Does Argentina need a big beautiful wall?

Does Argentina need a big beautiful wall?

In 15 years, Buenos Aires will be the Bolivian Republic of the Rio de la Plata. Just as it was the Italian Republic of the Rio de la Plata at its peak in 1960. Cultures, to be dominant and this is irrelevant liberal legal regime and repressive force of dissent, must constantly generate expansion of its own people, keeping alive the waves of immigrants, physically surround the civic centers of the capital near government offices, considered spatial reference geographical and psychological downtown of the city, not country clubs or suburban rest of the weekend; fill the the police, the army, hospitals, public schools, etc. The Italian and European setback in general in Buenos Aires is impressive; when I was born the restaurants had Italian food by default, there was not a need to name it as such, the few that exist today this stream as if we were in Asia for the exotic , they are offered as "Italian cuisine" and are very bad. In a short time, Bolivian and Peruvian dishes stews will become the food of default of the Argentina capital.

And Bolivia is going to pay for it.

i used to hate bolivians, but now i dont. theyre actually really good and hardworking families, with good traditions and values. theyre just ugly.


You sound like American flags of Sup Forums. Almost all of them are Hispanics. Are you Bolivian?

not him
but nothing wrong with bolivians
the argentine is lazy and indolent, likes to form corrupted syndicates and organize streaks when their conditions are not met.

the bolivian is hardworking and rarely rests, doens't care about syndicates or workers' organizations, just want to put bread on their family's table

this is why the bolivian is taking over argentina, work and sacriface has always prevailed over self-absorbed, decadent and lazy socities. In 15 years, no, 10, Argentina will no longer exist as such, we'll be but an extension of Bolivia.

I don't even know if the Argie posters are fucking with us or if they're serious

What is the difference between a bolivian and and a native american born in Argentina, let's say from Patagonia? How do you tell them apart?

I am not him but I agree, Bolivians are great people, just unattractive.
they arent criminal, and they arent dumb either.
they will exist along with white argentines, just without intermarriage, not because of religious reasons, but because they arent very attractive, at least for us.

it is like sharing your country with a friendly race of dwarves you cant fuck.

Bolivians have a very particular body type, Bolivians look very different from natives from the Amazonia, Chaco or Patagonia.
They are very short and stocky.

btw, most of the natives of our Patagonia arent natives of our Patagonia, they are Mapuches who came here from Chile when they learned to ride horses from the Spaniards.

they are like the Tibetans of South America.

i like the way you think user. we should go out for a beer and look for some of our friendly dwarves who can always join us when theyre done with their late shift of hardwork

>I am not him but I agree, Bolivians are great people, just unattractive.

Sos gay, pibe?

If they are saying beaners are bro tier I'd bet they are Chicanos. At best most whites will ignore them or be like, "Well they aren't as violent as Basketball Americans or people from the Carribean. They also seem to not have broken homes.."

>likes to form corrupted syndicates and organize streaks when their conditions are not met.
That's Italian genetics desu.

Bolivia is a more interesting and pagan country than Argentina

Cultura rico!

>let's say from Patagonia?
I thought the Patagonians were a small population and really tall. I also could have sworn they mostly are non-existent now.

those are our negros, pibes chorros. Of mixed Spanish and Native ancestry, similar to Paraguayans.

Bolivians who come here are 100% pure native.

>You sound like American flags of Sup Forums.

The amerindians will flat their house

I wonder if Giant Gonzalez was from Patagonia

Patagonian natives, at least, the Tehuelches, disappeared when Mapuches from Chile, in colonial times, adopted the horse from the Spaniards and migrated to the Argentine side of the Andes in La Patagonia.

The Mapuche there became nomadic horse riders like the Huns, Turks, Mongols of the Eurasian steppe, and stole cattle in Buenos Aires for themselves, and sometimes made the cattle walk thousands of km to sell it in Chile.
They even attacked cities a few times.

But that doesnt mean the Tehuelches were all killed, that means they mixed with mapuches or adopted their culture, a kind of mapuchization of patagonian natives.

It is true that Patagonian natives were tall a lean.
An aproximate example is Carlos Monzón, who was from north argentna, and was of native ancestry, Mocovi. Natives of Chaco and Tehuelches are clasified as belonging to a big family called Pampidos that were hunter gatherers in the Pampas and Chaco.

Monzón was a middle weight boxer

he's right, they are subhumans. At least some paraguayans are attractive but seriously bolivians are horrendous.

They are the reason why Argentina still has good birth rates.

Economically they are good for them.


gracias a los bolitas tenemos villas en todo lados economicamente de que?

>Argentina-Bolivia border

I think we are too pregressive

They look like Mexicans

>conquistadors actually fucked these """"""people""""""

I think mexicans are just as small but a bit more slim. Andean indians are all stocky.

Y te mueven la economía, abren verdulerías, trabajan en la construcción, etc.

Socialmente te traen problemas pero mano de obra barata es buena.

>it is like sharing your country with a friendly race of dwarves you cant fuck.

Actually no because Bolivia is the most "pure" amerindian country in the Americas.
Not even spanish rapists wanted them.

dejame entender osea porque abren algunos puestos de verduras y laburan de albañil mueven la economia mientras toman terrenos crean sus villas y parte de la poblacion que vive en esas villas le roba a las personas que viven en los alrededores pero no, deja esta todo bien porque la papa esta 25 pesos los 2 kilos

>Y te mueven la economía, abren verdulerías, trabajan en la construcción, etc.
>Socialmente te traen problemas pero mano de obra barata es buena.
A questão é que este tipo de mercado rapidamente torna-se saturado.
A 2º ou 3º geração de bolivianos será exatamente como os nativos. Acontecerá o mesmo que acorreu em França e Alemanha com os argelinos e turcos.
Eles negam o país em que cresceram e romantizam em demasia o país dos seus ancestrais. Isso é receita para um desastre de não-integração em 20~25 anos.

Those poor natives.

cheap vegetables

>tfw I'm half Basque and half Puerto Rican and pretend to be a Chicano on Sup Forums

You can't stop me from destroying their reputation even further.

creo que los bolivianos tienen más espíritu empresario.
En los alrededores de la ciudad de La Plata hay muchas huertas de Bolivianos.
Tienen prácticamente un monopolio de la horticultura en Argentina, no es tan raro ver por ahí Bolivianos manejando Toyota Hilux.

Y por Once (un barrio de Buenos Aires que solía ser un barrio Judío) veo a veces Bolivianos de segunda generación disfrazados de tribus urbanas modernas de chicos de clase media.

No van a ser como los allahu akbar de Europa.
Además, yo tengo la esperanza de que no sean estúpidos, vienen de un país con una civilización precolombina bastante desarrollada. No son indios de la selva como nuestros Tobas o los Guaranís, hace milenios que son agricultores.

>half Basque and half Puerto Rican
You are still a chicano, anything that comes from a Spanish speaking country =chicano

Chicano means mexican american dummy.

Literally nothing, natives are all the same.

>American education

They don't even know about THEIR OWN slang. You can't make this up people! Sad!

How can we wall it?

I actually consider the americas belong to natives , white people don't belong here and should have stayed in Europe.
But yea... they didn't so build that fucking wall

Torço por vocês vizinhos. Talves pelo facto da cultura e religião não serem tão diferentes (como é em Europa) não ocorram grandes problemas de integração.


bolivians are SHIT and they should be kicked out of the country at the very least. If they are not outright thieves or drug dealers, they will usually be breaking the law in one way or another, like taking public spaces like parks and stuff to build their shit huts because the little shits are entitled like that and feel like we argentines have to give it to them for free; they will also not "settle" in some random patagonian town where more population might be a good thing (just not them), they will do it in the city of buenos aires, ,which is the most expensive part of the country and a place where most native argentines have not been able to afford a (legal) house of their own after a lifetime of hard work.
Those who work often sell shit on the street ilegally hurting the people who pay taxes or open groceries (ilegally so they dont pay taxes) that don't meet hygiene regulations and get closed down, but they don't give a shit about our law so they carry on like normal and become even entitlied.
They are welfare leeches even if they "work", and have a dozen kids each so they can get more free money. They are extremely dirty and shit up every place they go to. They are alcoholics and drive (no license of couse) while drunk.
And our whole society panders to them and lets them do whatever the fuck they want in our country, reinforcing their overblown sense of entitlement

Hegoalde edo Iparralde?

Iparralde, Zuberoan.

>mfw a fucking zuberoan thinks he's better than a chicano


Please go back to your Basque-American blogs complaining about how Bizkainos don't like you because you're a frenchie northern faggot.


t. brayan quispe mamani

You should read this very carefully before being so open and positive about selling your country out.

they are a patetic,poor and ugly version of mexicans

yeah what the fuck were they thinking? why would they fuck those little trolls instead of having homosex with their hot, sweaty, mediterranean countrymen

Everything past the southern border is mexico, remember?