Want to know why Mozilla is the worst tech company right now?
They gave $100,000 to RiseUp which is a self proclaimed email service for Antifa and other radical anarchist cells.
They fired their founder and CEO, Brendan Eich, for donating a thousand dollars to a political campaign that didn't support gay marriage in California.
Firefox routinely disables privacy enhancing add-ons and begs users for money despite making hundreds of millions in revenue yearly.
Google bankrolls Mozilla and makes it harder to enable default search options for competing search engines.
They receive money from George Soros's Open Society Foundation because they proclaim to cut down on "fake news."
Oh look, it's one of those threads again. Nice Reddit spacing, too.
Joshua Rogers
Old news. Fuck off Sup Forums
Julian Edwards
Don't you have some tendies to be eating, OP?
Joseph Robinson
Mozilla gets no money from me downloading and using their browser, what do I care about their politics?
Austin Smith
Go back to Sup Forums
Jaxon Gutierrez
fucking based Sup Forums
Benjamin Martin
You dimwat the George Soros thing has been confirmed as fake for a while
Austin Richardson
oh gawd, moziller so eveeel why they hate genocidal killahs? so wrong
Kevin Rivera
>RiseUp which is a self proclaimed email service for Antifa False. It's an email service which is used by antifa. For is also used by criminals. Doesn't mean it's a bad thing.
>fired their founder and CEO Yeah I agree this was a stupid move