Let's see those speccy's
Let's see those speccy's
>ivy bridge
enjoy your core duo processing power desu
onii-chan pls
Turn on ClearType you cuck.
Considering it's from 2012 and isn't too far behind a 7700k, you should probably kill yourself for making such a stupid statement. It's clocked at 4.6, but still. I barely had to touch the voltage. Ivy Bridge and every Sandy Bridge (2500k) are still incredibly relevant. If I just fell for bait, whatever. Regardless, please hang yourself.
nice damage control
So tech geeks. Before every gamer shits their pants once they realize what's about to hit what is a good AMD CPU to jump to with this set up? I'd like to beat the rush since I won't be upgrading to another intel product lol. It's mostly for gaming with some infrequent video encoding & streaming
He's right though. Off yourself.
>not buying intel when the prices crash
It's ok I guess.
The security flaw won't affect 99.9% of end users. Just don't apply the patch, I know I won't. Your 4690k is fine for at least another couple years.
Anything AMD you will get diminishing single core performance, and therefore less frames in just about every title nowadays.
>no cleartype
>when cleartype goes too far
D-don't bully, I just woke up.
You'll probably be fine, gaming performance isn't impacted in the tests on Linux. But obviously none of those are D3D.
The sweet spot for gaming on Ryzen is the 1600.
Ok I just turned it on. Not sure why it was off. I did a shitload of optimizing and debotnetting so maybe I accidentally turned it off.
Now that I turned cleartype back on, did I fall for some sort of meme?
Nah fuck that. From what I've seen, the date for affected hardware line up too well with PRISM shit, like this was planned.
did you download more ram?
No, I have 32 gigs you ramlet. Now can you answer me on if I've been meme'd or not
>reddit spacing
I think whether you've been memed or not is the least of your worries baka
Yeah I've looked at a couple Ryzen SKUs and it looks like a 1600 or 1700 would be the best out of what's available price-to-performace wise if CPUBOSS is accurate. Where the fuck did NCIX go? They usually had better deals then Newegg/Amazon.
chill, cleartype is just a pixel rendering algorithm made by microsoft for LCD screens similar to anti-aliasing so it's easier to read text on the eyes and not as straining.
Fight me nerds
To me it looks better with it off. Sharper if you will. I don't like it smoothed out, looks pixelated if you will.
for what pvrpose
Best specs here.
That's one hell of a Sup Forums browser
I thought they were going out of business or something. If you have a Microcenter near you, get it from there. Last week they had the Ryzen 7 1700 for $220 plus $30 off of a motherboard. I think the Ryzen 5 1600 was only $160.
>Fellow Ivy bro.
What you got her running at?
RAM and CPU are higher frequency
Speccy doesn't lie about ram frequency you sad sack of excrement.
It actually does since it doesn't account for DDR doubling.
this is a nice thinkpad
>being this wrong
>being this angry
Nice temp, where do u live? Must be cold right?
A Microcenter'd be nice, but I'm in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, so onlines the only option.
Thanks, but no, room isn't too terribly ambiently cold. I just put a metric fuck-load of fans in the case. Very good air flow.
cpu @3.8 on stock cooling
i get around 250 avg fps in csgo on 720 and above 170 at 1080
pubg @ 1080p i get 70 avg fps
steaming at pretty good quality at 60 fps i get like around 160 fps in csgo in 720p
1.6 ghz when idle, 3.7 ghz during gaming.
Speecy is largely useless nowadays in regards to actually listing new(ish) hardware. CPU is an 8700K.
Is thermals the limiting factor for your 3770k? I was thinking of replacing my 2600k with one but I want it to do at least 4.8 ghz
my aging gaymen laptop
No, I haven’t haven’t tried to see what it can really do. I’m 4.6 at 1.31 volts. It may even be able to go higher at that voltage. It’s just a quick overclock I did.
Prime95 and game stable. Hits low 80’s in prime on full load. Only using a 212 Evo with upgraded Corsair fans on either side in a well ventilated case.
Specs on your 2600k?
you ready to lose 30%
>being a macfag
>tfw I fell for the intel meme
Rate my build poorfags
Ignore CPU temps Speccy can't into Threadripper apparently.
GPU is an R9 290x waiting to see what succeeds the 1080ti
good, but that offset makes it look real bad, is speccy ever going to fix that?
It's been an issue since apparently Richland 32nm, my AMD A10 5750 reads at like 110*F but the APU is like 45*F, for the TR4 it isn't an issue I just look in the window and the Zenith Extreme displays it on a tiny OLED screen and it's 40*C right now. I hope they fix it soon it's annoying.
Fresh out of the snipping tool
>threadripper runs cooler than my 4790k at idle which is in a fancy/expensive custom water cooling loop
Fuck intel
forgot image
>windows 10 pro/home everywhere
explain yourselves
Mine is an Enermax TR360 AIO too, it has idled as low as 26*C if I crank the fans up
Linux doesn't just werk