Redpill me on RSS feeds

Do you use them? What reader is the best?

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Only virgins use RSS feeds

I use reeder... Saves time, keeps shit out of my inbox, and limits my consumption to one device (local only).

I don't have a favorite reader, it seems to me that all suck. Elfeed for Emacs ok.
Mostly using RSS instead of Youtube subscriptions since it does not require account, there is no link to feeds but they still publish it. URL is in following format:

What usually bothers me on readers:
- I have very little sympathies for TUI, no mouse especially
- GUI that tries to render it as browser usually renders it wrong (or doesn't play YT video in it)
- broken feeds sometimes
- web interfaces require actual web server and PHP to run
was thinking about making one in Go since it has web server, templating, XML parsing (although would use 3rd party rss library) in base
haven't tried getting used to Firefox's one, might be worth it

I use RSS for whatever sites still support it which is less and less these days. Just aggregate my local papers or latest news on hobbies and shit.
My main reader is Flym which is basically unsupported, though the dev claims to be working on V2 but I'm not holding my breath. Every other reader I've used has had just tiny little things that don't do it for me.
What is the alternative to RSS that'd be preferred? Just visiting the website directly on your browser of choice?

Quiterss is quite good.

I use newsboat from the terminal, light, pretty, basic, does one thing and does it right, manage my rss links, easy to configure and can open the links directly in your configured browser

What's a good reader that syncs with android?

>>What is the alternative to RSS that'd be preferred? Just visiting the website directly on your browser of choice?
well the sites would prefer that. I have several places that provide a feed, but with only the first line of the article or post. The intention is obviously to force you to visit the site in a browser so they can shove ads and other malware at you. I, as a user, would much prefer just reading the text of the article in my RSS application, for the same reason.

The only good one was Google Reader because it had the power of Google to store all those old items. RIP


What is this, 2002?

I fucking wish.

Inoreader. I have it on my tablet and phone (both android). After you set up the sync, you can read on either one and the other is told what you read. Very slick.

It's a technology from the previous millennium. Just get on Twitter and Facebook you old fucks.

Feedly is actually a very good replacement for GReader. Over the years it has actually surpassed it. The only downside is that searching is a premium feature.


why dont you like TUI? you can just open a browser to see the entries. with newsbeuter you can just hit 'o' and itll open the link with whatever program you ask it to (on the config)
you can filter, put many feeds together as if theyre only one, its light, autoadd podcasts to download, everything is a (few) key press(es) away
dont bother with FF "RSS feeds reader", it sees feeds as if theyre bookmarks, but you cant mark as read (lit theres no (un)read state), you cant delete them, save them, nothing. all you can do is see a list of ALL the entries avalable on the feed at the moment

isnt sparss a fork of flym? i used to use it (stoped reading on my phone) and it was nice, maybe try that

i do, it's a good time saver. I don't check websites, i just refresh my feeds from them and see the news. i use Makagiga rss reader, but only because it's in one app with task manager.


I've been using Liferea for years which has worked fine, but now I'm using Lxqt I'm looking for one that integrates better with qt (Liferea doesn't appear in the system tray). Any candidates?

The best reader for Android is Palabre.

I use FeedBro, can't really compare it to the others, but it allows me to set rules for filtering and etc.

If only gReader dev has not disappeared.

I just use feedly on my phone.

Just went back to RSS after noticing I go to the same old websites every day like a retard instead of doing 1 update in a lightweight program. I have a RSS reader on my 2 laptops and Android now. It's so fucking fast and simple.
Use whatever reader comes with your distro.

>Do you use them?
>What reader is the best?

feeder is the best android rss reader, very lightweight and fully free

Second this.

I use FreshRSS, it's a webui I've put on top of a cheap vps. It's great.

Try quiterss


I use Thunderbird to follow various blogs and shit. It's all educational stuff to do with Linux, programming, the stock market, and so on. I follow those blogs as a way of staying in the loop and up to date on current matters.


They all suck for one reason or another