Why isnt quodlibet the most popular music player yet?

why isnt quodlibet the most popular music player yet?

Because Foobar is amazing.


Because Audacious is superior.

Rhythmbox is better

looks like shit, why would anyone use it?

deadbeef is better

cuz my Audacious has candy

because literally everyone who fits the two requirements of
>large music library
>ganooo/loonatix user
uses mpd + client of choice which usually means either ncmpccp for console, gmpc for guhnome and whatever kde has

Because Clementine exists.


rhythmbox is a buggy piece of shit, constantly crashing by the slightest user interaction.

I haven't had a Rhythmbox crash in ages. Then again, I *did* lose my 300GiB music library and and only just now rebuilding it...


GUIs on Music players are B L O A T

nice taste you insufferable fucking faggot



Why is it so big and bloated and all over the fucking screen?

pic related is what I use, I checked out Foobar but it didnt look like there was shit for skins and also it doesnt look as compact as this either

because it's ugly and has a very shit interface?
only a slight improvement

you forgot what you lost

it may be old but it works just fine

I use AIMP (:

Still whipping the llama's ass.

there was never a reason to stop...
> show me another music player this compact and functional, with skins like this...
> literally the cortana's tits

You need to be 18 to post on this board

sure thing

favorite one tbqh
> id have to be quite old to remember everything that we've lost

ok so we've lost tacky shit skins and music player equalizers?
That's a bad thing?

but what have you gained?
> I dont really care about music lists because normally I just repeat the same song until I want to listen to something else.

Do any of these other players have Any qualities that actually make them worth being non-compact?

>no gui or features, still manages to eat more ram than foobar2000 with the same music library

Winamp forever

I'm on AIMP.

clementine is the best

Patrician choice user.
Mocp is top tier as well.

Clark is the shit, he headlined a festival at a club I work at this past spring

>not using musicbee

if you want a really compact music player to play 1 song just run ffplay song.mp3