Flipping through channels on my TV

>Flipping through channels on my TV
>Hear French

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How are you hearing the French if he's a mute?

> une putain de feuille

>Chimpanzilian education

What are you saying frogboy?

What are you saying leafboy?

What are you saying Chimpboy?

>Il ne parle pas français

mais user, je parle le français

Don't understand frog talk

Pourquoi tu répètes ce qu'il vient de dire ?

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Anonymous 08/21/16(Sun)10:21:26 No.63752368>Flipping through channels on my TV
>Hear French
Anonymous 08/21/16(Sun)10:56:21 No.63753707How are you hearing the French if he's a mute?
Anonymous 08/21/16(Sun)10:58:40 No.63753786354deaa3770912621bb816da0(...).jpg (12 KB, 258x245) google iqdb wait
12 KB
> une putain de feuille
Anonymous 08/21/16(Sun)10:59:07 No.637538011447729708249.jpg (160 KB, 756x841) google iqdb wait
160 KB
>Chimpanzilian education
Anonymous 08/21/16(Sun)11:03:05 No.63753941What are you saying frogboy?
Anonymous 08/21/16(Sun)11:04:15 No.63753987What are you saying leafboy?
Anonymous 08/21/16(Sun)11:06:11 No.63754052
What are you saying Chimpboy?
Anonymous 08/21/16(Sun)11:06:29 No.63754066 >Il ne parle pas français
Anonymous 08/21/16(Sun)11:08:17 No.63754123
mais user, je parle le français
Anonymous 08/21/16(Sun)11:09:15 No.63754152Don't understand frog talk
Anonymous 08/21/16(Sun)11:15:54 No.63754380
Pourquoi tu répètes ce qu'il vient de dire ?
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>he doesn't speak french

God no, why would I?

you could be white


I'm Anglo, nice try Pierre.

>I'm Anglo

t. Chong

>He's literally a dark featured swarthy Francophonie

Do you even have pink nipples bro?

you tell me, but it might be hard for you to notice since your eyes are always half-closed

I'm sure my eyes will be fine, the lack of reflection from your dark francophonie skin won't bother me.

French is beautiful though


That's fine, they say that dogs always see things in black.

That grill is beautiful. I had too mute the video though.

Only when it is ;)

Are you calling Francophonie women dogs? The only thing they see are black

Then it must be hard to see a bright of light when you live in the English part of Canada.

Funnily enough I am in Ottawa and facing east towards Quebec...

Your fault, nobody consider Gatineau as a part of Quebec anyway, after all, it's as soulless and devoid of personality as any other places in Ontario ;^)

Aw shucks, at least I'm comforted in the fact I can look at my hung portrait of OUR Queen.