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Net Neutrality,
Good riddance

Now enjoy your ISP monopoly, goy.

B-but reddit told me that Comcast is going to make me pay 5 gorillion for Facebook, shut down every news site they don't like, and kick my pregnant wife in the stomach if net neutrality is repealed! How can reddit, that intellectual bastion, have been wrong?

Le reddit amirite xDDDDD

Bug fish buying out the smaller fish. Welcome to corporate capitalism, this surprises exactly no one.
Also, of course the map above looks more "diverse" when the areas are so much bigger. You can't really compare the two maps.

Free market.

>my pregnant wife
You mean the mother of your wife's future son?

>majority is 1-3 providers

>majority is 2-3 providers


dialup died
and since the cable lines were never considered common carriers, no competition was ever set up
and digital subscriber lines are not common carriers either, so the telephone lines regressed back to the telephone company,
which essentially killed all competition unless you were the telephone company or the cable company

>Corporate capitalism

Imagine living in such a third world country that ISPs have exclusive control over hardware.

Color blind?

The most populous places in the coasts have >10 for most parts in 98. Those coasts have now shrunk down to 1-2.

The big empty spaces have 1-2 as well in 2017, but 0-3 in 98.

I bet the changes happened during the Bush Era.

Fucking republicans and their corporate loving monopolies.

Looks like global cooling to me

Government regulation

not really, it's been happening with every president since the 96 telecom shit or whatever.

it's a lot easier to start up a dial up company than a broadband one

It's nice that you saved my picture, OP. But it's actually a fake pic I made to win an argument of why Net Neutrality is needed because ISP competition is so low (fact, it actually isn't that bad, which is why I needed to make a fake pic).

The original is here: ruralinternetdepot.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Internet-providers-per-zip-code.png

You guys should really learn how to look up the source before reposting. The source is made up.

The first pic is found here: personalpages.manchester.ac.uk/staff/m.dodge/cybergeography/atlas/greenstein_isp1998_large.gif

Also, here's FCC's own map over high-speed broadband providers: gigaom.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/1/2010/02/fccmap.jpg


Pro-NN fags told.

>Pro-NN had to resort to faked facts
Nothing can stop the anti-NN train

Well, this is the post-truth era after all, where lying about crowd sizes and voter fraud is considered "telling the truth".

I don't even know what's real anymore.

Fucking google shills

>Being this autistic

It is easier to set up a dial up ISP, barely any infrastructure is needed. Most of these companies simply disappeared.

What does 4 or more mean?
Why skip the more than 10 catagory?

We have faster internet than Norway, Denmark and most other Yuro countries.

Does that mean Yuros don't have any isp competition?

You only get those in big cities in the biggest states. So only a very small percentage of the entire territory. Plus, it's way more expensive than pretty much everywhere else in the world.
Yuro countries get the same coverage in the their entire territories, with fiber being deployed everywhere these days. My gf lives in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, there's a total of 4 houses in her street, mostly old people live there. There's fiber available in the entire area. In the outskirts of a city of 150k people.

Any chump with a cable modem and a basement full of 56k head ends counted as an ISP in 1998. Broadband is significantly harder and more expensive.

I have 500/500 fiber connection.

t. Norwegian

I have 1/1 gig

t. murrikan

Nice anecdotal evidence.

Fact is USA has after internet then Norway.

Government, regulation kills competition and commies still haven’t gotten that through their thick skulls

>I have 1/1 gig
I could have gotten that as well, but I really don't want to pay for it as it would cost me 1500 NOK a month (~182 USD).

locally elected city officials granted franchise rights in return for internet services

even libertarians would be fine with this. it's not the state or federal government granting so called monopolies

>Fact is USA has after internet then Norway.
*in big cities
Also, I have no clue how good internet is in Norway, I don't live there. I'd bet my left ball it's still at least 50% cheaper than yours for the same speeds.

Would local cities being stripped of power to enforce right for an ISP to lay cable be possible

Dialup was likely counted in 1998. I can confirm South Florida does not have that many cloves l choices.

not according to this guy:
1/1 gig is usually around $70 in the US

But that's not even comparable since Yuros pay out the ass for gasoline and tech products.

Do you want to pay $5 a gallon for gasoline and pay double for the tech you buy like Yuros do?

Wouldn't make a difference.

Having to compete with another provider is not profitable which is why it doesn't happen.

These big ISPs stay big through local, state, and federal government. It wouldn’t be an immediate death to cut off their life support but a slow and definite death

That's one big reason why European cars don't use 500 gallons per mile to move one person forward. American cars are pretty much the stupidest thing I can think of. But if it doesn't cost you an arm and a leg you won't do anything about it.

Norwegian median gross wage is higher than American median gross wage, though.

Tumor turned cancer. I can't wait for murrican ISPs to roll out Facebook-Reddit-Youtube package and slow everything else down, so we can have coherent, interesting discussions here that doesn't resort to shit flinging and name calling.

Yuros drives 3 cylinder cuckboxes because of high fuel prices, not the other way around.

In the US people drive Nip cars not muscle cars, dumbass

Unrestrained capitalism. The USA is usually fine with duopolys and worse.

Everything that would bring some sanity back is muh "inevitably doomed" communism. Even if it worked fine in most of the world, such as government just paying for glass fiber and maintaining it itself, or ruling that fiber laid down by dominant companies must include more strands than they need that grant access to the competition, and other methods.

>Nothing will change, go back to sleep goy

>Pro NN r*dditor makes fake pic to make NN look needed
>Anti NN faggots use it to bolster the corporatist argument, thus indirectly leading more people to ancap
Man, these pro NN r*dditors can't see past a fucking barn
>Unrestrained capitalism
Unrestrained capitalism leads to many businesses and plenty of competition. In an unrestrained system, everyone is in equal competition between each other and thus must make their product more worthwhile to the consumer to make profit. This leads to businesses being temporary institutions of very high capital gain.
In fact, John D. Rockefeller relied on this to become the richest person on the free market.

Unrestrained Capitalism leads to centralization of wealth and is the single cause of the Israel overrule over more than half the globe.

>Unrestrained capitalism leads to many businesses and plenty of competition.
It leads to the big companies taking the market and then everyone else who'd have a slightly different angle but the same market is generally fucked because how unrealistic it is to beat the big ones in face of all the shenanigans and moves they can pull.

They got access to economy of scale the small companies can't get into (without government mandating they must have access to the big's logistic chains, prices and such). And there can be things like exclusive deals the big ones secure to make giving them attention 100 times more worthwhile than the small competition. They can even operate at a loss just to throw competition off the market, it's easily amortized by price gouging again when they won. No there isn't a constant stream of contenders that want to fail.

>USA still has places with zero (0) ISP's.

HAHAHAHAHAH lol 3rd world

>Unrestrained capitalism leads to many businesses and plenty of competition.

No it doesn't.

I leads to cartels and conglomerates.
Successful businesses aren't stupid, they do anything to kill competition early.

Serious answer: dial-up.

In 1998 ISP's didn't have their own landlines.
People used existing telephone lines to connect their modem to the ISP's modems.

Anyone could start an ISP by setting up a room full of modems next to an internet exchange.

But what really matters are the lines to the homes.
And you actually don't want too many of those or your street will be dug up half the time.

You realise that by admitting to faking the image, you have damaged your cause, right? You should have just kept your mouth shut, you corporate whore.

>being honest about telling a lie is the problem
>telling a lie in the first place is okay
Liberal redditors, everyone.

They all got bought up or went out of business. the little guys can't compete when they're facing a corporate giant.