Is it good?

Is it good?

Basically Ubuntu but with silly chameleon buddy logo.

So yeah, pretty good.

Zypper is pretty nice

zypper needs a shorter name desu

It's pretty nice.
"It's hard to install" is a tired meme - it has a couple more steps than Ubuntu, that's it.

Tumbleweed never had any stability problems for me, and I hear they finally got their shit together regarding nvidia drivers so you shouldn't see that "This might break everything" warning when you update anymore.

Has thumbnail patched firefox, zypper and yast. Sometimed you miss a package. Very stable.

it comes its own customized version of firefox which includes thumbnail preview in the file picker.

>what is alias

but my terminal colors are gone when I use aliases :(

Use Geckolinux instead, vanilla openSUSE has retarded defaults

Depends. If you're looking for snowflake workstation/desktop set-up it can be okay, but anything outside of that you are asking for trouble.

I'd say stick with one of the other big distros -- RH/Ubantoo/Debian. You'd get just about the same distro minus the showflake utils.

Like what? You can change pretty much everything anyways.

GeckoLinux comes pre-installed with common niceties such as proprietary media codecs, whereas openSUSE for legal reasons requires users to know how to add additional repositories and which packages to add.
GeckoLinux prefers packages from the Packman repo when they are available, whereas some of openSUSE's default packages don't work with patent-restricted features even if the features are installed from other sources.
GeckoLinux comes pre-configured with what many would consider to be good font rendering, whereas many users find openSUSE's default font configuration to be less than desirable.
GeckoLinux does not force the installation of additional recommended packages after system installation, whereas openSUSE pre-installs patterns and automatically installs recommended package dependencies, thus causing many additional and possibly unwanted packages to be installed the first time the package manager is used.
GeckoLinux's desktop programs can be uninstalled with all their dependencies, whereas openSUSE's patterns often cause uninstalled packages to be automatically re-installed.

nah, it's trash. There are too many broken packages.
openSUSE has some unique quirks and features but they are not worth it when Debian/Ubuntu distros work so well.

>Comes with proprietary shit
Stop shilling your hoby project. It's better to use ubuntu or fedora than some unknown distro.
All these "problems" you mentioned can be easily solved with few web searches in less than an hour for someone who doesn't know what he's doing.

Bad font rendering and codecs. At least they patch the Firefox file picker.

>Bad font rendering
Nigga, what? Best of linux distros I'd say.

simply the best
yast is really, really nice
installing codecs and such is ez
also is very stable and reliable without being old and stale

>install fedora
>it just werkz

convince me to jump ship

Fedora doesn't have emulators in it's repo.

but why should I? enjoy it while it'suitable for you

it's not a bug it's a feature : with this you can browse your lewd memes folder in public !

patched Firefox
easy Nvidia driver integration
Best KDE integration (if not KDE then SLE Classic)
3 year support for Leap, easy migration to tumbleweed

I fucking love this distro

You can get almost any software of both questionable and missing liberty from RPMfusion. Just like you can simply enable contrib and non-free on Debian if you need to, it's just a matter of adding a RPM containing the repository info and GPG key.

I used to Fedora briefly and that wasn't the case for me. even after adding RPM Fusion to my sources I found I couldn't find or get emulators working easily.

no it's garbage.

Use CentOS or Ubuntu Server LTS