Im scared. How can i save the hwite race

Im scared. How can i save the hwite race

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looks like paris

by killing yourself, mongol

What the fuck

why do women all have the same dress?

Sorry to disappoint you but Finns aren't Asian genetically, neither are they European.

Looks like some kind of event.

Aren't you connected with Swedes?

Some scandinavian influence, yes.

Race mixing is healthy for humanity. Prove me wrong

>Posts a picture taken right after a ralley for Africans in Sweden
>L-look at all the immigrants in sweden


>this isn't an everyday sight for the average Swede

Now people are going to argue that blacks and the like have lower IQs than all whites. Despite the fact that you can find greater variation in IQ in a small german town, than between races on a global scale.

Does that matter?

do you see any mixing going on ? nope i see one million niggers and white people probably going to live in gated communities or enclaves or whatever

a,d i don't blame them because everyne knows black ppl bring the standard of living down so hard you don't even want to be close

Build time machine and change the past about immigration law.

Race-mixing with Africans and Middle-easteners will bring European IQ down. Which will lead to our societies being more dangerous. Luckily, a lot of mixing is not happening.

I have not found any logical reason for not to race-mixing with east-asians, it would slightly bring our IQ up. Other than that mixed people generally support globalist ideas, being that they are not really connected to any specific country. They will push for more multiculturalism, because they are the people who think instead of being "children of Finland", they are "Children of the world"

As a Asian, Finn's look 100% White.

Far Whiter than Greeks and Italians for sure

If Finn's are Asian because of thier language, then Hungarians and Turks are Asian too.

...this just made me relaise. The west got cucked alot by asians didn't they lol

>let me tell you about your country

But that's what this board is all about.

a racist couple spotted in the center of the photo

You can't, just accept it. You can say that it was for the good of the country.

I'd be there like pike in a perch swarm

Complete breakdown of society

at this point, it takes a race war to get it done


Kek, there is people believing IQ is real, right now. RIGHT NOW.

sub-saharan africans arent even so bad, maghrebi are much more annoying


t. Mutumbu Nkawo

t. el congoliANO



>Still the cleanest place in Europe


Proofs are required.

literally every black woman in that picture has an amazing ass
maybe you're just low-test OP
