Why does literally every job listing in my area for developers demand a computer science degree?


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I just want a comfy dev job:(

Because there is more demand than supply.
Too many people want them, not enough jobs.

So the price rises.

woah this really activates my almonds. wtf I love high school economics now.

Just get an internship

-_- I thought there was not enough people and too many open jobs...

who is this beautiful anime girl x

Don't worry about it

For CompSci? Are you crazy?
CS has been incredibly saturated for a long ass time pretty much everywhere in the civilized world, you can blame all the kids that think it will help them get a job in video games or facebook for that.
What's generally always in very high demand is engineering, electrical engineers in particular. My little brother has a very half assed and mediocre EE diploma and companies are literally wrestling each other for the opportunity to hire him, it's a fucking sight to behold.

Literally no field is like that. Everything is over saturated since there's so many goddamn people in this planet.

I work heavily with recruiters and HR departments
It's generally because HR departments are fucking retarded and think that getting someone who knows computer science means they're the fucking rainman of the computer world.

I've had HR people ask me why a computer science degree student wouldn't be able to fucking fix a microwave since it's got a computer in it

Just apply to places that don't have HR departments that are retarded. Trust me, it's worth it in the long run to apply for somewhere other than "3 years in VS Studio 2017 prefered for entry level" because that educates us that you are nothing more than the retard to them

>Everything is over saturated since there's so many goddamn people in this planet
Woooah so you're saying it's impossible to come up with new products when said products literally don't cost any resource except time to build.
>wtf I love high school economics now

>what does a company even do?

so they can eliminate interest and say they need to hire a bunch of indians for half the price

Because they need a way to screen out people, and a college degree is the easiest way. I've been on both ends applying for jobs and sifting through resumes for my boss and you wouldn't believe how flooded the market is with so many low-quality people with puffed up resumes and such

Unfortunately, I've run across too many CS undergrads and even grad students who shouldn't be pro/g/rammers while decent Sup Forumsuys like you would be a net benefit to the company, I'd say get started on open source projects and treat it like a full-time job except you're volunteering your position

On the other hand, if you don't like working for free, then try to start your own online business. Unfortunately /biz/ is filled with crypto-scams so Sup Forums isn't the best place to go about sharing your tech-biz ideas


Also this is another good vid youtube.com/watch?v=FBi3S97R60k

They will hire the best available programmer, what most kids that go through school don't understand is how real-life functions, real-life can be harsh, and you are facing up against the job market which can be seen kinda like the stock market or gold market, you gotta pay attention to it because your skillset is an asset

because they dont want to have to deal with some kid that thinks hes hot shit because he slapped together an epic gaymen rig by following along with a youtube video that told him what parts to order and where said parts go.

CS is the psychology degree of science

Fuck a devjob, if you can design anything that uses little power and do a lot of job, you need to code that shit starving on the street with laptop pay for hosting run it and profit, fuck job. Do you want to work for rest of life, so some illiterate retard with money have even more?

And what is wrong about it? People listen to bullshit all the time, and being paid for it and being paid for speaking bigger bullshit is state of art of being even more dumbfuck than most of people.

Inernet is almost finished, grab all you have and invest it in drinkable water while you can.

Psychology is a science.

>This guy shaming systems folk
I literally make good money as a systems engineer in the Northeast (NOT NYC), the same as developers here. My role is half systems half interacting with code for these systems. This guy thinks that everyone who works on systems is some braindead "IT professional" with certs and he looks down on them saying the worst programming job is better than the best IT job. First of all systems engineering is not IT bullshit, and second of all this guy doesn't have a clue about how large corporations operate with vast distributed systems, continuous integration, and fast delivery.

>distributed systems, continuous integration, and fast delivery
Sounds like corporate brainwashing.

I love Koito!

I have a computer science degree. Top score.
I'm self taught in a variety of programming languages since I was a kid.
I'm 35.
Yet I'm still just a NEET and never had a single job.

Wait a second, that's a girl!

>35 and not a single job

How are you still alive?


This is where you're wrong. Apply anyway. They're setting high standards in the *hope* of finding someone like that for what they're paying, chances are it won't happen.

I live with my parents and they provide home and food. I spend my time playing games, learning new programming languages, and working on hobby projects or open source stuff for no money. Oh and I invested all my savings into AMD at $15 because everyone said it was going to the moon, and now it's $10.

I would feel so awful if I were you. I haven't had a job either but I am much younger.

You clearly never have a job.
CI is basically merging code reliably. Testing all that shit automatically plus some qulity scripts so you can merge with confidence.
Distributed systems is necessary on anything big. Or do you think a machine is enough for!every system?
An you need fast deploys. You don't want to take much time taking your code to productions.

All these stuff requires configuration and development

And why do you feel the need to explain everything? It's not what your words mean that make you seem like a brainwashed corporate drone. It's that you choose to use them. Your reply just makes you sound like even more of a brainwashed corporate drone. I'm sure your fellow pinks loves you.

what country? EE is unemployment tier here

Because I don't want to work with people who don't know basic CS.

EE is on decline in the US. Check bls.gov

are you an SRE?

The thing about EE is that Electrical Engineers can work just fine as pretty much anything technology related. They aren't limited to electric installations, power grids and power generation.

There are a bunch of new areas looking for capable engineers like neural network, machine learning, digital signal processing, data streaming... And you'll always find jobs in the telecommunications sector, specially in the near future with the migration to 5G systems.

It's hard to not find anything anywhere when your diploma is basically about anything related to technology. A classic EE diploma consists of Power, Analog/Digital Electronics, Telecommunications and Robotics/Control. Literally everything.

one would think this would create just as many more jobs that needed to be done

I work as an EE in defense contracting. We can't get enough EEs.

I do it only for the money and i get paid very well.

Sup Forums is not the job advice board

is there one?

>electrical engineers
Electrical and semiconductor engineers are both on the streets. They're unemployed for such extended periods that it becomes a reason to not hire them.

Because they want to filter out the riffraff. Even if you want to get a job in something like router setup without a CS degree, they'll force you to go to a four-year university to train for it just to make you go through a load of trouble. The purpose is entirely to filter out lazy fucks who passed high school despite having failing grades and 1 day of class attended. I've even gotten dudes with master degrees in CS who can't work with percentages properly. Would gladly hire anyone who passed HS algebra, but many people are simply so unethical that they cannot work.

Shut up retard

/adv/ is technically the advice board but it's a terrible place to post this sort of thing. And it's worded more like a question, as if he's asking why the requirement is there, not how to circumvent it.

Legally it's a lot safer than saying "competent White and Asian men preferred."

Koito Minase from myriad colors phantom world