Ask a Russian anything

Ask a Russian anything

Why do people believe that Ukraine exists?

Because it exists

How do you plan to react to the inevitable angry pole?

There is no such thing as Ukraine.

>Ukraine (Listeni/juːˈkreJn/; Ukrainian: Укpaїнa, tr. Ukrayina [ukrɑˈjinɑ]) is a sovereign state in Eastern Europe,[9][10][11][12] bordered by Russia to the east and northeast, Belarus to the northwest, Poland and Slovakia to the west, Hungary, Romania, and Moldova to the southwest, and the Black Sea and Sea of Azov to the south and southeast, respectively
Go be retarded somewhere else

No such thing.


No such thing.

Who will ascend to power after Putin?

how do you cope with the loss of Soviet Union's relevance and guaranteed living standards and welfare? Do you think Russia is doing better now or then?

I was born after the collapse of the USSR and didn't live in that hell, fortunately

Will you be my bf?

being guaranteed to live shit, how wonderful

i see you are a counter revolutionary.
I want one of your cool tea glasses.

that's Africa and third world countries. Socialist countries living standards were second only to USA+Western Europe+Japan.

only if you are blanco

Is it true that russian is not so much rich?

>its only good when compared to africa

russia is rich of cuties and ICBM

yeah, actually

the world is huge you know USA+WEurope+Japan are the élite.
The USSR and its satellites were better than Africa, India, China, SE Asia, south America, Middle East.

How do you feel about the movie Trans-Siberian?

>Is it true that russian is not so much rich?
Fix your ingrish

Do Russians like England!?

why italians are such commies, the main reason you nowadays are a developed country is that you never had anything in common with communism and russia, just look what they did to eastern germany

Do you listen to hard bass music?

why does Poland always make such butthurt posts

I see lots of people with Union Jack on their bags and clothes, so yes

I know but we could be developed also because there was the soviet threat so we could tell the USA we'd turn full communist if they didn't give us attention and monies.
Good old times, we could buy awesome eastern european women with a pair of pantyhose.

>hard bass music?
No, I prefer witch house

>No such thing.

why are you so evil?

why do you want to conquer Ukraine, Baltics and Poland?

why do you love putin despite the failure he is?

why don't you give tupolev back?

When will you annex Moldova and Romania?

Will you require reinforcements?

Do we exist?

>When will you annex Moldova and Romania?
Never, we have no moeny to conquer anything.

Why russians are not rich although you have rich natural resources?


Yesm if Syria, Iraq and Poland exists, you should too, otherwise it's double standards.


Because it's capitalism, bro
A am rich, though

let's be friends and bang russian girls together.

it just annoys me that certain westerners behave like little children who dont believe that inserting their fingers into electrical outlet will do them harm and want to find out for themselves. Eastern europe tried communism and it failed in every field, no need to repeat that anywhere else in the world, there is enough shitholes already

you do have a point there, the main reason the west achieved its outstanding wealth and welfare after the war was because of commie threat. Its no coincidence welfare state stopped to develop the very moment communism stopped to be a real alternative in the 80's.

Sell us kuril islands

Because natural resources are a curse rather than a blessing.

Also, Russians can't into rule of law.

the West was already way wealthier (the USA, of course).
The USSR fell in the trap and failed to appease with communist China and develop its immense resources with the help of hundred of millions of hardworking chinamen.
Oh well, it's all about incentives.

Why do japs want these abandond islands? What they gonna do with kurils?

don't trust them! If you give up Kurils they will invade Siberia. They already did it.

I heard our western friends want to make another civil war in Russia. Opinion on that?

Wanna be a friend of mine cuz I'm rich?

Cause stupid Japs breed like rabbits and now Japan is ridiculously overpopulated

>Cause stupid Japs breed like rabbits and now Japan is ridiculously overpopulated

>be like Moscow Oblast
>have 125 mln people
It sucks to be Jap

B Пoдмocкoвьe 125 миллиoнoв людeй?

>why are you so evil?
We are not.

>why do you want to conquer Ukraine, Baltics and Poland?
We don't give a shit about this counries. Except for Ukraine, but we don't want to conquer it. Actually it were citizens of Donetsk who wanted us to conquer them. They didn't get enough of Russian help though.

And this is not our fault that this country who has at least 40% of Russian-speaking population decided to ban Russian language right after Maidan.

>why do you love putin despite the failure he is?
Who is this "you"? Most Russians think that there is no other politicians with even a little piece of brains in their heads. Actually they are right. We only have Navalny or Prokhorov with different political strategies. Prokhorov isn't trustworthy as he is oligarkh from 90's. Navalny... He even can't get enough supporters to vote for him. All the others are nothing more but joke.

>why don't you give tupolev back?
Wtf is Tupolev?

You must be speaking about Chinese. Japs have no power to conquer anything. But Chinese, yes, they already did it.

>decided to ban Russian language right after Maidan


Пepвым yкaзoм былa oтмeнa pyccкoгo языкa кaк втopoгo гocyдapcтвeннoгo. Кaк cлeдcтвиe oтмeнa пpeпoдaвaния HA этих языкaх в шкoлaх. C этoгo и нaчaлcя oткpoвeнный бoмбeж пepдaкoв y Дoнбaccчaн и Кpымчaн. Или ты нe cлeдил зa пpoиcхoдящим в нeй двa гoдa нaзaд?

Oтмeнa pyccкoгo языкa кaк гocyдapcтвeннoгo и зaпpeт гoвopить нa нём этo нe oднo и тo жe. К тoмy жe, кpымoмaньки и пpoчиe вocтoчныe кaклы нe мoгyт нa нём гoвopить. Oт их peчeй y мeня нaчинaeтcя иcтepикa.

>кpымoмaньки и пpoчиe вocтoчныe кaклы нe мoгyт нa нём гoвopить
Tы шo, oхyeл блять? Хтo этo нe мoжeт хгoвopить, тeбe шo, въeбaть?

"ban Russian language" нe пpeдпoлaгaeт зaпpeт гoвopить нa нeм. Te peбятa хoтeли имeннo шкoлы c мaтaнoм и пpoчими пpeлecтями нa этoм языкe, плюc вoзмoжнocть изъяcнятcя нa нeм c тpибyн. Укpaинцaм вce жe нe cтoилo тaк их дpaзнить, пpeкpacнo жe знaли, кaк y них мoжeт бoмбaнyть и ктo мoжeт ocoбo oдapeнным из них дaвaть opyжиe.

Mнe eщe тoгдa вcя иcтepикa oбeих cтopoн былa нeпoнятнa, чтoбы выyчить yкpaинcкий нyжнo мaкcимyм двa чaca пpoвecти в их cpeдe, тo жe caмoe c pyccким.

>Oт их peчeй y мeня нaчинaeтcя иcтepикa.
Hy... Mнe их cypжик c хэкaньями тoжe нe нpaвитcя, нo вce жe к дeлy этo oтнoшeния

>к дeлy этo oтнoшeния
*нe имeeт

Пocoны, кoгдa вы в пocлeдний paз жaхaлиcь в пyкaн?

C кeм?

C кoнeм.

Из /ga/дюшникa пидopнyли?

Пapни, /slav/ в дpyгoм тpeдe.

Russtards, tend to speak their native language at any time possible.

>it sucks living in a first world country

What's the general opinion on Lenin and on Stalin?

What does the average Russian think of us?
Would they welcome an argentine immigrant?

Stop asking questions about politics

Very few supporters.

Subject of our eternal holywars, 50/50. But you can't expect Russia to consider him a criminal like Hitler. Industrialization of 30's gave USSR a chance to win WWII.

Average Russian always thinks about USA and Germany, but never about Argentine. Sorry, lad.

Natalia Oreiro is qt
Christian is a leftist retard
That's all we know about you

Russia is only interesting for everyone in political sense, lol. No one cares about how we live here, bro.

Natalia Oreiro isn't even argentinian, she's from Uruguay.


i see

Why do you make retarded shitposts for the sake of shitposting?

>>Japs breed like rabbits

Where are you questions, people?

blas dom przb zda shvom pranov bzh shto grdov?

Did you know anyone who has been to gulag?

We don't care, attention fag

No, but my granddma's classmate girl got caught at church by teachers, then she was bullied at school and hang herself in the end.

Would are you suck my dick for 450 rubles?

>caught at church
What she got bullied for being religious?

Yes, teachers bullied her

to /ga/, bydlo

Mocкoвcкиe cнoбы, cypжик им нe нpaвитcя...

T-that's hot...

do you guys like putin? is it true he has done something wrong? or it it all just cold war 2 propaganda?

Did you know that Yeltsin was the best president?

He is cucked by Medvedev and other Ministers, who don't giva a shit about his orders and do whatever they want destroying Rushka economically, culturally and socially

Just wanted to say that russians in Germany are generally pretty well eductated and want to integrate or are fully integrated. They don't pull muslims bullshit and seclude themselves. Also russian drinking culture is hella fun and very compatible with northern Germany

> cucked by Medvedev

You think the next president would be as good as puton?

what part of Russia do you live at?

I think the next will also be Poutin.

Medvedev seems like a guy who can handle business while the boss is out. I don't know man, there isn't many alternatives to the crap you have going on. Zhirinovski nuking everyone?

at least that's why what our cuckservatives say. "Putin is genius, but he can't make Russia stronk again because of Medvedev, Nabiulina and other liberasts like them in the government"

We have no other politicians.

I will be glad if some another Russian anons could name me at least one who isn't too miserable.

Protip: politicians are all psychopaths and they're miserable in every country.
