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My Ryzen 1600X arrived today :)

run javascript, silently install bitcoin miner
nothing personal kid

Great CPU, OP.

>tfw i have a functional Pentium II right next to me
>tfw this thing is supposed to be affected too
>tfw i have to go back to my uncle to get and dust off that one Pentium 1 to play Minecraft

Same here. I'm building the pc tomorrow

I need a new laptop for CAD purposes. AMD obviously....What should I get?

And what?

Lenovo sells AMD ThinkPads with Radeon graphics
If you can stand the gamer aesthetic and non-existent battery life, ASUS ROG laptops are available with Ryzen 7

>Lenovo sells AMD ThinkPads with Radeon graphics

>still running my 5930k
>it's completely fine

The patch hasn't gone out yet. I hope you don't have an NVME SSD because that's the one thing guaranteed to get fucked.


ThinkPad A475
AMD A12-9800B Processor @ 2.7 GHz
14" FHD (1920x1080) IPS, anti-glare
Up to 16GB RAM (8 GB soldered + one free slot)

Nah, 2.5inch SATA.


I have a $2000 dollar laptop with NVME SSD and intel processor. I also have another intel proessor in my desktop. I hope the patch at least doesn't kill my game performance.

Everything is soldered these days.

t. not

Source? Why are nvme ssds prone to performance drop for this bug?

As I understand it, the patch slows down syscalls to the point where NVME SSDs are bottlenecked by the processor.

>tfw intel cpu

Higher performance AMD stuff was too expensive/last gen when I made my current build and I planned for my next build to happen around next year when vega started coming out.

tfw my bulldozer shitchip will soon be better than your shitty i9


>>get a laptop with a high end intel CPU and no GPU so I can do work, but not be distracted by vidya
>>mfw finding out I won't even be able to do work

>just bought a laptop with Intel cpu

>bought a laptop with an i7
>literally moments before purchasing I looked at the AMD model and considered it
>"naa fuck it, I'll go with intel"
>this was 3 weeks ago


Top kek. This shit has made my fucking year. Thanks Jewish mafia.


t. worst thinkpad ever made


The fixes effect AMD CPUs too.

>most powerful socketed quad core
>1080p IPS
>trackpad compatibility with xx50
>fuckhueg battery

What's the issue?

>mfw just built a gaming pc with an i5 7500

AMD doesn't need it though, so it's irrelevant.

gaming isn't effect

Intel core i7

Are older Intel CPUs like the Core 2 Duo affected?

That's kind of a given, yes.

And how do you know that?

Yes, Basically it will be a Core 2 mono



The articles I've read seem to suggest it's only going to affect the more modern Intel processors from the last 9/10 years?

So it's shrekt just like every other PC. Might as well just stick with what you have rather than buying another device which is also vulnerable

The vulnerability doesn't effect AMD.
The patch that the Intel devs put in the kernel targets AMD64 architecture which includes AMD (sabotage?)
If can be disabled via kernel parameter in GRUB so you don't have to suffer till intel tightens up the patch to only include intel CPUs

So which Intel processors will be affected by this patch? Surely it can't be all of them?

all of them up down to pentium II

Every single one made in the last decade

Even 32 bit CPUs are effected...

Most CPU's made after 2015 from what i've heard.



Fucking hell. Seriously?
>Every single one made in the last decade
I've got a Core Duo from 2006. What about that?

all that use memory virtualization, so basically everything past 386, if you have a 286 count yourself lucky

Friendly reminder:
g4600 is the best CPU that was EVER created by humanity

Yeah, I'm not saying it's safe but pretty much every ThinkPad is just as boned as mine so it's hardly "the worst".


Is there any way to disable virtualization?

What about my i3 3220? Surely my ancient poverty stricken machine is safe?


Core Duo?

Everything down to Pentium 2

>tfw my i5 2500k is going to get the bullet

Thankfully I switched to ryzen by now, but it still pains me to see this bad boy finally being put down.


>TFW building a friends PC with parts I'm recommending because he's a retard
>Ryzen 7 1700x
He wanted an 1800x, and took some serious effort to make him realise there's no need. Hell, he doesn't even need the 1700x, a 1600x would do - but I could only talk him down so far.

how do you know this? is there a list of affected processors or is it just a given based on the similar architecture?

I think they're going by anything that uses memory virtualization.

>Even 32 bit CPUs are effected...
Even PowerPC chips? Like, maybe from an old iMac from 2005?

glad to have an atom n450 right now

Nobody knows EXACTLY which processors are affected. It's known that at least Westmere is, which means that Nehalem probably is too.
There's *speculation* that the flaw may be intrinsic to the actual speculative execution methods Intel designed in the Pentium Pro. Which means it goes back to the Pentium Pro. There's also speculation that it may be intrinsic to Intel's virtual memory handling in general, which would date it back to the 80386 - but that's unlikely.

PowerPC is not made by Intel, so no.

macos port for ARM when?

>AMD A12-9800B Processor @ 2.7 GHz
hahahah I have intel 3.50Ghz

Finally a reason to retire my trusty 2600k.

Now subtract 30% performance loss :)

Lol engrish btfo

I want redditors to leave

Unironically return it and complain about faulty hardware. You didn't pay for 70% performance and they weren't advertising 70% performance. If you're an USAfag you can most likely make them give your money back. Or you'll get a compensation from jewtel once other amerifats put together a class action lawsuit

>be me
>finally upgrade my fx 6300 to an 8400 2 months ago
>now this
>also have a gtx 970
Why do i even try

Thank you. Fucking californian bugmen really need to either pick up a dictionary and learn proper English or get the fuck out

to at least P3

i2500k fags BTFO
You should have gotten Phenom II or Bulldozer.

Powerpc is not an x86 arch
[spoiler]Nor is it intel, what are you smoking

>implying this bug will affect home users
Just don't apply the patch, literally nothing bad will happen.

I have an i5 CPU and a Gtx 970 VGA.
Hit the jackpot both times. [spoiler]Both work fine and aren't giving me problems for gaming.[/spoiler]

Jävla judeprocessorer

I have an I7 3770 in my old ailing pc. Was just about to look for a new one, then this happened. huh. I never update anything so theres that. Screwed if you do or if you dont....

>which would date it back to the 80386 - but that's unlikely
Very unlikely indeed, since the 80386 doesn't do speculative execution.


What is an "updates nigger" and how do you turn it off?

>Nor is it intel, what are you smoking
The internal RISCiness of Intel CPUs is vastly exaggerated, especially since they added µop fusion. The vast majority of instructions (especially common ones) map one-to-one to internal instructions. It's just that the internal format is more regular and uses fixed-width encoding.

Just put me out of my misery.

>which means that Nehalem probably is too
Microarchitecturally, Nehalem is very similar to the Core 2 chips, so it's extremely likely that they too are affected, and I'd be surprised if the load units have changed much since then P6 days.

Has anyone tested a P4? They're architecturally different enough that they could possibly be unaffected, and I'm sure someone somewhere still sits on one.

It's a nigger that updates your shit

>tfw only bought the 1600 in May

did i fuck up? should I buy the 1600X

I don't even care about the bug or performance drop, it's the fact that Sup Forums will never ever stop making funny of us that worries me the most.

Silicon lottery

Updates niggers are Installation Wizards with H1Bs.

*tips Red Hat*

Expect it, respect it.