You will be using Based Snowden's app on your phone right?

You will be using Based Snowden's app on your phone right?
>Designed to be installed on a cheap Android burner, Haven uses the phone's cameras, microphones and even accelerometers to monitor for any motion, sound or disturbance of the phone. Leave the app running in your hotel room, for instance, and it can capture photos and audio of anyone entering the room while you're out, whether an innocent housekeeper or an intelligence agent trying to use his alone time with your laptop to install spyware on it. It can then instantly send pictures and sound clips of those visitors to your primary phone, alerting you to the disturbance. The app even uses the phone's light sensor to trigger an alert if the room goes dark, or an unexpected flashlight flickers.
>It integrates the encrypted messaging app Signal, so that every alert, photo, and audio clip it sends to the user is end-to-end encrypted. As another safeguard, users can also configure Haven to work with the Android app Orbot, which has an option to turn your phone into a so-called Tor Onion Service—essentially, a server on the darknet. That means the Haven phone's event log can be accessed remotely from your desktop or another phone, but only over Tor's near-untraceable connection.
>You can set thresholds for the audio, but it was tricky choosing a level that wouldn't trigger false positives. Freitas says the developers are still working on fine-tuning those controls, but that users may have to experiment.

inb4 closed source

>using a traitors software
fuck him and OP

Nice, I was wondering how I could spy on those sneaky spies.

But it's not, the whole things is on github

>cia agent turned "rogue"
>makes app that turns any phone into the ultimate botnet
even tho i like snowden, i would never trust this kikery app he made

No person who cares about security and privacy uses a phone.
It would be better if you had a camera and microphone that run free software with an fsf certified sbc connected to it.

good goy


*nonfree software

Does he wear transition lenses?

Nu-Sup Forums hates Snowden though.

>snowden out-jewing the NSA jews
very impressive

(((Andy Greenberg)))

It's funny how it went to libertarians that had actually provoking thoughts on the whole race thing and supported a homeland for everyone, privacy and freedom, to just fascist bootlickers who love daddy state to spy on everyone as long as it hurts leftists cucks and support the right of conquest. They've pushed me into syndicalism because privacy and actual economic freedom, not a fucking totalitarian corporatist state I what I've always supported and it's become clear that right-wing politics will always betray those principles in favor of big corps and brainlet-tier racism. A shame because stuff from right-libertarians like bitcoins, private money and voluntaryism is pretty cool but they've fucked it up big time, can't take them seriously anymore now that they hate people like Stallman and Snowden and love intelligence agencies and christian fundamentalists.

>Guild socialism
>Utopian socialism
>Revolutions of 1848
>Orthodox Marxism
fuck off commie

Russian botnet no thanks.

the 2016 election was the last nail in the coffin
there are literal boomers posting on there as we speak

How do I stop being gay for Snowball?

We realized that libertarianism will not solve any non-economical issues, action is needed and totalitarism was there to offer
Once the modern world is destroyed you will see them going back to being libertarians
That and the r/The_Donald faggots that came and started sucking neo-con kosher dick

that jacket is too big for him

I would use the app if I thought I was at any risk whatsoever. I'm a nobody who uses their phone as a PMP, so I doubt I would ever be targeted like that and if I was I would value the hardware of my phone more than anything on it. I would rather have a security app that makes sure no BS software is running on my phone and/or prevents such from being installed. I'm actually an android newfag, all I know is don't use google services and maybe install a custom rom. also there is the repository of curated, good apps so I don't have to use the play store but I forgot the name.

libertarian right is an oxymoron


Sorry, I don't use software written by traitors and Russian spies :^)

You're a regular moron.

thanks desu

no you only use software written by pajeets controlled by jews

>individualist heirachy
I guess the cuckservatives make it work, fellow goy.

yeah, because libertarians are not right, they're wrong

So, will it have a FSB back door?

Why is the gui such shit now?

>a libertarian invention
>it's not inherently apolitical

>posting bait


Leftists are concerned about muh Russian hackers
>Will happily install this app developed by a hacker who stole American secrets and defected to Russia

Sit the fuck up you stupid fucking brainlet. Syndicalism isnt Marxism, Bakunin was literally kicked out of the second international by Marx, but you wouldn't even know who that is you fucktard


Sup Forums ruined another thread