GNU/Linux, specifically Ubuntu, runs games better than Windows 10

GNU/Linux, specifically Ubuntu, runs games better than Windows 10.

Get your more FPS for free by disinfecting your Windows-infected computer with a Ubuntu or other GNU/Linux USB installation stick.

The tests in question:

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pick one

You're not very bright, are you, OP?

Please stop.

GNU/Linux is great but don't constantly post that one cherry picked image where GNU/Linux outperforms Windows. We all know this is not representative for most games.

Hopefully GNU/Linux will catch up with Windows but on average they will eventually perform about the same since it's the hardware doing the work.

There's plenty of games available for GNU/Linux these days.

You just don't know this because you haven't looked - but if you do then you'll find that there's a gigantic amount of games available.

>Please stop.

I'll switch once I can run a VM at native speeds without having to divde resources every time and most importantly once VM ignores alt+F4 when selected.

Post mankind divided dx12 vs linux vulkan benchmarks. Go on, I'll wait. Linux should handily brat the windows version, as it has no denuvo, amirite?

>dx12 vs linux vulkan
phoronix only tested dx11 on Windows vs opengl on GNU/Linux for some reason. It does look like Windows has a small advantage in that game in the test they did.

>hurrdurr loonix is superior look at muh fps
>meanwhile monitors over 60hz barely fucking work on loonix

Cognitive dissonance the post

Yes, there are a few minor details such as higher monitor refresh rates that need to be ironed out..

No one want to do it because it's boring.
Reverse engineering the newest video cards and getting the shaders to work and getting the performance fast everyone want to do, because it's a fun job.

Now the boring gui shit, nope.

Uh huh. Have fun playing OpenArena and Tux Racer.


It's a shame there aren't benchmarks for Solus though because they've got very performance than Ubuntu

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It's not just about the average framerate. I've found that Ubuntu constantly hitches and drops frames, whereas Windows never does.

blocks ur path

so what? windows still is better and have more games/software and the most ebin thing is that windows works fucking fast [like a host] on my virtual machine while linux is lagging like shit, fuck this piece of garbage

At least try to run a proper real triple A game and not some retarded shit like that.
Even super tux is better than open arena btw.

>triple A

>plenty of games
>most of doesn't really need that much of firepower than the benchmark one.
You got the power... But for what?

>What's total war series.
>What's Witcher series.
>What's dark souls.
I could go on, they are all triple A games and shit on anything game wise that has ever existed on linux.

Even if you compare the most modern linux with windows XP you guys still lose in the game scene or even the old as fuck video game emulator scene.

that was the point of OP, ret

total war is available for loonix

Not but: any real use of a PC always benefits from more power. If it doesnt, use a shitty ultrabook or rpi.

there is no vulkan deus ex for linux, only feral doing their translation of dx calls to opengl-thing

I got around 50ish on the benchmark on high with rx480 and above 60 throughout most of the game. Just few years back you couldn't even dream about playing that new games on linux, yet alone getting that great performance with the open source drivers

There are some drawbacks when trying to game on GNU/Linux, that's for sure. I get this when trying to run "Written in the sky":

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/oyvinds/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Written in the Sky/", line 196, in
File "/home/oyvinds/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Written in the Sky/", line 193, in main
File "/home/oyvinds/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Written in the Sky/renpy/", line 213, in bootstrap
import renpy.display.presplash #@Reimport
File "/home/oyvinds/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Written in the Sky/renpy/display/", line 27, in
import pygame_sdl2
ImportError: No module named pygame_sdl2

..but I do have pygame installed.

Your distro might have things set up differently, but this is what I get on Arch when searching for pygame. Perhaps you are missing something after all?
extra/python2-pygame 1.9.3-1
Python game library
community/python2-pygame-sdl2 1:2.1.0.r328.ce2578c-1
Reimplementation of portions of the pygame API using SDL2

It appears that I don't need pygame at all, just a fork / re-implementation of it called "renpy" aka pygame_sdl2. It that's available here

..but I don't need to install that since it's actually bundled with the game. And the bundled library should be found automatically but it's not when starting it from steam.

If I run this after installing the game:

$HOME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Written\ in\ the\ Sky/

..then it starts and runs fine. It just doesn't work when starting it from the steam client for some reason. It's kind of odd, not sure what the steam client is doing that prevents it from starting. That files calls a after setting up some variables for paths, perhaps the steam client is trying to start the directly or somehow messes up what the .sh file does.

Regardless... I can start it but it's not exactly a smooth experience to make games like this one run.

This is honestly the most important reason why I don't buy many steam games. I know Valve complains that "people don't buy games for Linux" and therefore don't develop them, so it's a chicken and the egg problem. But honestly.. paying a ton of money for a game isn't tempting when I know that I'll likely have to mess and fiddle and investigate just to make it start.

It turns out this game is kind of fun... the story is, anyway.

It looks like it was worth messing around to get it working.

And they say there's no cool games for GNU/Linux.

Will Linux be able to run MH:W? That's like the only upcoming game I interested in.


>Keep doing benchmark with OpenArena and some ancient game that no one play.
>Most people enjoin those benchmark.
>"Plz send me money for more stupid bench (if i can automate otherwise fuck off)"

Fuck off pls.

Literally a game nobody plays other than those people

Seems to work out of the box for me. Instead of the Steam runtime I'm using system libraries, but it shouldn't matter too much. Quite easy to do on Arch with the steam-native-runtime metapackage.

Just remembered I played trough this game ages ago too. Pretty stupid stuff, took me around 30 minutes to read trough it though, which gives you 100% achievements too.

Oh yeah, if you're in the mood for another short and free visual novel, you should check out Carpe Diem. Doesn't have lewd stuff in it, but is definitely Sup Forums related.

Vulkan is doing way better than ogl and mantle but sadly dx12 isn't doing well either.

I guess we will have to wait for better hardware and a actual reason to use it over dx11 which is almost 8 years old at this point.

Maybe 8k and 16k plus vr and beyond will force people to use newer apis

>ITT Lintards try to justify why their OS is better for gaymes
>half of the posts are lintards troubleshooting even getting games to launch on their penguin-fellating OS

Like fucking pottery.

Turning an obvious bait of a thread into something actually useful, if only for one person is a win in my book.

Linux is a kernel. Ofc you can't play games with a kernel alone, dummy.

Heres your (You), now fuck off

OpenGL runs about the same or with slightly less overhead on Linux than Windows.
The Linux drivers are significantly inferior the Windows drivers, and games are significantly more optimized on their Windows DirectX 11 render paths than the OpenGL ports.

tl;dr Actual games run much better on Windows

What about CS:GO? Doesn't that have a dedicated Linux version that's updated pretty often?

Listen, I use Kubuntu as my main OS but if you seriously think any linux distro can get better with games than Windows you're an imbecile, just saying.

Moronix only benchmarks OpenArena because it's the only game that runs better under Linux than Windows. A shame that nobody fucking plays it.

>google it
>Uses the OpenGL 1.x graphics API.
Gee, no shit it runs amazing. This isn't a benchmark of driver quality, this is just a raw OS performance comparison.

Can I finally play FFXIV with better performance on it? Literally the only thing holding me back since last time it just crashed after character select with wine

I hear getting AIDS makes it easier to poo. Should look into that, OP.

(Actually this is not true; all that would happen if you try is you get AIDS)

Yeah, that's one example of a game that runs perfectly on GNU/Linux and it does so pretty regardless of what hardware you're using. But it's a pretty old game so it's not that shocking that it's totally playable in 1080p with old low-end graphics cards.

Consider this for a moment before you give that site too much hate: It really is no more than Michael Larabel working his ass off all day and frequently all night too. That's the entire Phoronix staff, it's just him doing something he's passionate about.