So disregarding the distros attached, which systemd alternative is best, and why?

So disregarding the distros attached, which systemd alternative is best, and why?
>other: please specify

Other urls found in this thread:

inb4 "lel systemd is fine just use it goy"

It unironically is. If it was a distributed as a binary blob and no one had access to the source code, I’d understand the trepidation but the way I see it, theres just a lot of FUD



Also, do we really need this same thread every fucking day? Systemd isn't going away.

What is systemd anyway?

second time making this, and still nobody actually wants to give a real answer.

Here is you're answer.


If I wanted to use systemd, I wouldn't even be making this thread.
I don't.

Install the Gentoo and embrace the openrc

runit or s6, but i have not heard of shepherd

What makes openrc better or worse than the others, such as runit, shepherd, or classic sysvinit?

Shepherd is made by GNU

It's used on their GuixSD distribution.

also, what makes you choose runit and s6 over openrc?

While its (probably) not botnet.
It's maintained by a dickhead wit very bad ideas, but lot of cocksuckers.

install gentoo

As long as you can see the source code, you can have undeniable proof whether it's a botnet or not.
Should it ever become closed source, I will certainly move on to something else. But I'm sticking with it for now.

Zsnes is open source as well.

children, please read the OP post.
This isn't about arguing and circlejerking over whether systemd is bad or not.
It's about which non-systemd option is best.
Fellow systemd haters, we all know it's bad. You don't need to repeat it.
Systemd fans, just think of this as a "which one is in second place?" thread

anything more is bloat

open rc devs get a special place in hell for not speaking up when the all the systemd politics were going down

it was sysvinit....or sytemD... myopic motherfuckers didnt even consider there were more out there...

and despite any arguments about innit, using anything that was made by pulse audio faggot should of been an incredible warning sign....

its current year and i still have issues forcing pulse to output only 24/96 and nothing else because of my bespoke digital crossovers ...

What's wrong with Zsnes?

sell me on it.
How do you work with it? can you easily enable, disable, start, stop, and restart daemons/services with it?

once again, not the point of the thread.

But extracting from your rant, it sounds like you're saying these various other alternatives are superior to sysvinit.
mind going deeper into that?

>i still have issues forcing pulse to output only 24/96 and nothing else
how did you accomplish this?

put your "services" in your init script to enable them and remove them to disable them. start them from your shell and use `kill` when you need to stop it.
It's almost as though you have never used Unix before.

Interesting. Very simple, but effective.
Why then do other systems use services and put layers of abstraction on top of this? I'm not even referring to systemd here. Smaller alternatives/replacements such as openrc+sysvinit, runit, and shepherd all use similar commands for this purpose.

I mean, there's gotta be a reason why these other systems work the way they do besides needless bloat.

i dont write innit scripts but educated myself by reading all the comments on every single slasdot article about systemd over the years

what i got out of it was openrc competently modernised sysvinnit , removed some of the cruft and did it while staying true to greybeard ways but without hostile expansion of scope and ring layers and services and non readable logs like systemd

by editing the pulse config ... but it just doesnt like being pushed into 24le and keeps defaulting... unlike windows where there is just a bitdepth / sample rate box you select in the sound config...

proabably some nix autists got triggered over re-sampling audio but its actually been solved. The new SoX re-sampling library is amazingly good...

>removed some of the cruft
>without hostile expansion of scope and ring layers and services and non readable logs
Ok so it sounds like based on both your posts, the systemd folks were right about sysvinit needing to be replaced/upgraded/whetever, but there was a much better way of doing that than what we ended up with. This has been my observation as well.
openrc seems interesting, because from what I've seen, it's actually not an init unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning system made useful by an actual init.
In non-meme terms, it actually looks like a separate thing that runs on top of init, whether that init be sysvinit, openrc-init, busybox init, etc.

So let's get to the bottom of this one:
OpenRC vs Runit?


runit seems simpler to me. all you need to do to use it is create and remove symlinks

Yeah that's the one I have more experience with. It's pretty fast and comfy. My knowledge of OpenRC is much less, as I really only used it once when I was trying out Alpine. The idea of the service management and whatnot being a separate component appeals to my autism though, although I don't know whether it's better or worse than runit in practice, both in terms of usability and in speed/performance.

That was also the argument against Firefox being a botnet, and look at what fucking happened there...

Firefox now depends on pulseaudio so it's fucked anyway.

I like systemd. It just works and doesn't get in my way.

I like runit. It just works and doesn't get in my way. I wish I could say the same for systemd.

Good for you, man! If you like it, have fun using it. I'm glad you're happy with systemd.

Palememe doesn't have this problem.
Another reason why Open-source is good. If shit's fucked and botnet, you can fork it and unfuck it, or use an alternative.

For example, chrome/chromium's fucked, but people are able to fork it, like with Ungoogled-Chromium or Brave.
Or in the systemd situation, some people don't like it, but they have the freedom to do something about it. To replace it.
Try replacing the init system on Windows or MacOS. I bet you can't.

As much as I distrust Mozilla because of their recent shenanigans, I generally distrust forks even more, unless I know who's behind them and trust them e.g. GNU.

Right, like pic related.

Yes. I'm looking forward to the first post-Quantum IceCat release!

Mmmmm, sounds good. I wanted to try something as simple as this with daemontools, maybe I should now.

Here is a tutorial to use sinit with daemontools

Who knows. I doubt anyone has taken the time to perform an extensive survey of all the non-systemd options. The linux community is already very small in relation to os x and windows, and the non-systemd population is even smaller.

I would say that the biggest and most important difference for most would less involve the actual software or technical differences and more with documentation. If I had to guess, openrc will have the best documentation of all non-systemd's due to its usage with gentoo.

I personally prefer openrc. It may be a tad slower, but I just prefer the modularity of it.

Yeah like I said, the modularity idea appeals to my autism. Is it actually slower than runit? I'd love to know.


last bump + uwu