It begins...
The end of Intel
>4% dip
Stocks will fall by 30%, mark my fucking words
Its down 2 dollars
performance will fall by 30%
stocks will fall by way more than that
>it's only fallen 4% of the way down the chasm
>4% dip
>of 220b$
They've lost $12b in value so far today.
but, you know, that's ok, after all, it's only 4% right?
That dip is just the executives selling early.
Take that, sneaky juice.
Wasn't there a massive sale from the CEO months ago?
Damn, isn't that insider trading?
They knew for two months.
It was lower in mid december. Ever watched the stock market before? 5% flux is norm
I wonder. If you know for 2 months then sell the moment you announce is that still insider trading?
Basically. Yes.
>Major security flaw that fucks everyone
>Executes don't release news
>Sell fuck tonne of personal stock holdings
>News slips out
He mysteriously unloaded as much as he could while still staying in power for seemingly no apparent reason at the time back in Nov/Dec.
Should be no surprise why he did now.
NO Survivors.
If they have $220b in stock alone $12b is literally pocket change to the company.
Time to buy, baby bro.
But JUSTnich he sold last month
yeah fishy as hell
I'm late to the show, wtf is going on?
Remember, buy high, sell low.
It's not insider trading if you're already rich. Rich people don't have to obey the law.
>Linux Will End Up Disabling x86 PTI For AMD Processors
We won! AMD squad reporting in:
But it's not insider trading
Exactly what I said.
Not only that, STH will re-bench every Xeon vs EPYC.
Right now there are retards on Sup Forums and reddit still screaming how this is isn't a big deal at all and it's just an elaborate AMD fanboy conspiracy. 12 billion in valuation wiped overnight.
t. 3570k owner
It hasnt even dipped enough for it to be worth buying
All intel processors made in the past decade have a bug where anyone can own your computer and the fix kills performance by 30%
just coincidence
Basically every even remotely modern intel chip was discovered to have an oversight in it that allows potential attackers to straight up read out your kernel, the worst kind of exploit there is since it gives you literally everything no questions asked.
People are cobbling together a software fix for it right now but even looking at it extremely optimistically it's going to cut any Intel CPU that was release in the last 15 or so years performance by about 30% on average.
Man I can just imagine the panic at intel when they found out about this bug.
absolutely stunning
Ashraf is going to roast intel for thi- wait..
Honestly, I read about this 2 days on Sup Forums before the market got to it. That is pretty impressive. Kudos Sup Forums.
this legit makes me think
They file forms and announce what they're doing well in advance.
I read this on Sup Forums before my coworkers knew about it.
I work at a information security company.
I work at a trading company. The market was literally dead to this until this morning.
dont buy from jews!
sweet I get to buy intel on the cheap
wanted to add it to my portfolio
he's laughing at the peasants
good goyim
Intel isn't cheap if this bug will slow its processors by 30%. It's pretty expensive in that case.
it'll collapse when even finance people realize what just happened
lmao @ all these autists thinking their precious little 1$ dollar accounts that they access from their first generation i3s are in danger.
lmao @ all of you thinking intel is done
I've watched Intel's stock drop by just under 2 and a half percent in the last hour.
>bought two Tesla memes
I'm up 2% covering commision
what are you trying to say here, making money is bad?
It's really happening
remember 2008
intel will do fine and will keep its domination on desktop
intel is fucking done
p-please goys i-intel will do just fine please stop
Look at you pretending to understand how stocks work. You do realize intel does not lose 1 cent, when their stock prices fall? Stock prices just represent how much people are willing to pay to have a share in a company. They did not lose 12b.
God, Intel is crumbling fast and I fucking love it.
Sent using cores from my Intel chip.
buy the dip
yeah for sure
buy the dip
so it's unrelated
19december yeah ... unrelated
intel isnt cheap and why werent u holding aphria at 2$
Top Kek, you retards know nothing of the stock market. Nobody outside of the tech sphere cares about this, and it will have virtually no effect on the company. As usual, Sup Forums is the place of contrarian circle jerks
>wait for intel to drop a bit more
>buy a shitload of shares
>hold to them until they fix it and get back in business because jews
Probably Intel will go down just like Volkswagen Automobile Group just did...
Incentives to punish Volkswagen: none because consumers don't actually care about polluting and governments don't want to punish a big job-creator corp
Incentives to punish Intel: after the performance hit, the economics change and now AMD is the preferred choice for data centers. Intel market share goes down.
Volkswagen doesn't run a fuckload of servers that cannot have speed and security compromised.
Not to mention the performance hit also translates into more power costs.
No, all he has to do is say he's getting ready to buy a house or another car and thats it