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I'm sorry pajeet

I always did think your logo was cooler

Sorry i get better fps in games than you

Sorry you glue together dies and deliver an inferior prozuct because of it.


This is a good meme

No it's not, Nvidia and Apple Graphworks are 7+ year old, they weren't funny then neither are they now.

>that scaling

Nice try Schlomo

I'm sowwy~

Im sorry amd , i should have trusted you it´s just that after my ati videocard stoped working you broke my heart.

I'm so so sooooo sorry. I'm weeping of regret.



>Intel has begun providing software and firmware updates to mitigate these exploits. Contrary to some reports, any performance impacts are workload-dependent, and, for the average computer user, should not be significant and will be mitigated over time.


what did you think these children would change their minds

if they actually knew a thing or two about technology they wouldn't be fanboy memers to begin with

the fix isn't going to slow down your mom's facebook laptop ie the "average user"

it's just going to lose commercial hosts and big tech companies a metric fuckload of money

>it's just going to lose commercial hosts and big tech companies a metric fuckload of money
Oh shit. Didn't thought of that. They are fucked.


But what about VIA?

>yfw you bought Ryzen

>Meltdown wasn't the only problem uncovered by the researchers, however. They detailed a related issue dubbed Spectre, which they believe is harder to address than Meltdown and for which there aren't yet patches available. As noted in a whitepaper, which contains the full technical details, Spectre attacks induce a victim application to carry out the speculative execution "that would not occur during correct program execution and which leak the victim’s confidential information via a side channel to the adversary." Worryingly, it's not just Intel systems that are affected, but computers running AMD and ARM too, the researchers claimed. That would amount to not millions, but billions of machines.


Intel = 3/3
ARM = 2/3
AMD = 1/3


not for long...


not anymore




what about VIA processors?

>be amdrone
>get shit for using amd all your life
>get even more house-fire memes than NV
>suddenly meltdown and spectre begin the tech rapture
>only amdrones are gonna make it to heaven, the rest will burn
feels pretty

Got a source?

>tfw i picked the best time to be come an amd fanboy

Too good to matter.

>tfw you skipped upgrading to Intel and instead kept your trusty Phenom II

>kept your trusty Phenom II
Hear, hear.

Sorry AMD you are my master now

neat scaling. outdated anyway. have fun with all of your private data being leaked too friend

It's also affected by Meltdown :)

It is affected by Spectre and MAY be affected by Meltdown. The nice part is that I didn't pay for a brand new CPU that would be either bad or worse.

Awwwww, does someone have an Intel chip? Buyer's remorse? Too bad.

here's a solution: just disconnect your cpu until it's over and go outside for once you braindead goblins

I have been an Inteltard for life until this point, honestly this is the end of my support for Intel. My next build will be AMD, this has opened my eyes to just how fucking shitty Intel really is as a company, absolute untrustworthy scumfucks.

>mfw I upgraded from my x4 955 to i5 4690 in 2015

I'm going back to AMD this year, fuck intel.