/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

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>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
Tracker Manifesto: pastebin.com/jLRY7pXw
Wiki: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be faggots asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q="KG" torrent tracker

Ab/jps/bbt triforce

t. degenerate


>tfw not on HDB

not an argument

this thread is so pointless

just like your life

>tfw not in KG
Am I gonna make it bros?

literally, red > bib > hdb

*the KG

why would you need kg when you have anime?

it is not the path that makes it hard for me to join, it's my country that is banned

I've already seen everything the medium has to offer

cyкa блять

If you're old enough to legally drive, and you're still watching anime, you need to seek psychiatric hep.

What if you're a well established, useful member of society with a significant other, pay your taxes and a law abiding citizen?

at least i can spell brainlet
If you can prove this to me I'll invite you to the kg. email me at [email protected]

lol good one :^)

>Airmail is an invite-only
>prove this to me
How would I go about doing that?

not white

anoth*r *ay, *nother 128KiB u*loaded *n *ED

>Airmail is an invite-only
What do you mean by that anyone can create an airmail account not that you need to anyway.
In order to prove you've exhausted all that anime has to offer all I want is a paragraph or two on your favorite anime.

if you go to the domain it says that you dingleberry poodlestick!

do you not know how email works user?

Hmm? I don't really have favorite anime. I just enjoy a lot but am never totally satisfied.

yeah silly I was just saying how he came to that conclusion. he didn't know it was a vincent operation.

150 votes so far

What tracker does kg stand for?

lmgtfy.com/?q="KG" torrent tracker

referring to torrent trackers with abbreviations as if they're some kind of secret is the stupidest thing about this community. It's trivial to unmask these.

another day another 100000 bancamp's upload on red

I don't think that's why people do it desu

from now on, you should only type out the names in full, like passthepopcorn and broadcasthenet, as an act of defiance


Is it worth it getting into bib if you basically only read mainstream fantasy?

This is some new level ptg shitposting

Do you really think it’s a “secrecy” thing? How retarded are you?


Path to IPT?

The cabal awaits


can you imagine a world were seedboxes are prohibited

Just get into everything even if you don't use it much. Trackers die and you want to be in the top trackers for when a new one starts recruiting.

Bib is pretty useless if you just read mainstream fantasy since you can just request that on RED or BigBois if they don't already have it, but it's nice to have access. I was travelling and wanted a guide book and Bib had a nice selection. It can be useful.

>invite only E-mail server
>E-mail enthusiasts
kek, I'm tempted to get an account there for "professional" purposes but in the end I can't trust one guy not to suddenly disappear.

>tfw failed interview for apollo


Why would I want private trackers again? Every scene TV/movie release is on Usenet and a lot of music, even some rather obscure stuff, is on Soulseek.

Private trackers is for millenials who don't know any better.

I guess if you've never been on the good ones you wouldn't really know

does my mom's credit card work?

apollo news
>To celebrate the new year, we are kicking off a community challenge! You will have to work together in order to reach the target and receive great prizes from the gods!

>What's the challenge?
>What.cd had a huge collection of perfect FLACs and most of these files are probably still out there. We think it's important to preserve this great library, but in order to achieve that, we need your help!
>Apollo currently has over 30,000 active users, 100,000 perfect FLACs would mean just over 3 torrents per member, which is an easy goal, considering many of you probably still have a lot of FLAC torrents on your hard drives.

>Extra Bonus Points
>As a reward for uploading perfect FLACs during this challenge, the amount of given Bonus Points for uploading a perfect FLAC will be doubled from 200 to 400 Bonus Points per torrent.

>In order to reward the biggest contributors in this challenge, there will be an upload contest as well!

>The person that uploads the most perfect FLACs during this challenge, will receive VIP status and a unique badge (yes, badges are coming to Apollo :))
>The runner up and #3 will also receive unique badges
>In addition to this, the top-3 will receive voice (+v) in #apollo on IRC.

> torrentinvites.org/f36/nostream-nos-music-2016-review-184551/

> Nostream seems to be the next What.cd. Very few members currently have access to this tracker, but there are a lot of uploads and peers.

> Just wait & see, but one thing is sure, it's really on the way to become the next best music tracker in the world.

What did they mean by this?

how do I search for torrents in utorrent 2.2.1 when i have 1000+ torrents seeding..

It means whoever wrote that is retarded.

I would sort by any of:
added on
completed on
upload speed

I moved over to qbittorrent which has actual search functionality

As far as I know, you don't.

Somehow, qbit always fucked up something or another for me.

Is bitme a cable?

Why does MTV use NoS styling?

Guess it's time to finally join Apollo and dump all my austropop rips that literally nobody will ever listen to.

currently seeding 2k on qbit 3.something. No fucking up here.

How often does AHD have freeleech?

Yeah, no clue what was up with that, and that was several years ago anyway. I've been using uTorrent 2.2.1 all this time though, so unless it shows any problems, I'll just stick with it.

100% flacs on red are only silver on nwcd.
then there's gold

why did he delete this?

>Genaviv theme by sarek

The (((cabal))) got him. He'll never post again.

Is my info safe?

This is true for most trackers, but a few will disable you if you rarely/never download anything.

Yeah so just every once in a while go on there and use them. I mean you gotta rank on them too for best results. But, that's so easy you just do the obvious shit and seed for a while and not even paying attention you get enough headway.

Not good enough for some. Bitme trackers will disable you if you don't download regularly. The vast majority of trackers do not operate like this and as long as you log into the site somewhat regularly you're fine. I've had accounts at a few trackers for several years that I've never downloaded a thing from but I log in once a month and I'm still there.

Yeah but regularly is what? Once a month you logon and download some shit? All you need to manage is RED, HDB, BTN, PTP, BIB, AHD, BB, KG, and maybe a few others. Most of those you'll be using anyways, so leaves maybe ~3 to login once in a while to use. Really Bib and MTV are the ones I don't use much but keep. MTV just in case BTN falls, Bib just for the occasional book.

What even is an email enthusiast?

l-loves to write emails

what the fuck
am I getting baited hard or people are actually this retarded?

I like emails too. But it’s a mode of communication. How much of an email power user can you be to be considered an enthusiast

i jerk off to email headers

What is the best tv/movie tracker to get into from AB power user forum?

how do I setup autodl-irssi to download emails instead?

Another day another... fuck it.

I'm more of a footer man myself



>upload some FLAC album
>3 hours later some guy has transcoded it into every other possible format
What a fucking parasite. Disgusting.

soulseek more like soulsucc
ironically, you posted this because you didn't know any better
scene sucks. a waste of space and a shitty diversity of releases
slsk is awful to use. it takes forever to find what you need and flac is rare enough to be a bother

at least learn a bit of the things you shitpost about. it's embarrassing
you might have some preconceptions about the private tracker game because of how difficult it can be to get a foot into the door. however, once you do, it's only a matter of time until you get into every tracker you want

don't reply

>upload some FLAC album
>nobody ever snatches it

wow you sure are mad that I've been getting all the content I want for over a decade without dealing with some elitist teenage loser's elitist super secret tracker.

>wow you sure are mad that i like eating shit

i am just an icon living
start a record label msfts just did it
interview cover 5 minutes
we are too hot in the business

the fuck did you just say to me

i need you to listen to the vision

>mfw an xvid release has seeds but h264 doesn't
fuck ptp

Path to x264.me?

pooloo if you feels like uploading 50 cooking magazines to get to elite

anminebites sir !!

>pooloo if you feels like uploading 50 cooking magazines to get to elite
What ''pooloo'' is?

>anminebites sir !!
And... the problem is that I am not inside AB, I am inside: IPT, AR, TL, PTN, HDME, MTV, NBL, HDT, PHD, BHD, MAM, OT

pooloo is apollo. you can probably get in from mtv or mam.

ahd and ptp

where do rlyeh encodes come from?

"Then what you do is game the casino's RNG. Cost about 500 gold to get the RNG state through blackjack games. Once you have the RNG state, you make a bunch of huge bets in blackjack when you know you will win. You spread this out over a week or so to get something like 1300000 gold."

What is RNG state?


were you going to do it?