Now that arm, amd and intel are being gimped by open OSes there’s never been a better time to be on locked down OS hardware such as iPad and iPhone. Feels good
Now that arm...
I will never understand this ammount of freedom. To be constantly cucked consciously and voluntarily and be happy about it - this is just beyond my comprehension.
I am rocking the A9/M9 chip/processor on my iOS, nibba. FEELS GOOD.
I here ya'. Shit, I may just log back into my iOS devices and surround myself with them in a circle formation. BLISS.
This literally makes no sense at all in any way - the post.
ITT: Some iToddlers doing a circlejerk while bending over for their overlord Tim Cook.
If you are open, someone can enter. If you are locked down, you are safe. Imagine an open door versus a locked door. Sounds like someone needs to grasp the fundamentals here. Come on now.
Or whoever gets to be the front face of that company. They don't even care who it is. If Trump is appointed CEO of Apple those trannies would still lick his asshole.
Your platform being closed source doesn't mean it's locked down for anyone fa.m Good chance there are backdoors that you just don't know about (and you never will unless their are found).
And remember: A false sense of security is more dangerous then no security.
Did you know I am listening to a Tim Cook speech from the Apple Mothership in Cupertino as we speak? Tim looked over at me several times as he spoke. Not a big deal.
It’s not about whether it’s closed source or not it’s about whether an app is deemed acceptable by apple or not and gets signed.
It's not about the apps that are optionally to install but Apple's operating system itself that is closed and therefore the existence of vulnerabilities/exploits/backdoors is unconfirmed at best.
Oh man this op.
>A false sense of security is more dangerous then no security.
wow just wow
>Implying I'll ever update Ubuntu now
lol only other people get hacked, not me
I believe you genuinely see that quote as retarded. I'm amazed and a bit concerned.
Imagine being that ugly and then deciding to get those shitty tattoos. At least they're rich.
>apple literally just admitted to slowing down their old products to make people buy the new ones
>haha guys we should go to apple
Who are these whores and why do I want to dick them?
1) Bruce Willis' daughters
2) You're probably gay
>Dick Hard
>Dick Harder
Fucking lol like Safari is 'safe' and iMessage doesn't have spam.... NO THANK YOUS
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