What is the best price/performance graphics card if i am interested in machine learning?

what is the best price/performance graphics card if i am interested in machine learning?

flights to anywhere in eastern europe then break into a warehouse and steal some vegas

Machine learning is for the botnet homosexuals. Learn a real skill.

machine learning is the skill of the future you fucking cuck.

dont get mad at me when its too late to learn the skills needed to contribute to society

>reddit spacing

NVIDIA kinda has this locked down. Many deep learning libraries are built on top of CUDA.

Also, you generally want as much memory as possible. The more video memory you have the larger model you can train. So you gotta at least have a 980. A 1080 will be better though. Those are about your only options.

I would not recommend trying ATI for this. You are asking for problems.

Titan V just CUDA ecosystem pay the price, but some 1080 Ti will be decent.

Well not the only options, you can get a titan, or one of their server cards, but you said affordable so........

i mean, i can "afford" to spend 3k on the Titan V but i was wondering if i can buy something cheaper for a more reasonable value prop.

1080 card was mentioned; does it matter if its TI or OC or FTW or something?

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spinning up an AWS server with a GPU is the most efficient way to do what you want to do

oh nice this looks pretty good!

It will work fine on a 980 or a 1080. The 1080 is preferable since it has a good amount of memory. The gpu speed I don't think is too important. Both will do fine. Normally I just let computations run overnight anyways.

I bet its a big bunch of 1050s you ganna have best price performance with

Training deep networks across multiple GPUs is not supported by many libraries.

Hey retard, only the big four tech Giants will implement ML correctly who they steal our jobs. Fucktard

Haha, sorry AMD

don't joke around when you're talking about machine learning.

Titan V probably unless you're looking for a sub $1000 card


The 1080 Ti is a different card entirely
OC means it has higher clocks when you buy it but you can overclock any card if you want
FTW (or other names like STRIX or Aorus) is just branding but these can mean better cooling performance

1060 is enough if you're just starting out.

I would recommend a GTX 1050 but it really depends on your budget.

Now this is a handful.
What kind of software are you using, OpenCL/CUDA?
if OpenCL then Vega is very good card but if your software only supports CUDA then 1080Ti is pretty much only hope for fast computing and cheapness.