What is the Thinkpad T-series of smartphones, Sup Forums?

What is the Thinkpad T-series of smartphones, Sup Forums?

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iPhone X. Stylish, capable, revolutionary.

refurbished corporate blackberry

Imagine being this dumb

>no rebuttal, just insults
"""Think"""pad users, everyone

>imagine being so delusional that you think a glass covered phone that screams form over function is anyway close to being the thinkpad of phones

Passport silver edition


Xiaomi Redmi 4 series

Nothing. It's like asking what is the Winston Churchill of cheese.

Any answer would require so much stretch it'd become pointless.

the thinkpad X-series

What is the Winston Churchill of cheese?

How is the iPhone unfunctional?

>insane battery life
>good enough specs

What phone is that?

Moto G5+ if my guess is correct.


Moto G5s plus



He doesn't know, its just the usual canned blanket response for any Apple critics.

If we have to make a list, how about the fact that it took the thing 6 iterations to be able to connect to 4G, or the time it took to do basic things like copy and paste

Bad batteries

It's not unfunctional as a phone, but is as far from the thinkpad design as possible.
> tiny non-removable battery
> brittle
> 0 standard ports (the only phone without usb)
> closed walled garden software
> no expansions (no microsd because we need to sell those gigabytes at a premium, lel)
> can you browse your own files yet? (I heard they were going to allow that but not sure)
It's not a bad phone, but it's the macbook of phones (well, duh), not the thinkpad - so pretty much a complete opposite.

Moto e3 is pretty amazing for $35, just get a case off ebay...
I like It more than my iphone6
Battery life is insane

This is unironically the best phone I've ever used fite me.

fucking gorgeous.
i'd get rid of the trackpad and 2 lower buttons though

pre-touchscreen Nokia S60 smartphone

one of these fuckers

A thinkpad with a Sim card.

Moto G5+

Correction Moto E4

>not "intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor"

what? its so innovative and breakingness-of-all-paradigms


I used to buy Nexus phones then they abandoned them now shill Pixel 2 garbage I don't want.

Also they did this: androidpolice.com/2017/09/27/motorola-uploads-moto-e4-kernel-source-code-github/

so i'm sold

is this a porno? post link

no porn. just some bitch

Obviously Stilton.