What branch of programming is hot right now? Trying to steer away from web dev

What branch of programming is hot right now? Trying to steer away from web dev

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None. Programming is oversaturated. Pick medical field. They will never run out of jobs (hopefully if Indians don't happen)

Both the medical and programming fields are oversaturated, these are the two "money money money" profressions along with the legal field.

anything industrial.
think databases, plc, robots.
lookup SCADA and install ignition or something idk.

Go through the CMU program for CS and learn the principals of functional and imperative programming then you can learn anything.

Read these course notes, try some assignments cs.cmu.edu/~15122/schedule.shtml

Read these notes cs.cmu.edu/~15150/previous-semesters/2012-spring/lect.html they go with this book cs.cmu.edu/~rwh/isml/book.pdf

Learn low level shit, course has videos

Learn simple databases (youtube lectures)

That's all you need to start with

These labs are so fucking hard for me.

There's answers around, mainly students who left their public git up.

They were hard for me too so I went back and re-read the material, and then did more exercises in the book. Often I would just do a few of them in my mind and flip to the answer, think I got it then progress with the text. Then in the first lab I get totally and utterly rekt with the first few questions. Because I didn't put in the work.

After blowing the first lab I had no problems with bomb lab or attack lab, cache lab ect. The only lab that gave me some surprises was malloc lab because again I thought I understood pointers and type casting but turns out I didn't until I completed it.

Thankfully I could do all this at my own leisure instead of being on a strict school time table like reg students of CMU. I'd be fucking panicking

And yet they both don't have enough people to do the jobs hmm

>tfw I'm the type of guy who never gets programming

>tfw I'm the type of guy who was born without any positive attributes

also, my skills on modular math were total shit, and often in lectures he would use it for insight so I did CMU's intro to compsci math course notes too as I progressed then CSApp made much more sense when it came time to doing mental calculations to overflow stack variables

my guess is you're going about it wrong.

just find something you want to make, and reverse from there to learn how to build it.

example: You want to build a forum. You just sketch on a piece of paper exactly what should happen when a user hits your forum. You then take that break it into smaller functions. Then break it up again, and again until everything is a 5 minute task. Now you write it from the bottom up, doing the easy shit first and progressing.

Once you get half way done you realize your original paper spec is shit, so you will now toss it and re-do everything (this is totally normal) to be much more logical. Then you code from the bottom up again and it just writes itself, you're left with just one main program to finish that calls all the shit you just wrote.

That program will still be garbage tier but you'll have gained a shitload of expertise doing it. The next project you do, will start off even better, then the next will be better than that, ect ect. Eventually you are a half decent programmer.

I don't want to make anything
I hate the direction modern technology is going
I don't use a single app.
It's all bullshit
I'm addition
I just hate programming and basically freeze up if i have to look at a blank text editor

Data science. You know the $300k/yr physics meme? Data science phd will get you $300k at the top companies.

go sysadmin or something non tech then

do AWS/GCP tuts and learn some networking or something, the idea behind cloud is to make the infrastructure programmable and DevOps pays through the roof in certain markets.

I am too uninfuckingtelligent to go for that

I am fucking garbage why am even in this degree computer science more like jokerscienece cause I'm a joke

Learn stats and start at $200k.
>biological and physical sciences in college
>investment banking in early career
>now a director in big data who works under a VP for a any index-50 company.
Pick your destiny. /posting from my rocket ship.

try sweeping floors. you know how to use a broom, yes?

Same here, which is why I rewrote everything I use to be very simplified free software. My computing consists of turning on a shitty old box that loads emacs as the WM, and virtually everything I need is there for my life like org-mode and ledger so I can run a business (that has nothing to do w/programming). My phone has a junky dialer I wrote myself, termux+emacs and that's it. I use emacs to grab papers off sci-hub then I print them at a convenience store to read on my commute to work. I don't even have an sms application because text message spamming from friends and family eats too much time and people get pissed if you don't respond right away. My life is turning into Don Knuth where he only communicates via physical mail and phone calls

Thanks you jerk good to know you're looking out do you normally mock people not born as gifted as you

>Thankfully I could do all this at my own leisure instead of being on a strict school time table like reg students of CMU. I'd be fucking panicking
Yeah, I think I might be unrealistic in how much time I can complete them. I'll need to revisit these.
Awesome, I'll have to check this out when I get the time. Thanks.

Thanks for sharing but unlike you I have no redeeming qualities so I'm not even smart enough to come up let alone implement all that stuff

you set yourself up. you said "I am fucking garbage" so get a garbage job or remove yourself from the work force

Quit fucking whining. Not everyone will find something they love to do. Programming usually generates a good income. The other user is right - if you're going to find everything difficult either choose something to study and grind away at it or become a janitor.

OP here, I really appreciate it. Happy new year user

Legal is way the fuck over saturated. Try welding/plumbing/trades.