What edition of mint is the best?

i want to switch from winshit to linux, Sup Forums told me to use mint, so what edition should i get? is there any major differene?
newfag here, thanks in advance!

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install gentoo

debian = trash
ubuntu = shit over debian (trash)
mint = shit over ubuntu (trash)

i don't have few years of free time to use

Just use windows
meme distros will pull the same shit but in a more confusing way

If you want fancy, use Mint Cinnamon.
If you want fast, use Mint XFCE
If you wand a strong, stable middle ground with a windows feel, use Mint Mate


cinnamon and use win10 ame in a VM instead of fucking round with wine and you will be golden and wont even need to dual boot

cant believe i never did vms sooner.. almost native performance even on my MBA throttle book

>intel hardware bug about to kill VM performance by 30%-5%
user I...

openSUSE with the Plasma desktop

The one with Cinnamon is what you should be using. It's modern and nice. The other DEs only exist to give you something to compare to before using Cinnamon. Start with Mint and maybe later go for the real Debian which is the ancestor of most distros. It even has a rolling release version if that's your thing.

Ubuntu or Fedora

Then you will distro hopping for some years until you finally came back to Ubuntu or Fedora.

Install Debian if your hardware is FREE. If you feel extremely autistic, try gnewsense. Mint is an insecure pile of shit. At least use Ubuntu MATE and not Mint. You can also try out Fedora, it's pretty good with newer/non-free hardware, is up to date and isn't a pile of shit like Mint. If you want to see how GNU/Linux was back in the day or want a really minimal distro, try out Void. If you want to run an approximate of 4 programs, try Alpine.
Other distros can suck my dick.

>fake news

you must of been real fun to hang around with in 2012

>must of

Linux is just a kernel that runs in systems like GNU/Linux and Android.

Ubuntu is the recommended beginner GNU/Linux distribution.

> Sup Forums told me

The difference is more significant than the choice in distro when it comes to most users.
You have several options:
Xfce, good stable and lightweight.
Mate, a bit more minimal but very easy to use.
Cinnamon or gnome, is a bit more advanced, it offers more features but basically uses the same applications as xfce and mate.
These are good if you don't mind something slightly less traditional and want a pretty interface.
kde comes with completely different applications and is very feature heavy.
If you like graphical settings for things you don't yet understand, yet something traditional kde is very good.

Stop suggesting Mint. They got hacked and their ISOs were compromised. Is basically Ubuntu. Why would you use a Ubuntu based OS? Elementary gets a pass because they change a bunch of shit, like their default apps are made by them, including their app store.

Whoever told you to use Sup Forums is a troll. Use Ubuntu, Fedora, Manjaro, Trisquel, or any other free OS. If you read a manual, you can install Arch or Gentoo, but you don't want to spend the time. I would suggest Ubuntu, Fedora, Manjaro, or Trisquel. There is also Elementary OS if you want a computer that wants to be Apple of Linux. There is also hackintosh if you want to install MacOS.


>Linux Mint hacked
I wouldn't use their OS because they can't stop themselves from getting hacked. Use any other distro.

Linux brainlet here, i put Manjaro on my memepad T61 and it's great. I'm still learning how to use it but for the majority of stuf (web browsing etc) its perfect and it runs quick on my T61.


This gets reposted a lot, but it's just one Debian developer's ideological rant. Here's everything he leaves out and misunderstands:

Mint doesn't issue CVEs, but most of Mint's software stack is literally Ubuntu, which does issue CVEs. Very few users ever check for CVEs, or know what to do if they're affected and there is no patch yet. CVEs are more for the benefit of developers and sysadmins than end users.

Mint doesn't blacklist updates. It can hide or deselect certain updates if you choose an update policy that prioritizes stability over security, but the description clearly explains that, so that's your own informed choice. If you choose the "update everything" policy, nothing is held back. You get all the same updates as Ubuntu, at the same time.

Namespace hijacking is annoying for maintainers, but the cockblocked packages are so obscure that most users don't use them in the first place, and maintainers can always repackage them with a different name.

The patent-encumbered codecs are included because most users want them. The installer explains that it's your responsibility to check whether they're legal to install in your country, so you can just untick that box if you're worried about that. (Lawyers never go after individual users, and whether the Mint devs can get in trouble is not your problem. Keep in mind that most countries don't even recognize software patents.)

If you want usable, use windows

Windows is literally malware.

>Implying they get hacked constantly
>implying no other OS or website has ever been hacked
>not downloading via torrent to verify file integrity
>still bringing it up almost 2 years after the fact

Autistic... as... fuck

Did you watch the video? It explains why the website hack has no bearing on the security of Mint itself. The guy even criticizes retards like you who mindlessly repost headlines.

What is your goal with it?

If you actually want to learn Linux and use it for what it is, install Debian/Gentoo, preferably without a GUI to begin with, and work your way up to using a graphical environment again.
If you just want to use anything that is not Windows but tries to look and feel like Windows, then Mint or Ubuntu are good choices. I don't necessarily want to disparage that choice given what Windows has turned into, but keep in mind that what you're using is not, in fact, Windows, or you're heading for disappointment.