Will the baltics remain independent through this century?

Will the baltics remain independent through this century?

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Nukes mean countries don't get invaded anymore.


but they dont have nukes

baltics aren't real countries

Other countries do which means countries don't take the risk of invading other countries anymore.

it must be nice living on a coast of a giant fucking desert thousands of miles from anyone else

you can spew your liberal bullshit and nobody minds as there's no one to correct you

How could the Baltics possibly be invaded if it risks nuclear warfare, though?

what nuclear warfare

estland will become part of the nordic union
latvia will be a russian republic
lithuania will kill itself

NATO is a bunch of sissies though, and Putin knows this.

>HIV and drugs out of control in Estonia
>suicide and feminism rampant in Lithuania
>Latvia is completely irrelevant
It's pretty bleak in the Baltics. Balts are clearly incapable of running their own country. Maybe being annexed by a functional country wouldn't be such a bad thing.

None, provided a country doesn't get invaded.

it's not an automated mechanism, country gets invaded = nukes

nukes are used to bluff and I'm certain the US would not waste any nukes on Baltics, strategically and economically irrelevant to anyone

Happy re-independence day.. kek

But, i don't feel totally independent..

We don't have any natural resources any more. The communists stole our uranium.

>Baltics, strategically and economically irrelevant to anyone
I wouldn't say that. Surely Russia wouldn't mind having a few buffer states to its east. Which is exaclt why NATO wanted them.

They should retake the kaliningrad oblast, kick out/genocide the russians and make their own Baltic superstate.

>economically irrelevant to anyone

they make tasty sprats in sunflower oil, so they are relevant to me

>NATO is a bunch of sissies though, and Putin knows this.

NATO is only a bunch of sissies because Europe doesn't pull their own. Can't wait for god emperor Trump to say pay your way or get fucked by Russia.

>estland will become part of the nordic union

After being annexed by Finland, adults worked to death to pay for economic convergence and children distributed as bonded labor in Swiss style to poor finnish families in lapland?

The European NATO countries spend 5 times more on defense than Russia.
NATO as a whole spends 15 times more than Russia.
This is a stupid meme.

Why does America pay a majority of that meme?

Because americans have a stupidly large military as a result of the military-industrial complex etc etc

Why is it necessary to spend that much? It's ridiculous.

They aren't independent

Baltic states is a part of European Empire (EU)

estonia , latvia , litva = Russian republic 68% Russian population

We do but we're about to spend it on better places than Europe.

A big part of our spending is paying for European defense. That's going to end soon.

Do Finns even want Estonia? Finns are atheists but they seem to hate Orthodox and other non-Protestants.

Dude, you're pretty much 'defending' the entire world. We don't want your nukes here.

Not that user, but I've read that America's wealth and standard of living is predicated upon being a global hegemon with our military being central to this order. Without it, our dollar would be worthless and we'd essentially be Brazil-tier with tons of poverty especially among our most degenerate peoples/subcultures who currently enjoy a relatively high standard of living due to the fact that we have the luxury to blow money inefficiently on them. Don't know how true this is though.

>to hate Orthodox and other non-Protestants.
Yeah we obviously hate Orthodox christians and Catholics. Which is why we built pic related and the most powerful man in Finland is a Laestadian and the second most powerful is a Catholic.

>that bit of clay Russia still owns below Lithuania

Every. Time.

>USSR became a reality because of the Red Latvian riflemen
>this destroyed the old Russian empire
>USSR fell because of Lithuania

The Balts destroyed two Russian empires. You think Ruskies are crazy enough to try and annex those fuckers again?

No. They will be invaded by Russia. NATO will get a lot worried but will do nothing because Baltics aren't worth a World War and everyone knows it. However this successful will be one of the first steps of a World War.

Meil on piisavalt uraani, et mõned pommid ehitada ja meil on miljardite väärtuses fosforiiti.
Ära teistele ütle.

>this successful

this successful invasion *

russia has zero chance of winning any world war

china maybe would coax Russia into it, but then betray them when they are weakened and take a huge chunk of Russia. Russians know this therefore they will never escalate that far

Estonia should join Finland.

Would Russia allow this?

We don't need or want them.

Why not? Our relations with Finland are way better than ones with Estonia.

Give Karelia back you theieves

We fought for it and spilled our blood therefore it wasn't theft. So no. And anyway ask georgians for that, it was their idea.

no because ebil russian commie animals will come and annex the fuck out of them and rape 'em all, just like in their wet dreams xD

You personally might not need or want then. But whenever some mad man in Kremlin begins wanting them, you'll have nothing to do but to obey his orders. That's how politics in Russia works.

This time we'll just nuke baltic commieshits

Keemlin neither need or want them.

Leave Lithuania to us.

>UK on random bits of clay

What's there to visit in Belaruse?

I don't think so. But I also belive that UE and USA won't do anything about it.

be glad it's gone

Minsk, but anyway there's nothing yiu won't see anywhere else