Anyone else think we should produce stone tablets stored in a secure location with our most vital information in case the apocalypse happens?
Stuff like basic laws of electricity, important equations, select literature, medical information?
Anyone else think we should produce stone tablets stored in a secure location with our most vital information in case...
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Anyone else think we should get stoned and take some tablets?
Burn all of Wikipedia onto an m-disc.
Before you say they'd have no way to read it, consider all the millions of blu-ray players out there; they'd just need to dig one up to use as a model.
>1000 year lifespan with """proper""" storage
might as well write it down on a napkin and throw it in a lake
Perhaps this has already happened many times in history and the only thing remaining is the stone relics, inscribed with a simplified language designed for this purpose.
I'll get started on the logo
If I recall correctly, there was a dude that printed out the whole Wikipedia a couple of years back
Hardrives are much safer than stones. they dont rot, they dont errode. And even if magnets are a problem, you can still use tape drives. Or Gold engravings. Therer is literally no reason to use stone for this
>they dont rot, they dont errode
you're telling me if you left a hard drive in a cave for 50 years you'd be able to read it? With all the rust and shit built up?
what a douche, probably killed 5 trees just for that paper
Like make some big building out of stone in some shape that can withstand time, probably a pyramid, and inscribe all out important knowledge on the walls in an picturesque language that even the stupid ones will b able to understand a few millenniums from now?
No. That'd be unnecessary. The mark these past generations have left are far too deep to be completely forgotten.
He actually fucking thinks people will think it's a Mac. Holy fuck.
What is oxidation
Niggers have humor too. They're very good at imitating humans.
There's no "our", no "we". The elite have all the backups they need and you and me are not part of the club, idiot.
>you can still use tape drives.
are you fucking kidding
who the fuck are you
shut up
you fucking shut up
i fucking hate you
tapes have ridiculously pitiful lifespans, the only reason they're used for mass archival is their cheapness
their function is having tons of redundant copies, since they need to be rearchived like every god damn year thanks to their lack of reliability
there's machines that manage the whole process "oh this tape is a few months old now? that's not good, better make ANOTHER COPY OF IT"
god damn
i want to smack you