weight.

You can use the case for a PC. Some modifications are required though.

Install gentoo

already tried, only runs on a gay version of mac

no thanks, have one already

Good. I wish all white people would fucking die.


i know its hard being a dirty nigger, but you dont have to take your anger out on others!

those dudes win life

I dont know about Memetoo but you can effeminately instal linux on it.

If it's a G5 and not even a MacPro 1,1,
Id probably just sell it to someone.
Or mod the cheese-grater case for modern parts.

auto correct is a degenerate fag.

You can do what I did and just move it to the basement.

>gay version of mac
That's redundant.

nibba it wont even boot from usb, only other way i could install linux is with a CD and i got none :/

Should I just turn it into a sock warmer? stick my socks inside overnight and have warm toes in the morning 0.o

PLOP boot manager floppy

You could just leave your socks near a heating vent to get the same effect for free.


Gut it and turn in to wangblows gayming machine.


>using a grill as a grill
How original.

found a tutorial with a hot girl making a grill

My quad G5 makes from a good RISC machine.
Pop in 16GiB of RAM and a newer PCIe graphics card and install Linux or BSD.

The performance is good enough and it's non-x86 Intel/AMD hardware, botnet free.

Use the case for building a new computer. Dual boot your desired apple os with some other os on it.
Store the components somewhere so you do not regret trowing them away in 20 years.

>hot girl

AHAHAHAHAHAAHAhahahaahahahahahahaahh ha ha...

Winter is coming.
Use it as heater.


keep the gay version of soyOS on it and make it not gay by using simple google searches to find software for it instead of being a drooling dipshit, 10.4 has lots of software and also shit like TenFourFox that's actually optimized for the hardware over whatever garbage you'll get on shitnux and BSD which are still decent options as well if you're autistic

don't bother listening to the moddertards ITT, the G5 case is fucking sub-par anyway beyond the boringly hip aluminum aesthetic making them cream over it and it's guaranteed that 99% of them would fuck up a mod royally, while the 1% that did it right would still end up with an ugly piece of shit that disgraces the design

just sell it or throw it out if you can't figure out what to do with a turing-complete system with gigabytes of RAM that can perform billions of calculations every second

The only thing you could do with it is play Unreal Tournament 2004 or some other games. Old computers just become games or music machines. You could hook it up to a tv or speakers.

>aluminum grill
enjoy your Alzheimer's in 40 years you faggots

Put FreeBSD on it and run a fully FOSS BSD box.

Fuck off

OP, you can install MorphOS depending on which version of powerbook you have. It is a Amiga clone OS, not UNIX/Linux/BSD. It is a breed of it's own. It is snazzy and has it's own dedicated community writing software for it. It isn't 100% compatible with old amiga software, but is compatible with PPC amiga software.

I ran this OS on a powerbook years ago, but I age it to another Amigian because it is slow on aging hardware, unless you have a more powerful computer like a Powermac g5 or Powermac Mini with extra ram. You can even use a 1080p monitor which is what I recommend. Stay away from using a portable mac with MorphOS because older mac laptops have tiny screens.

The one problem with that grill is if you manage to set the aluminium on fire.

Fuck, I decided to buy a Mac Mini and install MorphOS on it. I just need to upgrade the ram. Thank you OP for giving me ideas. They are selling them for 19 bucks on eBay.

>already tried, only runs on a gay version of mac
so basically all versions

OP, you can install Linux on it. I used to own a eMac with a broken tray disk drive. You can install Linux on it or BSD. You can also install MorphOS which isn't Linux, but would boost your hipster credit. Fuck, you can install anything you want that is compatible with your Power PC hardware.

> wont even boot from usb
Bullshit. Go to [search engine] and search 'ppc mac usb boot' or some variation. Hint: you'll need to boot into open firmware shell.

should lower the line height

>shitty power mac g5
lucky you, I have a shitty power mac g4
but I might install the Adobe CS2 on it since it came with a license and all, then put it somewhere for decoration. I mean that condom latch and all, it's cute kinda desu kawaii ~~

wtf why have I never heard of this
what software does this run? looks pristine

It is not known much outside Amiga circles. Amigians like my self use operating systems called 'next gen Amiga's'. Basically, when Commodore went under, Amiga went under limbo and devs started leaving the Amiga platform. Eventually, only enthusiasts remained. Since people weren't coding new versions of the OP, 3 teams started working on their own version of the Amiga Workbench with modern OS features, but were compatible with Amiga OS. You have AROS aka icaros, which is the x86 version of Amiga OS. You have MorphOS, which runs on Power Mac's, the OS I just showed you. You need a G4 or a G5 power mac with a Radeon GPU to use MorphOS. It is a nice OS with modern feature, such as a browser that can go on YouTube or Sup Forums. You need a faster machine with 1gb or more of ram to have a nice experience. Also, the OS costs money, since it is not free. Why does it cost money where AROS is free? It is because devs need to eat and it is a incentive for devs to keep adding feature. MorphOS is a full OS with many feature and is stable, where AROS is still in beta and lacks many drivers. MorphOS is more complete compared to AROS. There is a 3rd OS called Amiga OS. Basically, a company bought Amiga OS and started adding more features to make Amiga OS 3.9 and 4.x. The problem with Amiga OS (next gen version) is that you need a exotic PPC computer and they cost several hundreds to thousands for a x1000. Also, you need to buy the OS and even the fucking graphics card drivers. AROS and MorphOS doesn't do this, the drivers are included with the OS, where Amiga OS 4.1 requires you to buy drivers if you have a Radeon card. If you want a next gen Amiga OS, try MorphOS. You get a free trial and if you like it you can buy it. If you want to get into the next gen Amiga scene and don't have a power mac then try IcAros in a virtual machine since the hardware support is very very limited.

>OS not OP.
Please excuse my grammar and spelling mistakes. I typed this too quickly without proof-reading much. Now, I'm seeing there are lots of errors in my post.

I know I'm shilling a OS that isn't Linux or MacOS, but if you have a power mac g4 with a radeon card, you can try out the OS. It allows you to boot into Live CD, so you don't have to install anything. Perfect if you want to do: Amiga stuff, browse the web like YouTube or Sup Forums, play music, watch movies with mplayer, play retro games, or rice the fuck out of it. You can rice it, but it is very different from ricing Linux or OSX.

I meant to say MorphOS. I'm done shilling for now.

use it as a server, old cunts are resilient


But CS2 is free now...

SEE OP, you can install gentoo on it.

You can stick with a version of Mac OSX. I recommend Tiger 10.4.x. You can also install Linux like Gentoo, and I think Arch? but you can also different distros like Ubuntu Mate that officially supports power macs. You can also install a version of BSD or if you want to try something new, try MorphOS. Take your pick os. Linux, BSD, Amiga-like, or stick with MacOS.

It runs software found on modern operating systems. Web browser, music software, music editing, media software for movies, games, PPC amiga software, rice software, coding software, and more. It can do many things, but not everything since it has a small community coding new applications for it. If you can think about it, there is probably equivalent software for MorphOS, but you have to dig on the internet to find it.