Anyone else glad forums are dying?

Anyone else glad forums are dying?
Especially the ones with dictator mods and third party image hosting

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No. People are being pushed onto snowflake platforms like Tweeter, reddit, and (ahem) Sup Forums, where crypto facists mask their prejudices via "diversity" and "coc" rules.

This is no different from the migration from BBS to forums, and no forums to enterprise backed social media platforms.

No. Forums > Meme factories like leddit and Sup Forums.

Say what you want about forums, but I prefer them to the homogeneous cattle farms that are social media.
Anyone have that graph that shows website market share being taken over by larger websites and smaller ones diminishing over the years?

So you're saying Sup Forums is dying?

No, I think it's terrible. The increasing centralization of communication on the internet makes for a very easy target for shilling and idiocy. In a small forum, it's clear who is and who is not part of the community and raids / shilling / low quality content are relatively easy to deal with.

no, kill yourself

Not at all, specially when I look at the alternatives.

I'd say it's being slowly murdered by Hiro and the clueless moderation team. It'll take a lot to kill Sup Forums though. We've survived a lot over the years.

Every time a forum dies reddit gains new communities.

nah cause every time they actually have info i need or to follow a guide, all i see are those cat fucking photos and that makes the guide completely useless.

swaglord and his cronies are trying to kill it

jay is a funny guy

Forums aren't really dying, it's just that social media grew so much faster over the past decade. However with Net Neutrality dead we'll see the boundaries between social media and SMS disintegrate into one mass. Meaning the concept of a "forum" becomes relevant again, in the sense that it will be a third-party outlet to have discussions on outside of your ISP's walled garden.

The real question is if ISPs would subvert that or try to monetize it. We won't know until 5G is rolled out and the remaining broadband customers are pushed onto wired business plans or wireless services.

>dictator mods

it has been dead for quiet some time user...

Quads don't lie

I'm fine with mods banning everyone left and right. It improves the quality. But goddamn 3rd party file/image hosting is a bane

it's exactly the same as modern social media but with more retarded mods. i don't find anything really different. take off your pink nostalgia glasses, lazy millennials

Looks like people have their own definition of dead

Forums aren't dying. Their design just changed.

Used to be phpbb, then vbulletin, now le leddit. who cares. Same thing.