Can you do it without a college degree

can you be tech/ knowledge god without going to college?

can it be all readed. videoed. virtaul software without a $30,000 debt?

Obviously. College didn't even really teach you how to program

its hard to be self motivated. if u smoke weed i think definitely no
>inb4 i smoke 10 ounces a day and am self taught code legend

i smoke 10 ounces a day and am self taught code legend

Yes but you're better off getting some kind of business degree in community college as well.

I smoke 10oz a day and am self taught code legend

I smoke blunt after blunt after blunt after blunt and taught myself Network Engineering. Within months I had a job at the biggest company in the world, now I am getting a promotion to a different company making 80K a year. I am 21 and dropped out of college after a semester.

how do i self-motivate Sup Forums

Colleges literally just toss you online tutorials and expect you to finish a project after completing them.
All the resources you need for the basics and becoming job-worthy are available online.

God, I want Kate Upton to fart on my face so bad.

The question of "can't I just learn it all from books and videos?" applies to most fields, and the answer is usually the same.
I've had courses where it's just some asshole reading lectures slides and assigning some Java/C programs, and it did feel like a waste of my money and even time.
I've also had courses that are really involving with actually passionate professor from whom you leave every lecture with great new insight.
I would say the college degree in itself is worthless, but it's your job to make it worth.
You gotta do some research as to what schools have good departments, pick courses with worthwhile a syllabus and professors, get involved with some clubs and projects with your classmates, etc.
If you fail to do this, even if you work hard in your classes, you will get much less than someone who just learned off books and Youtube

I guess a degree probably helps for comp sci/programming. But if you wanna do 'IT' in the sense of networking/sysadmin etc, then certs go much further, wish i had saved years and gone that way

Doing meth helped me learn quantum programming using Q#, now I work for Microsoft on their new space alien temple.

I literally cannot program unless I am high on at least 4 different substances. I got a job at Google by doing sativa, coke, crack and something else I don't remember for some reason before the interview.

no. college is absolutely the only way
bonus points if you dont have a passion for it and go for purely financial reasons

Can I do her without a college degree?

I lecture at Stanford and I'm a self-taught nuclear physicist. I only lecture while high on LSD btw.

> readed.
> videoed.
> virtaul
I don't think you have a chance.

Can't u afford to do certs while working on a shit job for the possibility to get a better position in the future?

Tell me you can, wasted a shit ton of time for a degree I could have taken in 2 years tops just cause I'm a socially awkward beast who can't live with strangers without wasting himself to the point of not caring about doing shit. Aside from that and all the courses, just 2 where really great with awesome teachers who loved what they did. The rest was the "read slides, do stuff, don't ask me shit cause I don't know but I'll pretend I'm busy" kind of thing. So instead of hurrying the fuck up I did the opposite and now I'm sitting at 26, thinking I wasted my life. Aside from that I really love coding (C, Python, C++, sql, hate java but I know it) networking and sysadmin. Learned a lot on my own just for my personal amusement, almost never putting that into making $$.

How fucked am I?

>can it be all readed. videoed. virtaul software

Learning to speak and write English would help, my street-defecating friend...

>wasted life
good lord man, going to a 2 or 4 year college and then getting a helpdesk job while working on additional sys admin certs is a very standard route to go.
you have another 80 years in you, provided we dont make some sort of medical advancements causing you to have another 100-120

>don't go to college
>work mcdonalds for few years
>get paid ~$16K/year and max out ~$20K/y in 5 years
>$16K, $17K, $18K, $19K, $20K
made $90K in 5 years

>goto 2 year college
>get paid $25K per year max out @ 40K in 5 years
>$25K, $30K, $35K, $40, $45K
$175 in 5 years - $15K = $160

>goto 4 year college
>get paid $40K per year, max out to $80K in 5 years
>40K, 50K, 60K, 70K 80K
$300K in 5 years - $30K = $270K in 5 years

>90k in 5 years
makes me sad thingkin about being this poor

I told you I'm a fucking awkward beast. Getting a girlfriend recently helped me becoming more socially acceptable but still...

It's the feeling of what I could have done at 20 without being a weed/beer/porn/vidya abuser for almost 8 years.

it doesn't matter what you did, it really doesn't even matter what you do now. you're gonna die at some point and until then what you do really doesn't matter. cultural norms are the only thing causing you to feel otherwise.

As long as you enjoy yourself and are able to financially support what you enjoy doing, whether that be masturbating 8 times a day and playing vidya, or kayaking and working out, just do whatever man.

I applied to a tech firm as an mech engineer. I only did 2.5 years in school and left. I told the interviewer that it was depressing and pointless that I got all my core classes done and then i was going to be forced to take advanced fluid dynamics , vibrations, a senior project where u basically do full engineering work for free and other pointless shit. I brought this up with the interviewer and how the industry is 95% cad when my school only had a 2 credit class on cad freshman year. I also brought up how most engineers are filled with huberis on designing things and piss machinists off because of impossible geometry and fucked up assemblies, and that my experience in a fab lab can help this. He agreed, said he liked me, and that they dont care about the degree and that with my shop experience id be an asset.

I find out if i get the job next week, wish me luck bros.


I'm not at the edge of dividing, but thanks for caring. I was looking for a job prospective advice given the shitty situation I put myself in

Suicide* autocorrect ffs

You HAVE to learn it yourself. Going to college is just so you can get a piece of paper saying you went through college. You don't actually learn anything there. They're all total fucking drooling retards. I'm self taught and completely regret going.