Fug now I will have to drop from 4K down to 1080p BLACKED (tm) porn.
streamfags BTFO
What happens when you put all your eggs in one basket
Someone else's basket
>What happens when you put all your eggs in one basket
>Someone else's basket
This is the future SystemD has chosen, as well. Only a matter of time.
reminder that users of pirated windows aren't affected because no updates
So Intel has effectively killed the internet.
Is there anything else youthful you'd like to experience?
Or anyone with updates turned off
Why would a retard would disable updates? They work the same on any pirate copy, ever
Literally fuck this world
Fuck hackers
Fuck intel, i thought they only hire the super duper badass engineers with 200 iq points
They probably did it on purpose because it increased performance so much. Think of how much money Intel has made in the last 10 years.
Wrong. Ive pirated win10 3 times and it always updates.
Do we know who this backdoor was for yet? NSA, Israel, china, ect or is jewtel now selling all of them the same exploit?
I'd bought AMD just because of Ryzen
Second best investment of 2017, after I bought bitcoin at 6k and sold at 18k
Man, systemd pisses me off so much, and yet there's no good actively developed alternatives for cockpit that don't use systemd's API. Sad life.
>tfw i have W8.1 with no updates installed, antivirus and firewall disabled
>Still no virus
Comfy 8.1 pirated + xubuntu masterrace.
Bow down to my weeb NEET powers you bunch of payfags who can't pirate shit and get cucked by companies left and right.
>pirating OS
Enjoy your botnet.
>every Epyc server is unaffected
I wonder if AMD can even make that many chips
Well, Fab8 is getting additional 20% 14LPP capacity in H1 2018.
Guess why.
EPYC has been short on stock since release, it's damned near impossible to get one unless you're a hyper-scale customer
don't worry goyim! just upgrade to the next generation Intel platform, now up to 31% faster than the previous!
I've recently noticed some ossies using Twitter and thought to myself is this connected? Or just me?
Did some "is it down or just me" search and saw that twitter indeed has some problems. Kek
Intel is fucking up internet
It's a good problem to have, really. Just when you're at risk of not making enough to satisfy demand, something happens that make intel server chips literally unbuyable, instead of just a dumb purchase. Customers will wait for Epyc chips instead of getting impatient and buying intel.
Whenever I update it breaks something. Never again...
thank god I still use windows 7 sp1
How would you know without antivirus?
I demand my class action compensation.
Not even kidding.
How would you even know if this patch has affected your cpu? I keep hearing this will only affect servers.
>mfw still using amd processors because lolcores
>mfw still using w7 sp1 because best vidya os
>mfw still using ubuntu 14.04 because fuck systemd
I'm enjoying it a lot with my 2D waifu and free games.
oy vey
It'll affect everyone except people who don't update their operating systems.
The "only affects servers" part is because some people are claiming that consumer applications won't suffer a performance hit based on three games that have been benchmarked in a single configuration.
You're hearing shilling. The reason you see people saying that is because, according to them, the performance hit from the patch won't matter at light workloads. One, that doesn't make it any better, and two, it still will have visible results. All CPUs are affected
Enjoy your CryptoLocker or Shitcoin Miners
i bet Hiroshim00t is already working on more malicious code like the last time to mine bitcoins from inteltards that browse 4chinz
that man is gonna be rich, Intelfags are a goldmine right now
Honestly, they do hire very smart people, but industry demands are pretty intense. How are you supposed to put a 1 year time limit on innovating the latest processor to be at least 30% faster, then do it again and again indefinitely?
they are
this is intentional, they've been probably working with criminal organizations and selling access to valuable servers
Same, but with Windows 7 SP1. I scan my PC once in a couple of months with multiple scanners just to check if I caught anything, it always comes out clean.
How the fuck do normies catch viruses?
of course
Intel must have known,they've had unrestricted access to your shit for 20 fucking years and nobody knew a thing.
The CEO sold all his stock in preparation for this.
That's what happens when you spend 40% of your development budget on "enforcing gender balance" at your company....
Are those the stocks or Intel's performance graph over the next couple of weeks? :^)
thank goodness i've disabled Windows Update in services and haven't received an update for 1½ years
my niggas what are you thinking
I'm feeling pretty comfy right now on my version that came before all of the shit features but is still up to date security wise
>being a slave to their (((updates))) that don't do any good
S-Stop it!
Pirated win7 with no updates since 2010 here, never had a problem or stolen accounts.
80% of the time, the call goes thru every time
The absolute state of linux development.
I've got an i7-940 from 2010 and I'm using Linux, does this affect my performance at all?
Isnt falling fast enough
Why don't hackers just promise not to abuse the exploit so the entire world doesnt become 30% slower?
all it takes is one jew tactic to overturn the engineers
yeah you're defeintly fucked. throw it away
Because feminist logic doesn't apply in the real world
depending on real hit after azure and AWS is patched could turn very very ugly for intel.
This whole solution of completely evicting kernel from table seen either a rushed response, which i dont believe so much, or its resorted as only capable solution to deal with the issues.
The fact people are not only considering but pushing patches that deal this much performance hit means the hole is much deeper.
Consider you have a server farm, you usually provision with a certain margin, now you realize you will need to spend money, and a lot of it, just to keep same performance levels. Not only that, but this kind of action has the potential of breaking apps that rely on caches. SK piurley and SKX are already with cache latencies, it could mean a very big hit on streaming/database/monitoring/big data, all kinds of loads that demand a lot of IO.
When a company you trust to build your infraestructure just from nothing turn out and say "you will need to buy more hardware to stay at same speed" it certainly taints reputation a lot. Some people say it isnt that bad, we will see when the patches starts to roll.
This could really marks the downfall of intel, in the market it relies most: servers
Just a note: at least on linux, AMD is being fucked too, as the patch evicts kernel pages, regardless of cpu. It would requires individual configuration to drop the patch out of kernel from AMD based servers, but it should be doable. This is not by any means good news, as basically all databases run on intel. Im just curious how much performance impact will windows servers get.
I work at a data center.
Thankfully it won't be that bad for us, we purposely have a ton of extra resources in every data center in the event that another data center location goes down as it will automatically provision everything inside another facility. We can actually handle 2 data center locations going completely offline. We could realistically handle 1 data center going down AND 30% performance loss with our current estimates and not affect our customer's performance too much.
We also have very good growth projection, so have a ton of extra hardware just sitting around on racks at the moment I mean, sucks that it's Intel but still the hardware is there if it needs to be turned on temporarily.
thinking again about this, it just doesnt matter you pour more hardware; its a performance hit over, no matter what you do because it will insert a kind of latency on each syscall, so expect things like streaming or worse, databases suffering a major hit that cant be solved with additional hardware.
it's already at 6.8% down
Intel is finished
By clicking shit and not using adblockers
would someone please, in the simplest of terms, explain what the hell is going on
Ur cpu a shit
>How would you know you have a gunshot wound without a doctor?
That's how dumb you sound.
Soon amazon and google go to AYYMD and give them shitton of money to make more EPYC processors
Enjoy your bitminer and malware.
A security risk was found in all intel cpus (architecture level) that allows user programs to read and perhaps even write kernel protected memory.
Details are still sparse as they are patching major oses before disclosure.
In lay terms, the issue would allow retrival of passwords, cryptographic private keys and inference over other vms running on a same server.
you know malware doesn't just launch a giant laughing skull face and scream "U g0t haxorurd n00b!" like in the movies, right?
i mean
there was the literal laughing skull virus but still you are right
when you say all, do you mean quite literally all? as in the newest coffee lakes all the way back to the first pentium?
They don't use Common Sense 2018
"Testing also showed that an attack running on one virtual machine was able to access the physical memory of the host machine, and through that, gain read-access to the memory of a different virtual machine on the same host."
Don't blamer intel, this is trumps and rej's fault
Considering PPC atm.
According to the current information, it goes up for all intel cpus that support PCID (Process-Context Identifiers), which goes up to Westmere, first core generation. Core duo or quad should not be affected, but their performance is already bad for today usage.
Microsoft says its gonna do a out of band update for windows 7, but Windows XP seen to be off this, i believe even XP isnt PCID capable so its okay for XP, but questionable how goes with vista.
its already being called meltdown
No, it isn't with AMD Epyc CPUs.
you do realize that when these companies buy hardware is over a 3-5 year cycle right? Its not like lets just dump 10 million of xeons and suddenly change to epyc. Nor its possible as AMD cant pump this many units in due time, and there are still issues with epyc with hyper-v and other hypervisors
>In some cases, the fixes would make the computers equipped with those CPUs 30% slower.
Good thing im using ayymd
Are you aware of security flaws? Do you know that they can bypass it using godamitt javascript?
It is the choice between throttling cpu or becoming member of Kim bitcoin farm.
>games will not be affected
Look at this presentation:
If its the way i think is, performance might find a hard hit as there is a lot of syscalls using direct3d
>criminal organizations
You do mean government organizations right, or am I just not redpilled enough to call them that just yet?
Its mostly overstated as you would need to find a way for Javascript to actually instance and read memory directly into Javascript, which is already sandboxed.
Its actually theorically possible for a program to read kernel memory, but it need to be programmed to do so, not sandboxed shit like javascript
If they have to, they will dump them.
I expect every major corp to dump truckloads of money on Lisa Su's front porch so she can buy new fabs.