Gustav Adolph is the king in the north and Finnish Hakkapeliittas will hack down every Balt, Pole, German or a Slav who disagrees.
Swedish-Finnish Empire
back to bed Pekka
Finland? Didn't user proved that Finland actually doesn't exist?
How did he prove that?
There's only 5,5 million Finns though.
Counting diaspora?
He's dead you know
Has been for a while too
t. Cai-Göran
what are you talking about?
i am gonna go vote for him to be the king tomorrow, so i don't see how he could be dead.
200 Hakkapeliitta were also part of the army which King Karl X Gustav of Sweden led across the frozen Danish straits in the winter of 1658, which enabled him to conquer Skåneland from Denmark in the Treaty of Roskilde.
Despite popular Finnish belief, the Hakkapeliitta were not particularly well-known on the Central European battlefields; Finns are rarely mentioned in Central European sources of the time, even though it is not known, many Finnish soldiers served under the Swedish Empire. During the era of the Swedish Empire of the 17th century, the Finnish cavalry was constantly used in Germany, Bohemia, Poland and Denmark. Parts of the cavalry were stationed in Estonia and Livonia.
>Despite popular Finnish belief, the Hakkapeliitta were not particularly well-known on the Central European battlefields; Finns are rarely mentioned in Central European sources of the time, even though it is not known, many Finnish soldiers served under the Swedish Empire.
Forever irrelevant
we still remember it in our hearts, it was good times.
Really, I thought you barely mention us in your history books?
Counting diaspora we'd be close to 7 million.
Saged your shit thread
minority groups were rarely mentioned because as far as the nobility was concerned they where just plebs who spoke another language.
its not like nationality was a big thing until the 19th century in north europe.
I've lived in Stockholm, Helsinki, Uppsala, Turku/Åbo, Oulu/Uleåborg and lately even in Kiruna and there's no difference between the people.
I know both Swedes and Finns like to be different from each other but you're not.
Hey friend, but he got literally bitch slapped by Poland until he got gut.
No need to thank us.
True. You got screwed over by the western Church too.