Would you a prebuilt PC?
Would you a prebuilt PC?
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Honestly depends on the price and the specs
what's a PC?
I wouldn't because all the bundled in bloatware would trigger my autism
If the price is right yeah. If it's not much less than if I did it myself I wouldn't bother. I'm willing to save 100 or so to skip the hassle though.
Also only if I needed to start from scratch of course
desu I could just build this myself but that case is beautiful
Pretty much an iMac or a Mac Mini or even a Mac Pro.
I've considered buying my not-so-tech-savvy brother a prebuilt gaming rig just so we can play some games together.
Anyone have experience with those Omen cube things with the handles?
After assembling 40 PCs from parts and getting A+ certified absolutely not. But for most people who don't know me (I'll assemble them for $200 labor + parts/software) prebuilts are nice as long as the customers knows what he's looking for (HTPC, gaymen, video editing/3d, ect).
Apple ain't shit for this.
How? They can't run win32 software.
only if;
- it has the same parts i would get otherwise
- it costs the same or less
basically no, because this is an exceedingly unlikely scenario
Except they can?
>but that case is beautiful
you mean gay
only if Silicon Graphics comes back from the dead
One man's trash
I exclusively buy prebuilt.
So what's the difference in reinstalling your OS as soon as you get your PC and installing it yourself since there's no OS on a home build?
Even with good specs they will just use the cheapest MB and PSU. The MB can give you drivers problems.
nope, mac os can't do that
Yeah you could install wanblows after hacking it but then it's always buggy and glitchy. That's after the piece of shit constantly overheats and thermal throttles doing the most of basic of tasks.
you can build the same rig with a boring case for like $800 my dude
>b-but muh r-rainbow stormtrooper
grow up please
not him, but i suppose you could argue that there's less of a point getting a prebuilt if you're installing a new OS anyway, since setting one up is a significant portion of the total computer setup time
most computers don't come with bloatware that needs a reinstall anyway nowadays, only super cheap shitty laptops that have it to help keep the cost low (shitwares pay to be preinstalled, etc)
I dunno dude they got questionable RAM, Motherboard, and PSUs
Maybe I'll buy it if it's 25% cheaper than the assembled price
>bundled in bloatware
Uncommon with business PCs.
Cheapest I could get their setup was $1200
Of course not, they are usually overpriced.
In the case that they are cheaper than building yourself, there's always a reason. It's usually poor quality components and getting rid of old stock that is obsolete, like kaby lake CPUs.
Still $400 less.
Are you willing to pay $400 for a fancy case?
No self respecting grown ass man needs to be playing kid games on a rainbow stormtrooper helmet.