Live in Chicago IL

>live in Chicago IL
>order some neat tech on amazon
>11.5% sales tax
fuck this city.

I'm still amazed that any tech companies are still in California. With the new tax structure, moving to a shithole like Wyoming will be more of an tax incentive than having to deal with a retard legislature that can't even deport criminals.

It probably wouldn't get to you anyway. It'd get robbed or the delivery guy would get shot or raped before he dropped your shit off.

but taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society

His point might be anyone with half a brain knows we can pay less taxes and still be well off.

Taxes at the rate they are at is highway robbery. It doesn't even go to roads and infrastructure and shit actual things needed to serve the public. You're paying much more to pay for deadbeats leeching off welfare, money being siphoned off to politicians their luxurious spending habits.

you should really be buying your tech from websites in New York that are closed on the sabbath

Im in chicago too Sup Forumsent

Wanna buy a 256gb sandisk x400 SSD thats still new in seal? for like $40 I wanna buy some weed man.

Try 24%
Fuck Socialism-Lite (Social Democracy)

>he doesn't farm his own weed

VAT? I assume you live in Europe or some Banana Republic

How about you fix your society and build a healthy and non-corrupt culture instead like many other western nations?

>Live in a shithole
>Discover it's a shithole

>tfw 25%
my autismbux scale more tho

Where can i listen to chicongo police scanners?
The chimpouts must be marvelous.

deliver it to an amazon locker out of town or something.

why do we need to help you with this shit, OP? do you not see how much of a fucking loser you are that you need to come to us to cope with this shit?

holy shit wish I was american, try over 20% in europe

>you fix your society

You know what. I didn't think of that. Gonna get that done tomorrow. I might as well fix the planet while I'm at it. Your post really changed the planet.

Right with you. OP. Seattle here, with our 10.1% sales tax.

How about you stop being racist and keep taking in more unhealthy and corrupt migrants?

Holy shit only 11.5 in Denmark it is 25% on everything and it is even higher on stuff like tobacco, sugar, nuts etc.

Nobody wants to live in that snowy shithole. That's why California is allowed to be as retarded as it is.

Dude im 21 and me and my buddies would always get high and watch cops right? Boring.

Im 30 minutes from chicago ghettos, so we drive an SUV around now with the windows locked playing rap music. Screaming NIGGER at people.

We've been follow 3-4 times now, no gun shots yet.

we usually cary a few helmets for if gunshots DO start

We would just call the police and have the niggers taken to jail and tarred and feathered and then eventuallly sold back into slavery

I know this is probably fake but it's sounds cool and fun as fuck. Also
>live in eastern Europe
>buy bread
>pay 20% VAT

Yea, it's VAT. (What's the differenece between VAT and sales tax anyway?)
I live in Scandinavia. No work and terrible pay.

Forgot to mention that the taxes of salary is like 50% and you are forced to pay for other things like forced license to watch TV even if i don't watch TV, and skat (Danish tax system) looses billions of kroners that just disappeares, the government have taxes on electric cars and spend a few billion kroner more on trains to DSB (Danish State Tracks) that they have never used ...

What country Denmark, Sweden or Norway
> What you said applies to all 3 of them :/

People wouldn't move easily. For some reason companies still insist on people coming into work. Makes no sense. If there's work and a deadline I'll do it regardless of where I am. Sitting in a cube for 8 hours doing nothing when there's no work makes no sense. At least at home you can study or work on personal stuff to expand the breadth of your knowledge if there's nothing to do but workplaces block everything now. A place I worked at before had moved an hour and a half away from their original office before they hired me but still required everyone to come in. By the time I was brought on board many people had left and several senior devs left while I was there and they ended up outsourcing and laying more people off. Nice idea retards.

Finland. Not really Scandinavia but close enough.

>non-corrupt culture instead like many other western nations
>this being said by someone presumably living in the EU kleptocracy
holy shit lmao

At any rate there are a ton of states in the US with good standards of living and extremely low taxes
I would never live in one of the leech-states that takes most of my income to provide to negros who don't work

>Complains about 11.5% tax

Oh please I pay 23% tax + ~5% depending on the device.

Instead of blacks, is the military OK?


the niggers here are basically terrorists occypying us for gibs money

Scandinavia is a region in Northern Europe, characterized by common ethnocultural North Germanic heritage and mutually intelligible North Germanic languages. The term Scandinavia in local usage covers the three kingdoms of Denmark, Norway and Sweden, but in English usage, it also sometimes refers to the Scandinavian Peninsula or to the broader region which includes Finland and Iceland. This broader region is usually known locally as the Nordic countries.

>reads Ayn Rand once

>thinking people locate businesses to silicon valley because of cost savings

What a worthless thread

We've got 21%, stop whining.

>Paying taxes for online purchases

>Live in Indiana like 30 min out from that hell nightmare of a """city"""
>enjoy our sweet as 7% tax from Newegg/Amazon, nothing from others
>realize my entire state has less debt than your shit hole city
Damn for once its nice to be Hoosier fag

find out which precinct/sector ENGLEWOOD is in and bam glorious scanners
actually anywhere thats red
protip sectors 6-7

Here in western Europe it's 20 %, so you know...

>Sales tax based on city


>I'm still amazed that any tech companies are still in California. With the new tax structure, moving to a shithole like Wyoming will be more of an tax incentive than having to deal with a retard legislature that can't even deport criminals.
Yes and no, on the paper, Commiefornia has HUGE corp/sales taxes etc. (They're far left after all)
But the tax code is very complicated and full of holes, so you can basically end up paying next to nothing if you're a big corporation with lots of lawyers and accountants.

This is why the whole movie/tech industry is there after all.

Can you order from 3rd party sellers (fufilled by amazon) or from places like B&H? Those don't charge me any tax in CA

>live in croatia
>everything is 35% more expensive then it's msrp in the states

>Live in US
Try a thirld world muslim country, fag.

Amount of total taxes are more than the cost of the products themselves, not to mention the additional skyrocketting of the prices after the currency conversions.

jesus christ why are there so many foreigners on Sup Forums?

>live in Montana
>0% sales tax
>still have to live in Montana

>jesus christ why are there so many foreigners on Sup Forums?

The website is owned by a Japanese, is a copy of a Japanese forum website, and is about Japanese culture and pop-culture. So you mean non-Japanese people?

>Live in Brazil
>Order some tech from Amazon
>Pic related

The more you know

it's largely state sales tax with smaller percentages added for the county and the city

>doesn't have taxes based on country, then state, then city, then neighborhood

Pleb, do you even socialism?