Girls Who Kode

Lets have another /girls who code/ thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

There are many talented female computer scientists but few talented female programmers.


females have smaller brains pham

terrible posture
also, who took the photo?

her boyfriend, while he rested his sweaty balls on her shoulder


“Many” is a stretch. Maybe a third at most. More like an eighth.

>knew a girl that could code really well and shit
>i bitched out and didn't try to date her
>she is married to another guy

feels bad man

Don't care if it's a (s)he or not you're a fucking idiot if you code on that macbook.


Nailed it. Misogyny here..
And i'm practically a neckbeard.

>my soggy knee

Or let's not. At this point - quite possibly well before this point - threads like this are just being beta faggot incels hating on women for the meme.

I don't give a flying fuck whether someone has ovaries, tits, balls, dickbutts or unfathomable mind-flayer maws. I care about whether they are good at what they do.

Attitudes like the ones in this thread - picking on people who are still learning because they have learned that being good at things doesn't just take raw talent, it takes hard work - drive people who are genuinely good at what they do away from your field because you're acting like massive jerks. That is why there are less female programmers these days: shit exactly like this.

Best part is, people who act like massive jerks are very rarely exceptionally talented themselves. They're James Damore type people, just crabs in a pot - at-best average people worried they aren't good enough, dragging anyone they think has an advantage over them down - and those people have the nerve to think women are bitchy snowflakes?

Grow the fuck up, quit bitching about people having the temerity and tenacity to learn what it is that you do, despite people constantly being massive dicks to them, and instead go and learn to sharpen your skills and make the world better.

Don't lie to me and say you don't have cd commands just like that in your .bash_history, especially if you are typing on a crap laptop keyboard.

Hello female woman.

Who here /dir/ ?

/ls/ is too advanced for me

in fact that's basically how /p*l/ operates, except replace the grill with whichever group they're targetting this week

Heyyyyyyyyy how do I find hidden files on the linx terminal, guiiiise?

I tried ls -show but it doesn't do anything. :((((

Not to defend her vanity, but you know she's 6'2'', right? She towers over 95% of the people insulting her.

>def concatenate_strings
>using a cloud IDE for toy programs
macOS includes a ruby interpreter and she fucking registered on a cloud IDE (probably on a paid plan) just to run a hello world programs

You're close!
You need to use
The thanks are important, otherwise ls might not feel appreciated! Happy koding

> assuming the genders of the laughing entities in your picture
did you just

What's the editor, anyway? TF is a (((cl*ud))) IDE?

>it takes hard work
You sincerely think the whole gurrrlss can code thing is about hard work? How come Klossy, the Kloss, the Glamorous Klo, the Karlie-bun, the Kloberider, the Klomax, the Karlian Princess, the Incel Cock Klobberer hasn't progressed much in her gurrrls kan kodelicious skills?

Repeat after me



Paragraphs are not Reddit spacing.

> wow I sure blew the btfo that argument out

The only ones I can think of come from fiction.

We managed to deal with jerks, don't see why we should provide an environment where others shouldn't.

>womyn confirmed can't handle the bantz

>There are many talented lesbian computer technicians but few talented female programmers

fixed that for you

except the guy on the left gets socially shit on, works min wage, and is ridiculed at every level

the girl gets a free ride and is held up as the most amazing thing ever

>want to check out fedora
>pic related is literally the second thing i see
what is wrong with people
why would anyone want to see this
who would think this is good advertising

where is 'Christine' in this pic?

>Wow, you are a Rapist
>Wow, Men are Rapists

>why would anyone want to see this
It's an advert.
>who would think this is good advertising
Most people. It's an endorsement from a non-trivial contributor to OpenJDK.

I don't get what your issue is. Is it the idea they only did it to show off a woman in a technical role?

i know its just a movie but
>watching geostorm
>chick trying to hack into some system
>writes mkdir in the command line to hack it

wow, what a dumb story.

Sounds like you're a basement dweller and this was the only girl you ever met.


That thing ate her.

>not only female but also tall
Damn you're pointing out the most important things about programming here.

Thanks, Mr. iStalkOnline

Because lesbians are not female.

Sweetie, calm down. Shit programmers have been made fun of for ages. I have been made fun of. I have made fun of others. Its a part of the culture. Women as a group are not the only group who are being made fun of. There is also pajeets, chinks, slavs, niggers and whatever funny word we are using for them mexican chaps. So please, sweetie, get those 3 sticks out of your various lewd and non-lewd orifices and calm down your tits.

Not proper ones

as a faggot whose testicles are laden with estrogen, id imagine it'd be a big leap to stray away from life sciences / family sciences / girl shit but once that undergraduate degree comes in the women realize that they now can into life sciences and actually make money / pursue higher education than the 95% of numales who struggled to do average in undergrad and intend on just programming for the rest of their life and shitpost cuz white men are hella complacent about anything that isn't business


Hi newfag, are you cozy here? I hope we can make your stay a pleasant one, it’s okay that you’re underage we already know.

I just lost 6 iq points

more klossy related kringe, this is what women in tech look and act like

>I don't get what your issue is. Is it the idea they only did it to show off a woman in a technical role?
She's disgusting. She's the least attractive person whitout visible deformities I've seen in years. Nobody wants to look at that. Nobody.
She could be the second coming of dennis ritchie and i still wouldn't want to see her ugly mug
There is not a single reason to showcase that thing

It's just how the programming world works. I'll tell you this: software used to work. And yes, it was a male dominated world. That's why you could expect some bullying; it's just how males works.

Due to your and your kinsperson rambling on reddit and tumblr, that changed and now blue-haired people are pretending to be good at something that they aren't (programming), and talented programmers can't have a say not because they are bullies, but simply because they are men. We were better off when men dominated the computers world. Perfect example is how Firefox went from a excellent, mostly lightweight browser in the 2000s to the heavy, slow SJWfox that it is today.

There are also female dominated worlds: fashion, taking care of child - whether as a mother or, say, a kindergarten teacher. It's just that /you/ are actually narrow minded and think that those roles aren't respectful, admirable and important. Not only that, but the fact that men dominated computers made female programmers like Ada Lovelace or those women from the ENIAC even more admirable. Now that "everyone can code", there's nothing admirable anymore. I feel sorry for you and your world where everything appears colorful, but is actually grey.

Now, just some anedoctal evidence: I find it that people who are so vocally "anti-bullying" were /actual/ bullies in high school and college. I know a few of them myself; people who used to bully me (and I was quite a sensitive boy; it did hurt a lot), and now are vocal against [insert minority oppression here].

>We're live.
But the video is not live. Great.

Those girls seem like they were cheap hires from an acting school.

>an excellent browser*
fixed before broken grammar is used as an argument

>opera went chrome now
>then cuckfox did

Is there anything left lad?

It's okay to make fun of shit arkting scheme programs like kode with llossy
It's okay to call bullshit on gendered programs and efforts. On the excuse of equality.
It's okay to call ANY bad programmer an idiot. Let's be honest. 99% of programmers are idiots, both man and womans.
Saying girls can't program is a whole different issue.

I think the problems comes from too many prpgrams orie!ted to girls. Making them look like they need it.
Other reason is that even in normal hard non gendered courses in universities are full of males. And males, specially the ones in that college age are really socially retarded. They help girls too much, for nothing. Even smart gorls that are able to get everything right on their are cpnstantçy bombarded by idiot males wanting tp help. Then most proffessors are also male. And they tend to even subconsciously give a better treatment to females.
Basically females don't really have an environment to prove their worth because every male out there is giving them help. Even a very independent nerd smart genius girl will sometimes get help. Or the male genius will feel not as well treated as the female genius.

The system just doesn't work. Man are knights by nature and it's hurting woman. And the only womans starting programs fpr woamn are in it for feminist/lefts points. Rather than provididng a big hard challenging program where actual good females can emerge. Good female proggrammers are busy with their job/research and they don't care for feminist/leftist points.

Is this better honey?

Change fedora to gNewSense.

rms only used lisp and C.

This comic is right in that this is definitely something that happens. But there's another side to things here, the 'get girls into programming!' stuff showers mediocre girl programmers with praise and patronising awards. Mediocre (and not so mediocre) male programmers don't get that kind of treatment.

I think this kind of 'Girls Who Kode' stuff is patronizing to women, and just gives sexists something to point at and say 'see?'

I fixed it

Replace 'mediocre' with 'pretty' and you nailed it. I'm sure there's plenty of competent female programmers in the world, the thing is, they're probably unattractive and shy and aren't fucking social media whore ex-runway models. This girly coding shit is patronizing to them.

>Teehee, I love programming a code in a computer box, AND I'm a girl. What do you think about THAT boys???

Yeah but then they get instead of pandering.


That's why we need more gay professors. That way men will get favoured by some, women by others, and we can finally have equality.

Support gays for equality.

almost all the "women" in programming or CS i have seen are transgender

i dont know, there were some really competent women in my maths courses at uni but hardly any in computer science. i suppose its society conditioning women that CS is for nerdy males

No shit. Most of the best male programmers are ugly greasy autists. Both genders are equally ugly when it comes to programmers.

Answering your questions:
She's worth more than you. That's why she is there. She is superior.


ITT: People who have clearly never been in the engineering/programming sector talking about what's wrong with it.

Go on.

>Everyone gets made fun of except for white men so its ok

> i suppose its society conditioning women that CS is for nerdy males

Oh, and OBVIOUSLY we do need more unhealthy social engineering crap to right this wrong


I've wanted to learn it for several years, but there is just no time for that.

It isn't exactly knitting, but I taught myself to crochet and am in the middle of making another bag right now.

I have a penis


She's a JVM engineer , not a super model you fucking retard. You can't project your sexual frustrations forever, holy fuckkkkkk.

>has 100kg extra
>that's ok because she's not a super model

If she was made CEO of Red Hat just because she is woman and fat, that would be case to rant about, but come on, you are not saying that Stallman is bad because he is fat and Torvalds because he is wearing glasses, are you?

If you take absolute values of stupidity of this guy and average SJW, you would get pretty much same value.

Glorifying RMS is a meme. He's a fat autist that eats shit off his foot.
Torvalds can't do much about his eyesight.

That's not how Sup Forums works.

That lunch looks really good

pic looks like from jap learning book

Yeah it's Mary from the Genki series
t. Autist

is this real?

First programmer in history was a woman.

How do the mysoginists of Sup Forums process that fact?

the difference is that we know that there were brilliant male mathematicians while the same could not be said about females. And of course Randall knows that, he's just act as a nu male

she wasn't a programmer retard. Look it up, all of her "programs were hypothetical and wouldn't have run.

A gay boi was the first programmer and HE won WW2.

dude this post nailed it. have a free upboat

He's fucking ugly and men should be banned from technology

sure but she still created the schematic for having programs originally

it's like coming up with an approach to a math problem but never actually trying to solve it - while that sounds useless, it can sometimes allow others with deeper insights/more time to tackle the problem themselves

i've got some bad news for you

>xkcd comic
>literally a pro-censorship libshit that was #WithHer
I don't even browse Sup Forums but if I may say so, PLEASE do fuck off.

No, but double spaced paragraphs are.

Pics are real; text is satirical
t. Montrealfag

anyone who idolizes/props up anyone to that degree where they design their lifestyle to mimic/emulate that of their hero's life is a fucking beta loser. doesnt matter if you worship steve jobs or karlie kloss. you're a faggot beta either way.

>I don't know how all these things fit into this box!
Fuck this gay earth

They might be short but at least they aren't retarded frauds.

neither is as retarded as the retarded frogposter posting low effort frog gifs

>that pic

why are women so productive healthy and normal about everything god damn it

Cry more, shit stain.

>proceed to find the most cliché shitskins I can find, because race is important when opening a box