You can only post in this thread if you never fell for the Intel meme.

Other urls found in this thread:

stupid frogposter

I did, back in 2013
2017 was the year of AMD for me

>that feel

im stuck with a cuckbook pro at the moment. The recent intel blowout has convinced me to buy a threadripper and 128GB of ram for the godtier AYYMD futureproof build.

8350 reporting in.

Feels good

>30% performance hit
>mfw using an atom n270 that is literally a crawling piece of shit

Last Intel in PC was a PII celeron in 98. Last intel lappy was some shitty atom POS with that hellish poulsbo gpu which made me swear never intel again. They are the only intels I bought in the past 20 years.

>tfw AuthenticAMD

% performance hit
Now you know how it feels to use AMD.

I wish I had never spent a dime on an Intel product.

I have known about this for ages my Kapersky anti virus has been quarantining it for like 3 months

I disagree.


does it count as "falling for the intel meme" if i'm currently using a macbook air with an i5 that someone gave me for free? my 'real' laptop is a lenovo with an amd a8/r5 and my desktop is fx-4300 + 6670

Phenom 2 1090t reporting for duty.
Its been a long winter lads, don't know how many left I have in me.

R3 1200 is the best budget build

>You can only post in this thread if you never fell for the Intel meme.
you've probably benefited from Intel's nonsensical jewery one time or another

stupid dumbass frogposter

I've been buying AMD exclusively since my first Athalon X2 (except for laptops because it's impossible to find a quality AMD based laptop)

6700hq it's not my fault ryzen mobile wasnt even out then

it's not fucking fair


Just got the Ryzen 7 1700 for $220, feels great.

Not gonna lie former intel user here, this is fucking hilarious watching intel crash and burn, but in all seriousness we cant let them have the cpu codes

>muh gayming performance
>muh gorillion ghz
>muh housefire unless i delid
glad i fell for the ryzen meme back at launch

Is this shit really for real? 30% hit? fucking REALLY? pffftahahahahhaha!

38 shares of INTC, been waiting for this stock to crawl out of the $30-35 rage for over 2 decades..finally in the $40...and it seems its going to shut the bed. Wtf, Intel?

if i were you, i'd sell all that INTC at market open in 8 hours or so, and buy AMD.

Nice rig, how's your idle/load draw? Gave my 6700k away to a friend so he could game, so I'm looking to scale up to big dick VMs



AMD chips in all my machines for the last 7 years.

I7 7700k user here, you can't make me do shit, cuck.

enjoy your ring0 vulns

That's okay, I'm still posting ITT and you couldn't do shit to prevent that

can i save that pepe

I have no idea whats going, will my macbook 2014 be effected by this? Thanks

Yes, there's another security issue just for macOS so you're extra fucked.


Intel will still be faster than AMD by 50% though.

guys, what the fuck

A8 here
Going to tell the news to my Intel shill friends tomorrow
Gonna be a great day

Does this bug have any actual consequences for the general public if left unfixed?

Do what makes you happy

We will soon be in post apocalyptic times. Hopefully you stocked up on guns, ammunition, food, and water. I sure as fuck didn't so RIP in pieces for me.


Wasn't there a similar hardware issue with intel cpus that allowed privilege escalation but wasnt practical to exploit? i vaguely remember Sup Forums flipping out about it too

>all these Ryshits who call themselves rebellious while still playing by Intel's rules

would a 2550K be affected?

Every Intel CPU in use is affected

>32 GiB RAM meme
nice monitor tho


fuck, is my i5-4670k affected? I just got it to a stable 4.4Ghz.

consider it 3.6 now

feels good man


All my shitty laptop had amd, then ingot s real pc with a fx4350 that I upgraded to the fx8350, then my OS blew up and im rocking the r5 1600 now


> Ryzen
> Ryzen CPU caution: The AMD Ryzen 5 and 7 CPUs sold up until at least November 2017 have serious bugs which make any software run very unreliably. One experiences spurious segfaults and system hangs from building as well as running GMP (or any other CPU intensive stuff). As of 2017-11-25 AMD still refuses to recall faulty CPUs. Instead, they replace CPUs on a case-by-case basis after asking each customer to run in exhausting circles for a few weeks. They have invented a newspeak term for these bugs, Performance Marginality Problem.

On full AMD diet since 2004 motherfuckers

Already fixed but nice try Brian.

wasn't this fixed a long time ago?

Where I can download hotfix for my October 2017 Ryzen?

now you need to overclock it to 6.66Ghz just to keep on par with AMD

The bug allows VMs to communicate with each other. If you don't use VMs this doesn't affect you.

Yes it was, the old cpu were fixed via software and the new batch was fixed via hardware.
Download the latest bios update for your motherboard and the latest chipset update from the AMD website.

Enjoying my 1600 kind of wish i got a 1700 now but whatever rumours are they are releasing ryzen 2 around march or something

AFAIK, there isn't any software fix of this problem, only RMA is allowed.
But my seller is fucked me up.

There's a software fix, there's is even a Linux patch for it

I can't even google any hints on these fixes.


I know that feel

can I join the comfy club with my half-poor machine?

>Just installed a intel chip on my pc


Ryzen 5 1600 reporting in.

Why no overclocking? Got mine stable on 3.8

I don't have adequate cooling, just some fans, and a CPU cooler that came with my CPU. I'm using pure stock settings for now, but I might overclock someday.

I bet the Jews are responsible for this.

>bought a used i5 2500 machine off of craigslist a few years ago for $240
>have been absolutely fine with it up to this point with no major push to basically ever upgrade from it for the foreseeable future
>Jews mad af that I have a virtually futureproof machine and basically so damn little for it
>they created this vulnerability, which will result in losing 30% of processing power, making my machine worse than a sub $50 C2D machine.

You see, goyim, your seven year old i5 machine isn't so great after all! Buy a brand new i5 chip that has been patched. It's so much better than your gimped i5 ;)

>You see, goyim, your seven year old i5 machine isn't so great after all! Buy a brand new i5 chip that has been patched. It's so much better than your gimped i5 ;)
Except the new shit is just as fucked.
>shit intel cpu, goy now upgrades to what used to be a shit AMD cpu but is now good because intel fucked up

>be intel
>be increasing prices with barely any real performance increase over the past 5 years
>realize no one is going to update from sandy or ivybridge cpu
>expose the NSA backdoor in all their chips to the world, compromising every purchase, while fucking up performance with the patch of said security hole
>kek as people who would've never bought another pc for years to come, "upgrade" to NSA backdoored chip2.0 without the performance killing patch and having the new backdoor still unknown to the world
rinse and repeat to continue killing performance and forcing users to buy new hardware. such an elaborate idea to get bridge purchases to buy new windows 10 only cpus.

I'm using the stock cooler too. You might get up to 3.5 without touching the voltage (end therefor not much more heat).

>tfw bought g3258 corelet because no good amd alternative

iOS user here.

me too

I have a macbook with i7 though

I have an old G4 PPC Mac Mini. Would I be safe from the NSA/botnet if I used that?

Feels good to know we are safe from Intel.

>It's not Intel

tfw poor studentfag that cant afford a new mobo+cpu+RAM.
end me lads.

Cancelled my i5 8400 because of the Sup Forums hype.

Best thing I ever did.


I was responding to the "me too" bit.


only if you use internet

>see the news
>it probably only affects recent products
>it affects everything they made in the last fucking DECADE

holy fuck man

FX-8320 standing by

Ryzen 7 1700 and r9 380x masterrace

There's going to be a lot of people doing exactly that.

>tfw using AMD for 20 years straight

I'm on the GODLIKE i7 2600K and never bought a single Inturd pooduct further since, but I also have Zen builds. Am I allowed to post here?

quality post right here,lads