Is it worth upgrading this PC if I have 500 dollars or should I just keep it how it is and save up more for a completely new build when Icelake/Volta comes out?
Is it worth upgrading this PC if I have 500 dollars or should I just keep it how it is and save up more for a...
go with a 1070 my friend(;
Save up for 1080Ti or new build
>Windows 10 Home
Save up more and wait for next gen.
Your PC is fine, invest in a nice monitor if anything
Just as good as 1070/Vega56 when overclocked. Wait for Volta or Navi.
Good enough for most gaming right now if that's all you do.
Why do you even need to upgrade? That's top end stuff.
Are you lacking performance somewhere? Is your hardware failing? Do you want to install an important component that requires a newer platform? If none of these apply, I'd wait unless you have some other good reason for upgrading.
>4 cores
Most shit only uses 2 cores anyway.
What is this? 2005?
4 cores isn't even enough to have a game past 2013 open at the same time as your browser without a major CPU bottleneck.
6 is the bare minimum.
Are you from 2006?
Why does DOOM run fine on a i3-8100 then? Only 4 cores. Dumbass.
my web browser is fine on my 4 core 6600k
why does my PC run lightning fast with 4 cores, then? fallout 4 runs fine, chrome starts instantly and doesnt lag and my other games never stutter. youre just butt hurt your 6 core 12 thread ryzen cpu cant into performance
You're just used to the stutters and think it's something normal.
i think you're rationalizing, honestly
i own several platforms and on the high end, average usage and moderate gaming, i dont see much of a difference
$500 isn't enough because of how shitty the ram prices are right now
just hold on to what you've got
You're lying then, because modern games run better on more than 4 cores.
define better? im pretty ahppy with 60fps 1080p, good frame minimums
i don't know what you're talking about
holy shit this is the dumbest and most uninformed biased thing i have read all day
>congrats you're retarded, your helmet with padded chinstrap will arrive in the mail
>holy shit this is the dumbest and most uninformed biased thing i have read all day
>>congrats you're retarded, your helmet with padded chinstrap will arrive in the mail
lol you don't even have an argument, i gave you examples and you just threw out names please go back to pleddit
Switch to 144hz. Your eyes will thank you. Not even for gaming.
even intel sees the future is multicore and every single day more and more games are getting better multicore and hyperthreading support
>source: covfefe lake
>butthurt autist detected
not to mention any professional workload is heavily reliant on more cores and hyperthreading over lower core count higher clock speed chips
>ex, rendering, compiling, 3d modeling, the list goes on