Is AdAway still the patrician choice?

Is there anything better now?

Stopped working with magisk after the newest update(15.1)

No longer see root... So... No, it's pleb.


no root needed but has the same net result as adaway

Doesn't work with apps tho, only blocks some browser ads, which is fine but no way better than adaway.

No, hosts based solutions suck.
t. someone who used dns66, blokada and some other shit before rooting

Doesn't it require a proxy service to be running the whole time? Wouldn't that interfere with say, any other proxy services I might want to run?

Firefox+ublock seems to work fine here. Ads are all blocked on the websites I use and performance is acceptable.

No, uMatrix with all scripts and images disabled is.

They work fine. You just need to add actual good lists. The default ones suck.

>You just need to add actual good lists.
What would you recommend?

im using magisk 15.1 and adaway

When I open the adaway app after updating to 15.1, it tells me it can't find root and closes. My other apps that use root(solid explorer) sees it fine.

No it didn't, stop spreading false information.

Go to superuser in Magisk and give it permissions, or delete it entirely from superuser and re launch AdAway. Try doing something instead of literally doing nothing but complaining.

why would you want a hostfile adblocker at the host level anyway?


What an absolute pain in the ass. Doesn't, even when instructed, start on boot. Randomly crashes without restarting after. Stops upon connectivity change / logging into a VPN.

I tried it on the latest android x86 and it no longer works.

i thought everyone was using adnauseum...

wrong. Browsers are apps too. If some apps still have ads, it means the ad is packaged or retrieved from a server that isn't blacklisted.

Adaway and dns66 literally have the same net effect: adaway blocks connections to hostnames, dns66 prevents them from even being resolved by DNS so that the request is effectively blocked. Same thing.

yeah, they suck, but on smartphones that's the most you'll get

Yes but when do you ever need to run another proxy service?


i found blokada to be better

I mean VPN. Adaway is fine

I run unrooted because rooting is too difficult for my phone right now. A standard ad blocker for my samsung internet browser works fine. Lucky Patcher has me covered for apps with ads.