What's the absolute best way to make sure no one can read something off a hard drive...

what's the absolute best way to make sure no one can read something off a hard drive? is one 0-pass enough or do I actually need more like some people say?

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Geez I wonder what you're up to.

who is this peanor demeanor?

>what's the absolute best way to make sure no one can read something off a hard drive?
Prevent them from accessing it.

sorry, I meant with recovery software, should have been clearer

Modern drives are so dense that one pass should be enough. If you want to be overkill go with 3 though.

Use random data not zeros. But ya, more then one(or two) pass(es) is a meme

1 random pass and then ATA secure erase.

If the NSA is after you, melt it and kys.


Physical destruction. If you're paranoid enough you could take a drill to it and throw it in a river.
Nice try cianiggers

No one has recovered anything using software after a zero fill on modern drives.

Just overwrite the data once. Anything more is overkill, especially for something as mundane as child porn.

0 wipe
random fill
0 wipe
repeat for as long as you can tolerate
then strong neodymium magnet pass
then drive nails into the platters
then melt that fucker in a forge

if you really care about your data you will do this

i think it's miley cyrus but not sure

>Nice try cianiggers
>t. tech illiterate retard

oh I forgot you need to fuck up the drive controller too, not just the platters
godspeed son

One 0-pass is enough.

If you know ahead of time that you got sensitive information on a drive, just encrypt it. Then "wiping" it is basically as simple as tossing the key, and it also works if you need to dispose of the drive because it failed or such.

Who would give their daughter that piercing.

You guys are all literally fucking retarded. I would melt the hardrive with thermite at minimum but bashing it with a sledge hammer until it's a big pankace and dust might be preferable.

Combining both would yield the best imho.

What about SSDs? What's the best way to wipe them?

ATA secure erase is the only way, but for SSDs I'd rather destroy it.


I personally just blow them with canned air.

>If the NSA is after you, melt it and kys
Perfect, great advice.

>melt that fucker in a forge
I think that will be enough, no wiping necessary.

Just encrypt it retard

I hope you go to jail and get skullfucked in prison you sick faggot.

don't play the "it's encrypted and i won't give you the password" game with the police, it's never gonna end well.
If you have anything to hide 0 fill, random overwrite, is enough
being compliant will prevent you a lot of trouble

as many passes of alternating 0's and 1's as you have time for

What are you trying to hide, user?

>I personally just blow them with canned air.


he's talking about wiping SSDs

>0 wipe
>remove drive
>build backyard blacksmith forge
>melt drive
>hammer into sword
>find whoever wanted access to your drive
>impale them on sword

problem solved.

Enabling TRIM on your SSD makes it extremely difficult if not impossible for data to be recovered. I would look into whether or not your SSD supports it.

So use 1s instead? kek

Go directly to jail

if youre paranoid:

take it apart, chop / break it into fine pieces, throw the pieces into a fire / microwave.

well, I was thinking in order from least difficult to most difficult I suppose


be honest, is it cepee?
I ain't searching that shit nigga

Indian tent stupid frog poster.


an indian what


>Miley Cyrus
>Boner lost

Create a portal to some location a million light years away and throw the HDD in

Just in case any of you sickos were thinking of saving that pic, it probably has metadata embedded in it that phones home, allowing a "concerned party" - no points for guessing who that is - to track you and read your filesystem. Do yourselves a favor and don't fall for the obvious honeypot. Mods, WTF are you doing?! Why is this thread still up?

What board should I direct you to? You don't belong here for one more minute.

Sorry, this isn't the Reddit or the republican national committee; we don't tolerate paedophiles on Sup Forums.


I thought uploaded pictures to Sup Forums were cleared of any data

This is correct. When I dispose of a drive I zero wipe it and dissemble it. If I'm super paranoid I throw away the controller separate from the platters. Bonus is that you get some sweet fridge magnets out of it.

And what executes this metadata, genius?

Specially formulate code that utilizes a backdoor in libjpg.

afaik she never made nudes but she def wasn't 18

Well I don't use Linux or open source picture viewers so I'm fine.

Any details on these magic backdoors or metadata?

nice sources faggot
get the fuck out with your fud

answer some years ago some faggot embedded malware on pics and ever since Sup Forums strips any metadata off it

I've tried that. They still managed to access it, they even took my portal away. Now I have to book flights for vacations again


Good Luck!

>break up platters
>drop pieces in a bunch of different garbage cans
>do this while leaving phone at home

Any flaws with this?

Mix in unrelated hdd shards. Also wipe it all beforehand.


While this does the job, it's a little overkill.

There's no overkill if you don't want spooks to see your data

>reading comprehension

Fair point. Peace of mind is a real thing.

>You guys are all literally fucking retarded.
>I would melt the hardrive with thermite
...et tu, amentis?

Thermite won't magically destroy everything near it, you'd need to have some idea of what you're doing, and do it in a fairly controlled manner.

By that stage of preparation, there are better ways to do it. A small electric furnace would be more thorough, more controllable, and safer.

Are the people saying that just destroying the hard drive isn't enough retarded? How the fuck can you recover anything meaningful from the smashed and charred remains of a hard disk?

You're gonna get this thread deleted.

>tfw put hand inside gf's panties
>her dick starts leaking

If they are already at your door they probably have enough evidence to convict you.

drill holes and microwave it

1. Full disk encryption
2. 1-2 passes.

>metadata that phones home
Oh so it causes a buffer overflow in every single jpeg renderer that exists?

Oh boy this is so my favorite question
One to two zero passes
One to two random passes
Neodymium magnet over platter
Desolder any connections you can get at
Smash with hammer
(Optional: acid or neodymium again)
Boil hard drive remnants
(Wearing gloves) take the pieces and distribute the pieces it 7-8 plastic baggies.
Take baggies truly random distances from your house and place them in dumpsters of more places you don't ever go to than places you do (you can go direct to landfill for one or two if you like)
Rest easy because all the unnecessary activity doing this guarantees you made a list and it won't take long for them to pick you up, even if they can't prove what you destroyed

10 years ago, police digital forensics in uk could recover data from 10 passes. No idea about now.


if I was up to serious no good and needed to get rid of data I would...
1. Always have the entire disk encrypted in the first place
2. couple of passes
3. magnets on the drive
4. microwave
5. burn it
6. toss it in a river or bury it in the middle of no where

on ide disks maybe, disk density is too big now, it makes almost impossible, and I say almost because you may be able to recover .001% of data.

1. encrypt the drive
2. erase the drive
3. destroy the drive

DBAN used to be sufficient and is probably the best of the bunch for that method, but there's no substitute for physical destruction. Who knows what bullshit the spooks have now.

There's no excuse not to encrypt your complete drive now anyway, just shred the header and it's noise.



>DBAN used to be sufficient
dban was pretty much placebo, even the creator admitted it.

The FBI can't even decrypt the phones from known murderers and terrorists. They wouldn't give a flying fuck what data you can recover from the wiped drives of you losers unless one of you actually produces real live CP. In which case, you need to seriously torrent that shit right now.

U mad bro?Sup Forums isn't /leftypol/ nigger.

Kek,every faggot here talking this post as if it's end of Sup Forums when such 'Half naked' photos of underages can be easily found with a google search and used in bra and bikini ads.
Even google searching 'nudist family pics' can get you some risqué photos of completely nude underages.
It's troubling to see how much of Sup Forums is filled with reddit newfags and normalfags.

Wouldn't just melting it in a mini furnace be the best way?


I fell like a random pass would be better, and it shouldn't take any more time.

>Sorry, this isn't the Reddit
Off you go then

Getting a small electric furnace capable of melting the platters would cost a lot more money, and making one would require much more knowledge (and would probably still be more expensive than a few kilos of thermite). If you don't want to melt the platters entirely, you may as well just use a grinding instead of a furnace.
>more controllable
Just walk 15 meters nigga.

If she's 14, she's legal here.
If she's 13, i'll just take her to Japan and it will be legal there.

And take a shit on it. Even if they reconstructed it and put you in jail, you'd still be the last one laughing, because they would have had to dig through your shit.



>Getting a small electric furnace capable of melting the platters would cost a lot more money

free method

The best way is to never land data on the drive that is not encrypted. Because that way you can just wipe the header that has the Master encryption key(MEK).

So before you use a drive enable encryption. So either LUKS (Linux) or Veracrypt (windows). Bitlocker does not count since Microsoft stores the MEK on onedrive for you for "recovery" purposes ;)

If you were retarded and did not use good encryption, you need to wipe the disk. Contrary to the fags in the thread one wipe with 0's would actually be enough for modern drives. However at least a wipe with random data is recommended.

The fastest way to do that is on Linux using the crypto api to speed up the generation of random data.

For a noob like you that would be

$ sudo cryptsetup --cipher aes-xts-plain --hash sha512 --type plain open /dev/SD* disk-to-be-wiped
$ shred -n 1 -v /dev/mapper/disk-to-be-wiped

is this 2009?

How long would this take for a 1tb drive?