How important is math in computer science? Not in the sense of programming itself, but in the grand scheme of things...

How important is math in computer science? Not in the sense of programming itself, but in the grand scheme of things. Almost every university requires as insane amount of math, my question is why. Is it to prepare students for certain branches of CS, or is it a weeding out process? How do you determine if you could dive deeper into math or not, as in doing more than the major requires?

I think it's because math is symbolic logic, and the deeper you go the greater the level of abstraction. Without logic and abstract reasoning you're not going very far in CS.

Math and computer science are intertwined on a very fundamental level. While it's not *always* required for writing good code, it's an absolute neccessity if you want to be anything more than a code monkey.

discrete and statistics are probably the most important math fields in CS

I'm trying to get better at math myself. I'm on a very low level, intermediate algebra, but I'm going to be taking more advanced programming courses soon(like data structures and what not). I worry that I'll start to struggle since my math isn't keeping up

>Almost every university requires as insane amount of math, my question is why
its less because you need it for its own sake, and more because its good for your brain. If you can't do math well you can't think logically and algorithmically, like you need to do if you're ever to be good at programming and CS.

How does being bad at math mean your bad at thinking logically? I suck at math and I can program just fine

if you were good at thinking logically you wouldn't be bad at math.

It doesn't necessarily mean that, it's just that math and logical thinking are generally seen as intertwined because of the West's great educational systems.

If you were locked into a rape dungeon and passed around the country as a kid, or otherwise just prevented from learning maths properly you could very well be terrible at math and great at thinking logically. But for most people that doesn't apply.

Then what does it mean if someone has been bad at math virtually their whole lives, then in their 20s they become significantly better at it? Does that mean they're smarter?

Maybe they just didn't study properly. Doing a course is different from actually learning.

>just fine
>not great
>not excellent
>just fine


Why do you keep posting this same image in every thread? You know it's not funny right?

Most people who say they suck at math, actually just suck at arithmetic. The more abstract math courses you take, and the less numbers you deal with, the more direct the correlation between what you're learning in your cs classes and your math classes will be.

Ok OP, you want to kow i you have to do math to graduate and get a life.
The answer is yes.

Just do it, its not that hard.

Also, the amount of math is high, don't worry though math is easy once you get the hang of it.

algorithms require some decent amount of math

machine learning is just straight up probability and linear algebra

digital signals processing - again all math

there aren't many cs topics that don't require math

CS derived from Math, CS is all about math, with several layers of abstraction.

SO at the top people today can code without understanding of math

Mathematics are just mental abstraction exercises.

We use it just to teach humans how to get comfortable with length-terminated context-free grammar. Same thing as saying hash tables, dictionaries, and arrays The reason why that is important is because replicable compression through data structure mediums is vital in CS.

My personal concern is that maths is taught as 'this number is bigger than that number' when really maths is trying to teach you the following three things (Algorithmic steps):

1. Compression (Writing)
2. Error-free replicable logical steps (Autoencoding, there's a fucking reason why they are called PRO+GRAMMERS)
3. Comprehension (Reading)

In order of purity of how what subject you need to be useful
1. Maths (The ability to identify statistically irrelevant data)
2. Benchmarking/Factoring code/logic
3. Effective memory allocation

It's that whole 'if I had 7x of 3y, how many Z iterations can I perform before terminating the process without significant data loss?'

Code = Symbols / Machine Comprehension

Is one math class per semester really an insane amount?

For computer science math is fundamental as you are doing science, ie. lots of high level theory. Software Dev requires basic math and more an understanding of logic theory.

Not very important, but having a math BRAIN gives you a great advantage.

Not very important if you are professional java from code monkey kek