Why aren't you using debotnetted Windows 10 LTSB with Classic Shell?
Why aren't you using debotnetted Windows 10 LTSB with Classic Shell?
Because debotnetting Windows means filling your drive with zeroes. So I just don't bother to mess with the sack of old shit that NT is and use Linux.
doing better than that friendo
>Anything arch based
Magnum Kek
That looks ugly af
>Classic Shell
>tries to debotnet something
>installs more botnet
That's unfair.
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sdb
works just as well
>classic shell
cat /dev/urandom > /dev/sda
cat /dev/zero > /dev/sda
Do that 35 times and you should be botnet free
Guys, you said that Windows is easy to use system and everything works out from box...
But fuck you, touchpad didn't worked until I found correct drivers, not ones that windows update decides to install.
In Ubuntu everything worked out from box without any pain in the ass.
So windows is a total meme, and Linux is not.
Windows is only easy to set up if a manufacturer does it for you. Otherwise it's a royal pain.
If you really think you could actually debotnet windows you must be extremely stupid.
>debotnetted Windows 10
No such a thing.
Why should I? I'm not a pedophile, so I have nothing to fear nor hide.
>debotnetted Windows 10
>googling "*laptopmakeandmodel* drivers" is hard
Nice thumbnail faggot
> using Google
Found the cuck
Because W7 is better.
Also, AFAIK, there is no real debotnetted W10 out there.
And to do that would deprive you of important security updates.
unless your laptop is over 5 years old and the manufacturer's site doesn't have the drivers available for download and neither does windows update, in which case you have to download drivers from the individual component manufacturers that don't work half the time, or turn to shady "driver update" sites that will infect your computer when downloading anything.
Linux doesn't have this problem.
stop buying old garbage no one cares about anymore
Or just use linux and install Windows in a VM, because it's still new enough to have hardware virtualization extensions
Because I have a girlfriend and a job
HP printers just werk tho?
Nice oxymoron
>debotnetted Windows
I love how people try to mimic other desktop os's and fail so hard..
It's kinda amazing.
Doesn't work. After all I had to install driver for touchpad from other laptop manufacturer.
In Ubuntu - just worked with no problem.
>debotnetted Windows
I am using one, it's called Manjaro.
Tell me about manjaro meme
come again?
What do you niggers use as antimalware/antivirus? Is MBAM still worth a fuck?
the meme is real
you install it, and it just werks
Lmao, don't be delusional.
>Windows 10 LTSB
I am using it.
>Classic Shell
Useless, insecure bloat.
Download page was compromised at one point and they distributed malware. Stop installing stupid shit that you don't actually need. It's the best way to avoid malware.
Manjaro is not Windows, you tech illiterate fuck. It's not even close. Die in a fire, you worthless sack of shit. The only thing I hate more than macfags is Arsch Loonix users. Install a real distro, cunt.
Windows defender/update and common sense.
manjaro is best windows, you aspie retard. screech more dipshit
Off yourself.
i hope you get to hold your mom's hand as cancer eats her on her deathbed, only for her to gently whisper in your ear that your daddy fucked you when you were a baby...
also, manjaro best windows. it even runs DX9 in wine better than windows 10 see
t. wincuck
I am
It's called Windows 7
You'd think it would be different on an OS like Linux which has a large number of autistic people who shouldn't be able to bare even one pixel being wrong.
>write manjaro deepin live to USB
>shit doesn't even boot properly
majority of these shitty meme distros barely even support uefi properly
It's gonna be fun watching lincucks not being able to peddle their shit to second hand chinkpad lusers because everyone is dropping 32 bit
what should I do with this boner
maybe you shouldn't be using derpin, or try some proper software like multibootusb, rufus or etcher to write that image
kek, these turboautists think gnome is shit, even though it's the only DE that properly scales to resolution above 720
It's meant for purpose specific tasks, not everyday use. Also, doesn't matter how much you debloat it, telemtry will be there and even updates, because it updates quite often and you can't disable it.
Holy shit user.
>touchpad doesn't work because windows
>lazy to find drivers
>"wangblows is a meme!"
>Classic Shell
What's the point of Classic Shell over the standard start menu in Win10?
No ads, better search.
dork as muh souuuul
everything is an even better search
and default start menu is pretty comfy when setup properly
>using 3rd party driver update programs
It's like you try to be an idiot
Not him but , if you don't use a printer daily you probably are unemployed
I don't like Microsoft and do what I can to avoid using their malware OS
>synaptics took down their generic touchpad drivers
>wayback doesn't have them because synaptic's pajeet webdevs put them behind a form
What did you do, user, to "debotnet" it?
>he's an office drone
>in a "first world country" that likely will be left behind in a few years
Because my Windows install runs in a VM disconnected from my network.
All the benefits of Windows (professional soft, like AutoCAD and Solidworks) and none of the downsides. You nibbers think you have to run one OS. Stupid faggots have screaming fast gaymer PCs but don't into VMs or multibooting.
>install manjaro
>gives you a firmware bug on reboot and won't boot
glorious linux experience
Because I am using Manjaro GNU/Linux with GNOME, comes debotnetted ootb
>installing Manjaro
Just use antergos or Arch
Works fine in my machine
let touslesdrivers.com find them for you
How do I get a cracked key for LTSB?
Early builds of 10 (and LTSB) runs like shit on my 2600k.
>Start menu unresponsive
>Unable to click taskbar
>Everything goes back to default after a restart
Current build of windows 10 is okay but fuck using that.
Honestly I would be very interested in LTSB but stupid MS doesn't really want to sell it to me and I don't want to use some meme version from the internet. If you tell me how I can legally buy a legit version of this and it doesn't cost a fortune I will do it asap.
>All these retards can't figure out how to prevent W10 from automatically updating.
What the fuck is wrong with you brainlets?
I haven't installed a Windows update since December 2016. Use Enterprise edition you absolute shitters.
Get the Windows Toolkit from a legit source, use EZ Activator.
What is a legit source? I could never get it to work from the top source on Google.
You don't have to use a meme version dude, you install from an official ISO and then activate with autokms. It couldn't get any simpler. Why would you want to pay Microshit for a product you have to fix to get working right?
>he doesn't pirate windows
How new are you? But yeah you can't get it unless you pay a subscription and buy in volume.
I got it from my digital life, worked for me. You can also get a tool from there that atleast attempts to disable most of the botnet shit, like the built in keyloggers and tracking.
I got 4 copies of Win7 professional back when I was in school and I updated two to Win10 in the mean time. So I never really had a reason to pirate it and in all honestly I wouldn't mind paying like 100$ for a product I use every day.
The LTSB version looks still fine as hell though. I always remove all the shit when installing Win10 and it leaves me with no calculator and no picture viewer and all that anyways. But as the other user mentioned it seems as if you get LTSB only with a volume license.
>hey install all this bloatware and take all this effort to make a shitty OS act like a better OS
I have a torrented copy that haven't installed yet, but I'm scurred there's some viruses or some shit on it
isn't that what gentoo users do every day?
Literally took me 35 minutes from booting into the USB, installing it, cracking it, debloating it and getting it how I like. Windows 10 is dogshit but some of us are forced to use it due to either software or hardware requirements.
>either software or hardware requirements.
The only software to require it is microsoft owned crap, and the hardware has easy patches around that.
Because I'm not going to switch to an OS that doesn't support my next computer, let alone a shitty one.
No. Windows users start with a shitty OS and pile crud on top to try to make it halfway decent. Gentoo users start out with a rather barebones OS and add what they want to make it good.
Because I'm using Windows 7
>is microsoft owned crap
There are some games you can get on the Windows store that you can't get any other way, and Forza Horizon 3 is breddy gudd. The rest is shit though.
>the hardware has easy patches around that
Coffee Lake works fine on Windows 7, but an Oculus Rift doesn't, and there's absolutely nothing the user can do about it. It works, but ASW is a must and is only supported on 8.1 and above.
>inb4 kys gamer faggot
I'm not going to change my usage scenario of an operating system just because someone shouts "t-that's not a real usage scenario!" on Sup Forums.
My examples above are obviously extremely specific, but as much as I hate Windows 10, getting a Rift was the final thing that made me need the shit Windows 10 supports enough of the time that running a dual-boot wasn't worth it to me anymore. Any form of Linux has never been an option for me, all I do with my desktop is browse the internet and play games, that's it.
>Oculus Rift doesn't,
>It works, but ASW is a must and is only supported on 8.1 and above.
8.1 isn't honestly that bad, you still have control over the OS, there's some compatibility features that make playing certain games easier, and start menus are for fags.
Also I'm only here to lurk for intel shit and copy paste it onto relevant boards to lessen the stress on Sup Forums, I'm definitively a Sup Forumsermin.
7 is the superior OS for most vidya things, 8.1 for a couple of small features at the cost of your start menu, and 10 is if you enjoy being fucked in the ass constantly.
>10 is if you enjoy being fucked in the ass constantly
Windows 10 Home is like this, LTSB removes most of the bullshit. No Cortana, no ads, no retarded pop-ups saying "try this xdddd", less telemetry, no forced online login, no game DVR shit, no updates every 15 minutes etc.
Works great on my machine.
LTSB Supports touch screens right? I was looking to install it on a Surface Laptop but stopped when I realized I wasn't sure I would still be able to use the touch screen as none of my previous machines had had one and I don't know where to look for that info.
I don't see why it wouldn't
Does LTSB patch things like the newest Intel fuck up that's dropping 30% performance?
Just trying to make sure is all. Its my mother's laptop and she needs access to programs not in the microsoft app store for work. I didn't want her to not be able to use major parts of her new laptop but she desperately wants off of 10 S.
i will be tomorrow. haven't finished playing with macOS yet before i kill it with fire.
I'm still using Win XP. I'm thinking eventually I'll get a chromebook for web browsing and continue using the Win XP machine for everything else. For me "everything else" is primarily note taking with Word Pad.
just use 7 at this point or better yet linux. why bother with 10 at all it has -no- advanatages over 7.
You don't understand.
The patch fixes a hardware level 0day with duct tape, and the patch itself is what causes the performance loss.
I do understand that my question really is does LTSB patch these things or are there no updates? I don't know much about the LTSB release.
I would assume so because this is a worst case scenario, but microsoft are microsoft.
win 10 enterprise non-LTSB master race, just remove the dumb shit
classic shell a shit
Looks like cancer. You have no taste or critical thinking skills. Like i get it, it's a good noob distro. Shit it was my first distro. I was using manjaro xfce then distro hopped a bit and now i landed on debian dwm.
Just because it's doing good on the distro watch rankings doesn't mean it's a solid and well maintained distro.
Fucking hell man. You have no taste. Just move on to an actual GNU/Linux distro
>Arsch Loonix
>Fx cpu
>Taking this goy's advice