'Kernel memory leaking' Intel processor design flaw

>A fundamental design flaw in Intel's processor chips has forced a significant redesign of the Linux and Windows kernels to defang the chip-level security bug.

>Crucially, these updates to both Linux and Windows will incur a performance hit on Intel products. The effects are still being benchmarked, however we're looking at a ballpark figure of five to 30 per cent slow down, depending on the task and the processor model.


TL;DR courtesy of >fundamental design flaw in Intel's processor chips has forced a significant redesign of the Linux and Windows kernels
>rumours that all intel CPUs from the last decade have a hardware security flaw
>linux kernel patches causing 5-65% perf hits
>worst hits to I/O
>bug allows javascript in a browser to do what it wants with your CPU, VMs can infect each other via the host
>mostly rumour so far but linus is backporting this to stable kernels over christmas without being angry so it must be big
>intel CEO sold most of his shares a month ago
>everything is fire

Other urls found in this thread:


Intel is downhill, AMD please dont be retarder.

My mates.

What has Intel done?

anyone else notice how this """news""" fits into so many other smear campaigns? no real source, everything blown out of proportion, nothing properly explained besides "ITS OVER FOR X" and "X tards BTFO"? I've seen this pattern really come into swing since 2016

>Trump's russia thing
>Hillary's email thing
>EA's loot box thing
>some DRM thing I cant remember anymore

and now Intel. Anyone who questions it is called a shill or a Hillary voter or a numale or a cuck or a soyboy. Its getting really tiring, almost as if there is a coordinated effort to attack anyone and everything to sow discord and unrest...

>In November Krzanich reported he had sold 245,743 Intel shares leaving him with the bare minimum of 250,000 shares required for the CEO to hold under Intel’s corporate regulations.

AMD is immune.

Russia has been ongoing for over a year, emails have died down, nobody gives a shit about lootboxes and Denuvo.

This, meanwhile, has colossally fucked datacenters. Check the I/O benchmark I posted in the OP.

TL;DR: If you don't live in a datacenter, your opinion doesn't matter. If you do, buy rope because all your shit is going to be at least 5% slower based on CONSERVATIVE benchmarks.

How much will their stock price drop?

Just wanted to point out that this:
>bug allows javascript in a browser to do what it wants with your CPU, VMs can infect each other via the host

is just pure speculation and we don't know the exact details of the vulnerability. Of course it's pretty serious, but let's not give fake info, so far Sup Forums has been at the forefront of this happening, we brought mass attention to it.


>>Trump's russia thing
>>Hillary's email thing
>>EA's loot box thing
>>some DRM thing I cant remember anymore
Go back and stay there

fuck man, just a couple days ago we had a thread about older CPUs and I was proud to be still using my i7 3770.
I guess after this it will be as fast as the Pentium E6300 I had before it.

I run a 32 thread machine for hosting all my shit.
Jig's up.

The flaw that the patch is addressing that is causing the performance bug was presented at blackhat USA 2016. So when it publicly presented and is no longer a secret there is really no point to embargo.

The fault is over 12 months old. Windows and OS X have not fixed it yet. So we are well past the acceptable 90 days secret time frames as well.

AMD implement there memory management unit differently. Even so being able to run properly independent tablets for kernel space and userspace could be useful for finding if drivers are using the proper transfer functions or not.

Don't be such a baby.
The Pentium E6300 will be slower now, too.

wat do? is the update worth it?

Who /notgonnaupdate/ here?

kek, this is better than the 3.5GB meme card. glorious chaos

>copy and pasting forum posts on Sup Forums
>even pasting it with the flaky grammar


> is the update worth it?
No user, think of some poor foreigner who won't be able to mine bitcoins on your machine.

>AMD implement there memory management unit differently

You can't recall a fucking decade of your entire company's goods.

why would i think about hiro? :D

I was holding off on Ryzen because of the single thread performance difference even with the new intel shit being a power-sucking housefire but if this all shakes out the way it looks like it will (AMD unaffected, Intel taking performance hits) I see a Poozen+ in my future here come February.

>so far Sup Forums has been at the forefront of this happening, we brought mass attention to it.
We have?

And on the speculative note:
>Virtual memory is possibly the single most important robustness feature in modern operating systems: it is what prevents, for example, a dying process from crashing the operating system, a web browser bug crashing your desktop environment, or one virtual machine running in Amazon EC2 from effecting changes to another virtual machine on the same host.

>The attack works by exploiting the fact that the CPU maintains numerous caches, and by carefully manipulating the contents of these caches, it is possible to infer which addresses the memory management unit is accessing behind the scenes as it walks the various levels of page tables, since an uncached access will take longer (in real time) than a cached access. By detecting which elements of the page table are accessed, it is possible to recover the majority of the bits in the virtual address the MMU was busy resolving.

>favourite guess: it is a privilege escalation attack against hypervisors

Doesn't intel still swap a bugged pentium if you send them one?

Intel even says the word recall their stock plummets lol

Does it affect everyone? I only use my PC to play videogame on windows will I be affected if I update? or is it only a linux thing or only affect big things like amazon and google

SPECULATION: The embargo has nothing to do with the previous disclosure of the issue.

The embargo has everything to do with one of two things:
1. Intel trying to save face and mitigate the issue before it hit mainstream news (note: this failed because the patch now incurs a performance penalty while AMD is unaffected).

2. The issue presented at blackhat was only a part of the puzzle (meaning the real issue is actually much worse). I bet it was exploited frequently too. This is a nightmare scenario and probably explains why the linux devs are being super shady about it. Who knows how many systems were breached.

I use i5 3570k and Windows 7. What should I do?

>>Trump's russia thing
>t. CNN shill
>>Hillary's email thing
it's bigger than that, probably in 10 years we'll know it all.
>>EA's loot box thing
Gaymur shit no adult cares about
>>some DRM thing I cant remember anymore
Fuck off Intel shill, this is probably your last day at that job so don't even bother.

but since this is old exploit Google/Amazon probably have already fixed their shit against this? Or is the patch to OS literally coming only now, meaning Google/Amazon haven't gotten it first year ago?

Been thinking about updating my machine I built in 2010. I guess now is a safe and sound moment to make a hefty investment in both AMD stocks, Ryzen 1800X + 1070 ti combo (1080p gaming and video editing for several years onwards)?

Pretty much everyone.

they used linux to test it. it affects both and yes, especially games will take a hit because of the way that shit works

>We have?
Maybe because /r/sysadmin copied our tldr, can't think of anything else.

One chip =! literally everything.

Only if you get a heavy discount on the 1800x, otherwise get a 1700.

Alternatively, wait for Ryzen refresh. Feb/March, minor improvements.

the new kernel will be rolled out within the next two weeks. whatever that flaw is, it's not patched yet

Man, just imagine the fight for Ryzen 2 cpus come launch.

Fuck, I might not even bother.

We know about the linux patch because it's open source.
Windows NT kernel is also being patched next Tuesday.

dogg, no. google and amazon + all cloud providers have to wait until linux does a formal release. then they have to put that release through internal testing + cert to make sure all their OS extensions aren't fucked. then they gotta roll out to customers in a controlled manner.

you're already hearing about cloud customers being told that their nodes are gonna be rebooted. this issue is why.

they just got the fix.






So this was not a bug that was reported in 2016 or a kernel would've been rolled out way earlier, unless Google and Amazon got a privileged fix?

Ok thanks
I never update anyway so I guess I'm good

I think it might be even worse, yes, we will know soon enough.

Could be the case just like WannaCry of everyone shitting the bed because reasons.

Enjoy your bitcoin miners

Thanks for the tip. I'll look into the 1700.

>Alternatively, wait for Ryzen refresh. Feb/March, minor improvements.
when everyone jumps fucking ship running to AMD and therefore Ryzen prices skyrocket lol

Nice timing, buddy

>durr update or russian hackers will mine your cpu
>*installs patch that limits the CPU by one third*

no user, Sony and M$ knew and have AMD

>Linus rushing out a big security patch and backporting it over christmas
Sure, this is nothing, right?

PS4 uses AMD, it's safe

I think all security patches get backported.

>google and amazon + all cloud providers have to wait until linux does a formal release.
what? they have their own kernel dev teams. of couse they can just pull the fucking patch and compile their own kernel.
They were in on the embargo since the very beginning, they probably fixed the worst bugs months ago.

Eh, we don't know how bad the issue is yet for the average home user.

Upgrade to Windows 10.

I guess the difference of 1800x compared to 1700 is no worth 150 dollars.

I'm guessing my 6 year old CPU will be useless. I dunno whether to grab a ryzen now or wait or what. Prices are going to go mental
And I was feeling pretty good about the money I'd not spent too

Linus routinely shits on security people for trivial things. Now he's being civil and proffesional.

Imagine if consoles had used intel chips instead of AMDs

This is what I want to believe.

whatever was discovered in 2016 might have been a part of it. What is getting patched now is fucking huge so it might also have taken a fair amount of time to work out what exactly is flawed and how it can be exploited

Nope. Mine sits at 3.8ghz on stock, I could probably get 3.9ghz on a nicer cooler. 1800x in the same conditions would do 4ghz or maybe, 4.1ghz.

I recently forced to upgrade from a 4 year old chip to the covfefe lake, which amounted to around 30% extra performance.
My old chip felt good enough so technically im not losing much, just back to normal.

This is what I'm thinking too.

If Intel could fix this they would have done so through a silent microcode patch, BIOS patch, or by offering to replace affected chips on request. The fact that they had to resort to OS level patches means microcode and BIOS patches aren't enough here and they can't see any way to offer replacements either. This must be a huge flaw.

fuck I could have had a modded xbox one fuck

So this thing will execute the fetch part of "Get me some dank shit" but will clear its data before outputting.
Certainly risky, but I wonder how to get that data out.

You're losing money. Should have got a Ryzen, kiddo.

>>Hillary's email thing
That and Uranium One are still under investigation.

I was planning to go for NH-D15 to get the most out of my new processor for a good while. Should do.


How does the i5 series fare? Is it as bad?

Why are we still here?
Just to suffer?
Every night, I can feel my VM... and my kernel... even my sysmemory.
The cycles I've lost... the percentages I've lost... won't stop hurting... it's like they're all still there.
You feel it too, don't you?

i phrased my shit poorly in that post.

google offers base images you can create nodes from (like centos / redhat). some of these are unmodified images that just run scripts from google. they're probably going to need to update those from official releases. then apply any changes they need. making custom kernels and maintaining them for customers is a pain in the dick. not saying they dont do it but..

someone posted MS azure emailing people out that their nodes had to be rebooted for a security patch.

based on that, im guessing even if they had the fix for a while, theres evidence its only being rolled out today.

I'm a poorfag, should I get a Ryzen 3 or 5?

wew lad, sony dodged one major fucking bullet

>mfw we run thousands of VMs on Intel at work
>mfw the faggot developers haven't been able to push a new release of our standard VM based on something newer than Ubuntu 12.04
>mfw recursively vulnerable

When you have to OC hard to get the promised stock performance.

I wonder how many Tor relays and nodes have been haxored by this

Enjoy the complete lack of noise, just don't expect much overhead for overclocks.

1400 is 4c/8t, 1600 is 6c/12t, both come with coolers. Pick one.

meh, im riding this out anyway. Cant be bothered rebuilding my computer again.
Im sure they'll work something out to offset the slowdown. Its too big a problem to give up on after 1 patch.

Is this the end for Intel?

>i5 series
Retard detected. ALL Intel chips have this bug, possibly all the way back to the Pentium Pro from 1993. They didn't test anything older than Westmere.

user, I didn't ask if i5 was affected or not. I was asking how it performed on the post-patch benchmark.

>They didn't test anything older than Westmere.


Wanna some rope?
Because I'm already preparing.

>possibly all the way back to the Pentium Pro from 1993

And it's taken this long to be discovered?

If it affects the Core and Core2 series it might also affect Pentium M and Pentium 3. Those are all very similar processors

If I just turn off my Internet would the Russians find me? I can live without Internet in my Intelcomputer

>Im sure they'll work something out to offset the slowdown.
They can't. If there was a better solution than kernel patching and forcing a massive loss in performance, they would have taken it.

Presumably it's as fucked as the i7s in the OP. No benchmarks done for it yet.

What are some ridiculous hardware bugs?

It's likely this was a CIA/NSA backdoor, either by design or just the ultimate 0day.

Make sure you get the Pentium 1 without the FDIV bug. Otherwise you're just getting a sidegrade.

there are probably a few other flaws of this magnitude around that we don't even know about. And then there's the tinfoil guys that speculate about purposely implemented backdoors which doesn't even seem that unreasonable of an idea at times.

CPUs are incredibly complicated and a lot of developement is still trial and error.

>Wanted to upgrade PC
>Order some RAM, get DDR4 instead of DDR3 when it's on sale
>Since I'm running an i7 4790k I can't exactly use the DDR4 RAM
>Don't want to replace my CPU and commit to a full upgrade because it runs well
>This news comes out
Wew, I can actually feel justified in upgrading properly now. Thank you, brainlet tenancies.

>it'll carry a 10-20% perf impact
>it's upwards of 50%