So, what's the deal with this Intel situation? should I have gotten a Ryzen instead?

So, what's the deal with this Intel situation? should I have gotten a Ryzen instead?


don't post pictures of me without my permission, thanks

>implying you're a girl

>implying OP posted a girl

If you're a stupid faggot then no, you did the right thing OP.

It's probably just the latest girl he's been fantasizing about. You know all Sup Forumsfags are sexually frustrated.


Why, is that person a confirmed trap?

*Laughs in ryzen*

Or a Phenom II or even Bulldozer would be better.

Holy shit. A GIRL ON Sup Forums??????. My dick is so hard right now.

A girl that hot wouldn't be anywhere near Sup Forums.

there's lot more girls on google images user!

whats best, phenom ii or bulldozer or piledriver

Doesn't look like a trap, I'm pretty good at guessing those things.

Yup. After the 30% performance hit, your CPU will only perform a bit better than AMD, rather than completely destroying it. You fucked up.

it's fucking nothing, it's literally all AMD shills trying to make Intel look bad

After fucking so many of them, you get a sense, huh.

muh DICK


This shill is just as good as the intel press release. (aka: not good at all)

Go home, bitch. This is a no computer illiterate zone.

the whole point of a trap is that they trick you though, so your point counts for nothing