Why the fuck do they make these recaptcha's so annoying?
>Please click all the cars on the screen
>Please also click the new ones as they appear
>Spends 5 minutes clicking
>Please try again
Why the fuck do they make these recaptcha's so annoying?
Easton Lopez
Jose Green
They have neural networks to train user
Gavin Bailey
but how do they know you're correct
Jack Gonzalez
This. I don't understand how this could be used to trains neural networks. Someone care to explain?
Kevin Price
turn on legacy captcha idiot, click settings button on top right of Sup Forums
because they give the same images to several people
Aaron Ortiz
what are you even talking about?
Jace Jackson
First set is known image to test for human, images after are unknown and results are aggregated to identify signs/cars/aliens
Daniel Hughes
Click the refresh until you get one that doesn't have the none left shit.
Henry Gray
Turn on legacy or give gookmoot money with a goyim pass
Adrian Wright
use legacy newfriend