
trash I want all of them out of my country A-L-L-O-F-T-H-E-M

Are we sudacas too?

We come to America, not to your poor shithole lel, so don't flatter yourself

You first :^)

>of which 766,966 were born in Spain
2 million my ass, those fucking 2nd gen immigrants AREN'T Spanish.

Kill urselft jorge, Fucking 1.64

766,966 way too many.

500 million with spanish ancestry LoL,

there're are more spaniards in argentina than the other way around.

you have to go back...

sudaca = sudamericano, so yes

Good question. Well, I think "sudaca" is a Spaniard therm to define all the South Americans [in this case, we are "sudacas"]; if so, why it was highlighted Central America?
But if the therm is is about the language, we are not "sudacas".

Spaniard, please, clarify.

Anything below the US is a sudaca to them. It's not that hard.

I've never seen any Spaniards calling us "sudaca". Maybe this is a pejorative term towards you.

Anything below Algeciras*
Gibraltar, Florida, California and the RASD are all sudacas.

everything below the US of A border is considered spic, beaner, latino and/or sudaca.

Why Brazilian and Portuguese people can mark "non-Hispanic whites" on US census Bureau?


who's lauging now matias? ahahaha

Spanish (and Italian) people are the cancer of Europe. Everyone hates and talks shit about you, but you're too stupid to ever realise.

because you don't speak spanish duh
besides the us census is a joke

I think "sudaca" is for Spanish America, not Brazil, because we don't give a shit about Spain and Spanish jokes don't sound as offensive as the ones to Spanish America because Spain colonized Spanish America.

I think the same way. We have no reason to hate or love Spain and vice versa. It's Spanish America's problem.


He is a racist kid, I hate him too

portuguese is a meme form of galician + spanish, you're even on a lower category than us

>XIX and XX centuries
>A million starving Spaniards come here to escape hunger
>Accepted and integrated

>Economic crisis in Uruguay, 30k uruguayans go to Spain
>Sudaca trash get out of my country reeeee

God bless the motherland

I know, I wish neo nazis lynch him when visit other places in europe

En niño va a estar abriendo todos los días este hilo, espero que lo baneen

It doesn't matter. Spain did not colonized Brazil so Spanish jokes doesn't sound offensive.

Portugal was bullied by Spain, not us.

NorteMex is white and not sudaca in any way. Everything south of Durango is major shit though.

>un chicano norteño
Pero qué asco.

but he's not too far from the truth tho. Even tho some sudacas go there to work, there are some that go to commit crimes, form gangs and overall lower the quality of life with their low IQ, it's better for Spain to keep them out

any spic can mark "hispanic" and "white" on census forms, the "white hispanic" and "nonwhite hispanic" is simply derived from that data

it's also why it's impossible to get any reliable data on mexishit immigration because at least a third of them don't put themselves down as "hispanic" in the first place

multiplicate por cero

yeah fuck off joto I'm white unlike you mestizo/indio shits

Sonora and Chihuahua should be part of the US while Sinaola is Independent.

I know but they are the best inmigrants, better than fucking romanians and moors lad.

También ahora con la crisis al no haber puesto de trabajo hay gente que apoya que no entren más inmigrantes

>el chicano norteño ni siquiera sabe hablar español

everyone up here is fluent in English, unlike you. This is because we often have to travel to other countries to converse with other people, instead of other savages

it's one of the benefits of being white

Es que no hay trabajo, como puede ver más gente aquí cuando ni siquiera tenemos los españoles un trabajo para sobrevivir?


holy shit thats so confusing, why does ethnicity even matter

lets say i go to the usa later down the road and settle there, not too far fetched since im a software developer, and mark "hispanic" in the census, since being from spain could be called hispanic. would it raise any flags that im european? and what are the advantages? and why the hell would that third of mexicans willingly miss on being a protected group?

>why does ethnicity even matter

Before the 1964 civil rights act if your ethnic group was "nonwhite" then it could be excluded from a large variety of jobs, housing and businesses (specifically hotels). Remember that from 1910-40 mexico had a huge civil war and thousands of refugees flooded into the US. This is also how the quota system came about.

Anyway, even after segregation ended it remained but as a census variable with almost no legal meaning. The only time it really matters is in college admissions, as "white hispanic" students have about 2-3 times the chance of getting into a select college than white or asian students. This is why Filipinos always claim to be mexican when they go to college.

Theorically you are white hispanic since you come from an hispanic culture.

For the average murrikan however 'hispanic' means a brown 1.60 mestizo selling tacos so it won't be easy for them to understand.

no pls

>lets say i go to the usa later down the road and settle there, not too far fetched since im a software developer, and mark "hispanic" in the census, since being from spain could be called hispanic. would it raise any flags that im european?

"hispanic" might as well mean the same thing as "latino" so you'd be considered on the same level as a honduran or oaxaco

>and what are the advantages?

allows you to abuse affirmative action systems, especially school admissions. If you get arrested you can also cry to the NAACP for a free lawyer because you're technically not white

>and why the hell would that third of mexicans willingly miss on being a protected group?

would you willingly call yourself a gypsy?

Who cares? I don't want to move there and get shot.

I prefer live here than yankeeland

Aside politics, here is very nice to live

It was a much bigger deal before the civil rights act. If you flew into LA in 1950 you wouldn't be allowed to rent a car (at least not without a significantly larger deposit and insurance fees) and you had to sit at the back of the bus and sleep at nonwhite rooms in hotels. You couldn't even use white telephones either. Breaking the law means you get sent to a nonwhite jail with niggers and mexicans.

It didn't matter if you were pale skinned, if your papers said "nonwhite" you weren't white. Which is why people like my parents just said they were Italian. Nobody can tell the difference.



because you aren't white, JUAN

My name is Héctor you nigel

still a spic name, hééééééééctor

Am I being summoned? You know you'd have to kill every single Sinaloense before Mexico loses territory again, do you really think Chicano low lifes can take on real Mexicans?

Macho eres un poco pesado, todos los putos días abres el mismo thread. No se si lo haces por bait o porque lo crees de verdad, pero desde luego eres un puto plasta.

You're sudaca, just a bit far from the stereotypical one.

absolutely just look at pena he's a tiny manlet like all mexicans are. They can only win wars against subhumans (oaxacos)

we can break off and there is absolutely nothing you'd be able to do about it except piss yourself and cry. Remember who runs the cartels, we'd start a nationwide civil war just to fuck with you then continue to make loads of money off drug sales

Ya ves, yo creo que tiene 15 años, una cosa es estar de broma y tal pero esto..

Luego irá por otro país de visita y le lincharan el karma lo llaman

What drugs are you on? The cartels are run from Culiacán

Chicanos are below Oaxaqueños even for the most racist faggot. Fuck off, subhuman piece of shit, nobody wants you, not here nor in the US.

che postea tu brazo con timestamp de nuevo dale

Me da pena enserio que tengáis que aguantar ha estúpidos como Que se creen superiores por vivír en USA mientras los americanos los detestan

>Culiacán is a city in northwestern Mexico, the largest city in the state of Sinaloa

lol, oaxacos don't even qualify as human. You're just a butthurt mestizo that wishes his father was from Sinaola.

Gracias hermano, genuinamente es una verguenza, mentalidad de ghetto que agarran en Estados Unidos algunos, sin embargo no son todos así, solo algunos que se vuleven vendepatrias.

And people quit it with badmouthing our based Oaxaco bros.

I'm from Sinaloa motherfucker, born and raised in Mazatlán. You're just a mongrel with no roots and no identity.

Although you are ancestors are from spain, sinaloa is the worst state in mexico ruled by criminals.

Andalusians like your ancestors are trash from península

all sudacas are trash, barely human, they can pass as humans but they're monkeys at heart

>going to Spain to study soon
>will probably end up living there (richfag so it's my choice)
>will have to worry about the spanish girls I involve myself with potentially having disgusting sudaca native blood in them

Don't want to pollute my 100% euro genes

Una cosa Selena Gómez de donde es? Es chicana también

Matate, das vergüenza ajena. Como una persona puede tener tanto odio?

Andalusia is a pretty awesome place, I've travelled there and they're bro tier people, most Sinaloenses with Spanish surnames are Basque however, the state was mostly settled by Germans.

And fuck off you know shit about Mexico, Sinaloa feeds half the country and the overwhelming majority of people are decent and hard working, it's pretty easy to talk out of your ass just knowing what you've learned on the internet.

fuera de mi pais simio con los de tu especie los españoles de verdad jugamos al donkey kong

fight me IRL amigo

and you're a blue blooded cuck that uses german euros to buy everything. Even fucking hondurans have their own currency

Are you fucking retarded?
Most Spanish chicks are what you consider absolutely white, and hotter than the average anglo girls in here.

Pero si soy español pero he viajado lo suficiente para respetar.

La xenofobia se cura viajando te lo aconsejo

Why do you call yourself a Mexican then? Anyone who despises our native people is not one of us.

Es Mexican-American, no se de donde sea su familia.

Her dad is a wetback but she doesn't goes around shouting she's Mexican, so she's not a Chicana just an American.
Chicanos should abandon Spanish all along when they enter the US, instead they make little ghettos filled with crime and awful stereotypes.

Vete al hogar social de Madrid. Ahí si que hay simios igual de retrasados que tú.

fite me fggt

lo que ponga en tus papeles no te hace español, aunque hayas nacido aqui todavia llevas la selva en el corazon por tus ancestros

>will have to worry about the spanish girls I involve myself with potentially having disgusting sudaca native blood in them
Are you, by any chance, absolutely fucking retarded?

Seriously? Are you 12?

anime y rudeza

>having any relevance outside futebol


Tampoco esconde ser Mexicana, esta chido que se integren allá sin olvidar sus raices aunque por razones comprensibles no las conozcan muy bien. La bronca son los pochos de corazón podrido que odian a México.

I'm anglo not mexican you dirty spic manlet

t. Paco Pierro Hernandez Chicano

Mi familia es de aquí de toda la vida, mi abuelo era policía cuando había fascismo que va a saber tu de la vida criajo del copón

>having any relevance outside futebol
What are you tripping on Brasil?

no, yo soy de Sinaloa

Then what the fuck are you doing answering messages for the chicano? Go fuck yourself gringo, you're not a part of this convo

Where from? Guasave?

You're obviously confused, I never answered messages for anyone.

Build wall Paco

tu que vas a saber de la vida si a los de tu especie les toses un poco y se mueren, y tus padres vivian en los arboles deja de mentir

>t. Paco Pierro Hernandez Chicano
t. John Johnson "I am fucking retarded" Smith
What native blood are you even talking about, my retarded amerifat friend? You DO know Spain is not in Mexico, right?

Contigo es imposible, caso perdido.

You've had a huge amount of sudaca immigration for the past 30 years, and your women are getting CHICANO'D


Go shart in a mart gringo

Learn english

Estas troleando verdad?

You've got it wrong, is you who are getting cucked out of your own country retard

El perfecto tipo de diaspora. Que los chicanos traigan Banda norteña, low riders y hablen TexMex es como si un irlandés se vistiera como duende todo los días mientras escucha gaitas a todo volumen cuando cuida su siembra de patatas. En vez de eso celebran sus raíces un solo día y dejan a la demás gente vivir en paz el resto del año.