What to do if you accidentally click on an ad? Should I just reimage now?

What to do if you accidentally click on an ad? Should I just reimage now?

even big kots love boxes!

>purge any and all OS's from machine
>fresh gentoo setup with full disk encryption
Don't even bother with any network drivers btw. You should get off the grid for at least 2 months

>get off the grid for 2 months


>2 months
The absolute state of Sup Forums

At least 4 years OP.

Buy the product so it looks like you clicked the ad on purpose

>not buying every product advertised so ads can no longer advertise everything to you

install qubes-os OP
you will only need to reimage the VM that your web browser is running in, which is entirely separate from e.g. the one with your password manager or the one that manages your desktop

>Should I just reimage now?
I have a virtual machine I use for botnet shit, like online shopping, where they know my real identity and I can't use my full tinfoil browser setup if I want the online checkout to work. I start it up, do what I need to do, then shut it down and revert it to a clean snapshot.

what is the purpose of doing that?

Cookies, flash cookies, localstorage, indexedDB, TLS session tickets, none of its persistent. Its all guaranteed to be wiped after the browsing session is done with, since the whole virtual disk gets sent back to the way it was. There's no way that any website can get any persistent identifier on the VM. And since none of my other browsing is done in that VM, there's no way they can see anything other than what I do on their website.

the more you click on them the more gullible they think you are. eventually you have to reimage because your browser is 99% ads with a tiny square of content somewhere in the middle that wanders about like a cat with Chisso-Minamata disease.

So, I can take apart a computer and put it back together, use Javafx, Android Studio, program in C, Java and Python. None of this is impressive but I still don't understand what the fuck you're saying

so where can I learn?

Don't forget to zero the drive also

I've never had an ad problem like the one you're describing so I still don't quite follow why this would make me want to go through all the effort to tinfoil my computer as another user said

What OS? Also, any VPN or other extra measure?

Debian, for both the host and guests. I don't use a VPN for the VM I do my shopping with, since so many websites freak out if your IP is halfway around the world from where you want your shit shipped to. I use a VPN in a different VM for general browsing, though. That browser has script blocking and other shit that doesn't play nice with online stores, also.

Just clear your cookies like everyone else.

>not the other user
Never done it but sounds something like:
Download a vm and an OS, save a snapshot on the very first moment you boot and whenever you use it revert to said snapshot

So what do I do with the other computer that's tinfoiled? Just, don't buy things on it essentially?


>use uMatrix
>block everything by default
>don't afraid of anything